no, not at all. Go for it, common practice. I suggest finding a place to read some info on the proper/correct way of doing this, there is stipulations on what to do/ what to leave behing for maximum re-growth and second harvest. Some folks go 3 harvests ~ BCbuddy
You can do that for sure.. I did it 2 weeks ago with my last ak-48 harvest. the main colas were ready but the smaller buds around the bottom still needed to fatten a bit, i harvested the top colas for in all off 3 plants and left the smaller buds too ripen and thick'n out.
I worked a treat and this is the way i always do it.
I dont know of a thread, but I do know from personal experience and from what ive seen others on here do it's perfectly fine, dont worry bout hermies. In fact you can do it multiple times(called a staggered harvest, look that up and you might have better luck looking for it) and harvest in layers so to speak.
I'm going for a nicely balanced 3 round harvest this cycle, just did the first round yesterday. It does delay my clones waiting in veg, which probably reduces overall output at the end of the year, but they don't mind extra training, and I get more higher quality flowers.