Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

overdrive is not molasses... i am using it now for the first time. so i cant tell if it is making a diff.

It might not be the same thing as molasses but the question is will adding molasses do the same thing as overdrive? Does the benefit of adding overdrive warrant the price of the bottle of nutrients? I don't know about this product specifically, but the answer is usually no to the question of "is it worth it?" with most of these additives.
The people saying this or that is basically the same thing as molasses are just trying to convince themselves they're "stickin' it to the man" by cheaping out.

Think of it like this. If you take two identical apples and put one of them in a vacuum-sealed mason jar and leave it on a shelf somewhere for a year will it be "basically the same thing" as the other apple was when it was eaten fresh?

Absolutely identical ingredients in both cases - nothing added or subtracted, right?

It's not the ingredients that's important in this (and many other) case(s). It's the way it's assembled. There's literally billions of ways to combine things to give any specific NPK and micronutrient ratio. Not all of them are actually fertilizers.

To the point here, Overdrive is awesome. I use it for the final 2 weeks before the flush. It actually seems to delay the final maturation of the buds for a couple days compared to the plants that don't get it. Buys me those extra few days to pack on even more weight, and really brings out more flavor.

For several years I was buying the entire nutrient/additive lines from several different brands. I switched to just using a two part nutrient system, molasses, and a PK booster. After switching I really didn't notice any difference at all. Just because there is an expensive additive out there doesn't mean it's worth it. Most of this shit is just snake oil IMO.
It might not be the same thing as molasses but the question is will adding molasses do the same thing as overdrive? Does the benefit of adding overdrive warrant the price of the bottle of nutrients? I don't know about this product specifically, but the answer is usually no to the question of "is it worth it?" with most of these additives.

The answer is "it depends", honestly. Does molasses do the same thing as overdrive? No, not really. If you want to compare molasses to a product made by Advanced Nutrients a fairer comparison would probably be Bud Candy. Maybe Big Bud. If you're growing in hydroponics molasses isn't really an option. The hydroponic-specific additives have the huge advantage of being formulated specifically for hydroponic applications, meaning they're already completely broken down and available for the plants to use as food and, perhaps more importantly, as unappetizing to harmful microbial life as possible. Molasses is just a dream food for all kinds of slimey nasty things that want to grow in your reservoir. It's possible to use it without an explosion of snot in your equipment, but it's unlikely. If you're growing in soil it doesn't cause that kind of problem and I would say to try lots of different things to see what you like, including molasses.

For several years I was buying the entire nutrient/additive lines from several different brands. I switched to just using a two part nutrient system, molasses, and a PK booster. After switching I really didn't notice any difference at all. Just because there is an expensive additive out there doesn't mean it's worth it. Most of this shit is just snake oil IMO.

Sometimes the key to moving faster is to lighten the vehicle rather than put more power in it. If you don't have what you're using dialed in right and you get rid of a bunch of additives making for a simpler feeding schedule you're able to employ more efficiently, it wouldn't be at all surprising to see similar or even better results. Now what I'd suggest would be to reintroduce the stuff you were using previously one at a time. See if you see any further improvement.

Think of it like a circus performer. You see him on a 10 foot unicycle juggling flaming chainsaws. He didn't learn to do it that way. He learned to ride a normal unicycle. He learned to juggle balls. Then he practiced riding the unicycle and juggle the balls. Then, without the cycle, he learned to juggle progressively difficult things. Without juggling he learned to ride taller and taller unicycles. Little by little he added more and more aspects of difficulty to the act until he was able to do something really spectacular. A lot of growers try to jump right into juggling a dozen or more nutrients and additives and then, when things don't go as well as the guy they saw doing it, they assume it's the nutrients or additives that are the problem.

I could play Jimi Hendrix' guitar, but it would sound like crap unless I spent a lot of time learning to play.

