Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

carboload is not just mallases(It does contain mallases as does sweetleaf) its main ingredient is deoxy ribose an unusual simple sugar that is found in all living cells it is rapidly available to plants and animals faster than other carbohydrate sources and it is also usefull for cellular energy. it is expensive though d-ribose is also sold as a supplement for athletes and people with cardiac issues. sweet contains various flavor enhancers like sandalwood extract etc... and many essential amino acids vitamins and minerals. currently im using plane mallases but when i can afford i prefer these carbohydrate products to mollases.
overdrive does work.. fattens em up nicely and increases resin production..

do not start using it at week 4, start using it 2 weeks before the final flush and you will love it... best used in conjunction with big bud.

check my grow, i am using both.... the nuggs speak for themselves
I use the three part advanced nutrients have ran a cycle without overdrive, ran one with it. I myself noticed a huge difference with ALL my strains!! (have alot) Iive been using it for a year or so now and wouldnt go back, EVER!!! Also, I have pretty much always used final phase but have tried lowering the ppm, then flushing with just water. depending on what type of plants you are growing, you WILL have different outcomes, experiment a bit!!!
what bad will happen if you start using it at wek 4 and go til the end? it seems like if you can keep on top of giving them plenty of nutes, it wouldn't be such a bad thing
overdrive does work.. fattens em up nicely and increases resin production..

do not start using it at week 4, start using it 2 weeks before the final flush and you will love it... best used in conjunction with big bud.

check my grow, i am using both.... the nuggs speak for themselves
hey flo when we gonna see round 4?
I just opened my jug of Overdrive and there is absolutely no molasses in it; I guarantee you. This stuff is for the final phase of your grow and if you use Advanced Nutrients products you'll also be using several other additives so it is impossible to tell which one is making a big impact. Now I'm sneezing my damn head off from sniffing the OD. AN products are top shelf and well worth it.

Hey potpimp, didn't you say"I hate to be the only one dissenting here but I bought as much of the A.N. line as $500 would get me and my grow was not as good as the soil grow I did side by side or the next grow which was done with Iconic grow and bloom (about $60 for the 2 gallons). I saw the Nutrient Challenge on YouTube too and I was all pumped up about it; that's why I spent so much money on it. I'm using Dutch Master now and I don't think it's any better than it or the Iconic." Just curious, cause I'm a little confused????

So is AN top shelf or snake oil? Please clarify.
anyone use there bud factor x product? im testing it now my plants are doing well but who knows the exact reasons. im using floranova bloom/superthrive/bud factor x/floralicious plus/gh vegan compost tea/ gh sub culture/ an piranha/hygrozyme/ gh kool bloom and floranectar i think thats it but i may have forgotten something i will be adding a couple more an products soon as i run out of gh stuff well see the gh works seemingly well.




this a few pictures of my 1st crop its 10 blue cheese in a 1.2 by 1.0 metre square tent wich is also 2 metres high with a 600w grow in auto pots feeding on coco and the canna nutrients.....could anybody tell me if they look ok......im using cannaboost for flowering does anybody know if i could use the boost then switch to advanced nutrients over drive without any problems...im new to this website so if ive done this wrong somebody help me out pls
1st grow with blue cheese





this a few pictures of my 1st crop its 10 blue cheese in a 1.2 by 1.0 metre square tent wich is also 2 metres high with a 600w grow in auto pots feeding on coco and the canna nutrients.....could anybody tell me if they look ok......im using cannaboost for flowering does anybody know if i could use the boost then switch to advanced nutrients over drive without any problems...im new to this website so if ive done this wrong somebody help me out pls

this is my 1st grow im growing blue cheese....i want to use over drive....ive got 10 blue cheese in a tent wich is 2 metres high and 1.2 by 1.o metres with a 600w im growing them in 16 litre pots with auto pots im growing on coco and the canna nutrients could i switch to over drive in the last 2 weeks without any problems my plants are into the 21st day of 12/12 and ther just under 4 feet....do u have any idea how many oz a plant i could get.....heres a few pictures
why should i be careful.....do u mean by not giving it a big dose the first time ,start of small and then ease up to the highest dose....thanks for the help.....so have u used cannaboost in soil and then switched to over drive the last 2 weeks before flush....it would be good if u have done this before because it would be nice to hear it from someone who has actually done it before...ive been trying to find this out for a good few weeks,ive been told to do it and not to do it by a couple of people...peace
advanced nutrients works mang i use their entire line and my plants are juicy. just becareful with the super bloom booster cause you have to be in the final two weeks to drain the nitrogen. did a plant too early and she got fucked up. but yes over drive with all that other stuff works nice fo far i am very satisfied with AN
advanced nutrients works mang i use their entire line and my plants are juicy. just becareful with the super bloom booster cause you have to be in the final two weeks to drain the nitrogen. did a plant too early and she got fucked up. but yes over drive with all that other stuff works nice fo far i am very satisfied with AN
I am interested as well in using the overdrive to finish up my girls, I have been using botanicare pure blend, silica blast, monster bloom and sweet and just finished up w cal mag that I had. I'm suppose to drop the monster bloom in the final 2 weeks and want to substitute this for the finish, do I keep going with my other nutes in full force or back off when adding this, the monster bloom makes up 150-175 ppm of my stew, less than 3 weeks left I'd say. What do u think