Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

Mine wasn't caused by coughing, I always supress it...Oddly enough, come to think of it, on our homepage Cheech makes mention of it...
As far as doing it to people on purpose, that is some funny shit, but i wouldn't do it at my place, only if I was going to there's to smoke them out...
Well i can update, with me it's just smoke it would seem. Got back from work for my lunch, had a cigarette and ended up puking my lunch straight back out. bah. I'm a disgrace to tokers :D
Once me, my older brother, and a friend had a very nice toking session in our garage. first we had already had
2 "black & mild" blunts then we went inside and rolled ourselves 2 joints each, after we got done with these
I scarffed down a peice of pizza..maybe 2..i cant remember lol

then a little after that i was at an overwhelming high and started to get nauseas and puked outside hahahaha then they came outside to see me on all fours and just made jokes back and forth.
(high little rascals!)
I puke once as I was 14 i was some H:joint:G creeper and I was hitting it hard it before a school dance and I was choughing so hard it came up good it was mostly spit and junk
it still a fun time (but I kept come back to smoke more ):joint:
I smoke out of my foot tall bong almost daily...and this one time i loaded prob the largest bowl i possibly could...about halfway through the bowl i just took a rip to massive for me...don't get me wrong...i can RIP the FK out of my bong but the first time i ever threw up right after we smoked Salvia, we loaded that bowl of weed...

I guess the coughing led to my throwup..but damn it was a big ass hit