Harvesting time (Trich Colours) ??


Well-Known Member
Ok i have a quesiton, iv been reading that harvesting your plants at diffrent times give diffrent highs, can anyone tell me the diffrence of high ? Harvesting at Clear trich Cloudy and Amber ??

Thanks guys !


Well-Known Member
when they are cloudy its mature to harvest after that they degrade into CBN which gives a couch lock high(thats when theyre amber) alot of ppl like to wait till some of the trichs have turned amber before they harvest, its not completely necessary tho


A lot of people seem to be confused when it comes to trich colors and harvest time. My take on this is that trich colors are not the main contributors of the type of high you get. It's with the strain. Just harvest when it's ripe to get the full effect of the strain your growing.

Trich colors should not be the only thing to consider when determining when to harvest. The over all look of the plant should be considered. Like the fan leaves turning yellow, receding bronze pistels and buds should already be swollen. I don't know if anyone else notice that there is a stage in flowering where there will be noticeable swelling of the bud where the pistels comes out from.

One thing sure though, better harvest late than early.


Well-Known Member
like drenots said, trich color is not enough of an indication when it comes to when to harvest your plants.

also, to my understanding, and after much reading - THC breaks down only when trich heads start to look like they're deformed (which makes the most logic).

i harvested a bagseed little early, buds came out too much fluffly, they make you high, and i do mean high, due to the early harvest (comparing to the bud they came from, which was a total "one hit wonder") but almost no taste, and smell, they could definitely use an extra week or 2 before harvest.