Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

OMG just 3 days ago I smoked a joint of some shit! my friend gave me that was just horrid quality bud. It made me fucking dizzy and I puked 3 fucking times, also had the high anxiety feelings and thought I was going to die! I was trying to sleep it off but I couldint close my eyes because it made me feel like I was falling and at the same time getting spun by a tornado. I just had to wait it out for 3 hours and finally fell asleep. I've had this happen to me like a total of 7 or 8 times it sucks! He was fine for some reason I don't know if it was the bud or what but this happens to me every 4-5 months. And ive been somkin for 2 years now.
The day i could start smoking again after taking a 6 month tolerance break i bought my first zong, i packed a bowl of grapefruit and milked the shit out of it on greenz, filled the bong up entirely with solid white smoke so thick you could barely see light through it, then cleared it in one fluid rip. I coughed so hard that i puked like 4 times then passed out for like 6 hours. That zong is still my fave, its just the standard size, glass-on-glass-on-glass/w gill style diffuser, but just that memory of the "christening" is one of my most fond.

some people get so high that they freak out and end up vomiting as a reflex.
I threw up for 2 months straight every day smoking with mono lol, it was like night and day tho after the smoke, it helped a LOT!!
Used to whitey all the time, i used to think it was because i was drunk first and then smoked weed/hash or maybe having tobacco in joints, but even with pure weed joints i was still sick. Finally i worked out it was smoking the rolling papers that were making me sick, which is strange as i smoke cigarettes which obviously have paper!
Only take bong hits now, can take them when i'm drunk/sober/on other drugs and i never puke or feel like i need to!
I never puked, but when I was a teenager a rather heavy set friend of mine used to at least once a month. Not from the smoke, but he used to stuff his face with so much food so fast after smoking he'd throw up from it sometimes. It was disgusting. One time he ate a box of donuts and washed them down with like a 1/2 gallon of milk and puked all over our friend's bathroom. Threw up everywhere EXCEPT the toilet. Even after cleaning it up his apartment smelled like puke and spoiled milk for weeks afterward. Another time he ate an entire bag of nacho cheese doritos and puked up bright orange all over a basketball court where we would hang out sometimes. The stain was there for the rest of the summer.
whiteys are fucking hilarious!

except from when its you whos doing the urk-ing

fuck, sometimes if we have 'guest faces' round (guest faces being mates who dont really come round that often, or never) we go hardcore on them just so we can have a laugh when they barf
the funnest times with weed are when someones had too much and they cant deal with it
whiteys are fucking hilarious!

except from when its you whos doing the urk-ing

fuck, sometimes if we have 'guest faces' round (guest faces being mates who dont really come round that often, or never) we go hardcore on them just so we can have a laugh when they barf
the funnest times with weed are when someones had too much and they cant deal with it

thats pretty mean... but fair

cant hang with the best, leave like the rest. or sit and smoke more just as long as you dont smell like vomit, we dont need a chain-reaction/puke-cypher
Aight so i smoke all the time with my brother and his bestfriend (aaron), and aaron is a total boss at smoking, he can take some huge hits. But whenever we smoke alot of really good shit he always pukes. We K'd an 8th once from a bowl and we were all fucking annihilated and 45 minutes later he puked behind an amatoes. One time he just had a small puff off a joint and he puked everywhere. Another time he had 2 HUGE bong hits, and he puked behind a dairyqueen half hour later.

So is this shit normal? or is he just a noob?
YES, I have, a friend of ours used to buy $40 oz, and we would smoke it the same night as quick as possible. The rules were no one takes a break until everyone agrees to take a break...One of those times we got through it quicker than usual and I threw up, only one good time, but it was bad...surprised because thats not the highest I've ever been, that was at an all weed party (weed tea, weed in food, joints, bongs, weed beer, everything had weed in it...)And of course hitting the joints and bongs makes you thirsty, so what did I do? Yep, slammed down an assload of weed tea. I was so fucking high, It took most of the next day to remember how I got into the chair I woke up in, I remember sitting in the chair with my heart beating faster than hell saying to my heart, "please don't burst...." Which I know now would not have even been plausible...yea, I was so fucking beyond roasted....
I never really had the smokers cough thing...namely 'cause I've always suppressed it. Burns to much to cough, so I just don't. I've noticed my resistance has gotten a lot higher than I would like it to be...:(
I've seen many of my friends 'green out' one time in the middle of a crowded city square where F1 cars were ragging it through the streets, we canned some fatty King L's and 4 0f my 7 mates faces/lips went a purple/blue colour eyes propper red and they barffed all over the place it was some strong bud and we did finish them King Ls pretty quick but most of my mates passed out down an ally lol, it was pretty rare lol, The only time I ever puked was when I nailed a bucket with a 2L bottle and some purple haze, it was a fucking huge hit and I also swallowed a fuck load of the manky water at the bottom..... 4 - 3 - 2 - 1.....................PUKE! lol oh well, but that was a 1 off - STELTHY
me and 4 boys went camping in a public park when we were about 16, we used to go most weekends, by the duck pond. any way we bought half a bar of hash (4.5.oz) to have a good smoke, we finished the lot bonging for hours then when were going home on the bus i pulled the doors open and jumped out at traffic lights and spewed every where. i walked to swansea bus station to meet my friends, who stayed on the bus, and was sick about 15 times(not exagerating) while walking through the city center on a saturday lunch time. in the end i didnt care, spew just randomly shot out of me every few steps i walked about 2 miles and the filth picked me up at the bus station, only had a caution and a lift home so saved me a few quid on the bus.
thats pretty mean... but fair

cant hang with the best, leave like the rest. or sit and smoke more just as long as you dont smell like vomit, we dont need a chain-reaction/puke-cypher

well theyre smoking for free, and weve only got a ps1 and a normal xbox for entertainment so yeah haha ;D