I'm not saying you're a newbie or anything. I'm just saying there's a learning curve at play whenever we try to change how we do something. If we take on too many new things at once we often find ourselves overwhelmed and the result is less than we expect if we base it on what other people, who've practiced/learned more, have done.
A special product for your valuable hydroponic garden to get bigger harvest with less time effort. Really gives unbelievable output
I use the three part advanced nutrients have ran a cycle without overdrive, ran one with it. I myself noticed a huge difference with ALL my strains!! (have alot) Iive been using it for a year or so now and wouldnt go back, EVER!!! Also, I have pretty much always used final phase but have tried lowering the ppm, then flushing with just water. depending on what type of plants you are growing, you WILL have different outcomes, experiment a bit!!!

Hey. Do you think it's ok to use full strength overdrive (2ml/L) after a soil flush. 3 weeks remaining (10/11 week strain)
Hey. Do you think it's ok to use full strength overdrive (2ml/L) after a soil flush. 3 weeks remaining (10/11 week strain)

That's a hard question to answer with so little information. Were you giving them that much before? Are you giving them anything else?
Under typical situations I'd see no problem giving them that strength a dose of Overdrive, but there are still going to be a lot of variables I can't account for. You should be fine, just keep an eye on them and don't try feeding way above what you had been doing before.
I'm telling you, it's all bullshit. The only thing you're going to get out of products like these is an empty wallet and bud that tastes bad. I know of no successful big time grower that uses any of this bs.
All I need to say is most cannabis cup winners use advanced as well as many big time med grow ops use most of the extra others better base nutes out there in my belief but the extras are where its at sure u can fig out sum thing that works better but who knows how long it will take to match AN and who knows how many grows might by lost due to mess ups ethierway get a high times and read up in just how many cup winners use something from advances just my opinion but I've seen/ smell my shit get better with each advanced product some prob are snake oil but the better buds tribe is worth it as well as b52/ and rino skin I've seen the difference without and with it in my holy grail and nothing has compared to it I also run a compost tea 24-7 except last week of flush so they get everything they possibly can these are at 5 week day 6 dwc 600 w hps 1200ppm sensi bloom / bud ignitor/big bud/overdrive/b52/budcandy/rino skin/ carbo load/senzyme, hydroguard, hberg tea 3 weeks left what u think


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All I need to say is most cannabis cup wins are awarded to whoever pays the most for the 'title' and that is common knowledge ;-)
What about all the medical grow ops like alma Colorado as a example that just one I believe there products speak for them selves
I get that all the high times shit is all to who has the most money but AN works well for me i don't really wanna switch up
Sweet we have a AN Overdrive conversation, I tried few times to start one but it didn't gather any attention.
Anyway I am in the beginning of the final weeks period and first timer with Overdrive.
It was difficult to know that if I should had done the 7th week still to the end with PK 13/14 and then switch to Overdrive..
my strain is 9 weeker ..and I did the longer PK usage period with slow build up ,,the thing is that with the short usage 7-10 days would have been from the beginning to the end of of 7th week(or maybe rather around 6th and 7th week ,in a 9 week strain),, that is the main PK usage window..anyway to use the Overdrive is also beginning of 7 week....so the main need for PK would had been there but instead I decided to empty reservoirs and fill with new water 2ml/liter Overdrive and around 2ml/base nutes (around 2ml of them because my target EC was 1.8)..
and actually in one reservoir I also added some PK to get the EC up...but in my understanding the PK is not particularly meant to be used at the same time with Overdrive...so I am going to run it at least for the next 2 weeks and if necessary I will do a final PK 13/14 boost before flush...so lets see how Advanced Nutrients will perform...my Base nutes are Canna Coco range.
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I'm at week 6 of 9 I'm 600 watt dwc sensi bloom bud candy,bud ignitor
, big but, overdrive, rink skin carbo load and b52 have 2 week then flush AMD I've had a lot of problems spidermites, wpm but rid the girls of them before flower buds are swelling up quick I believe the bigger buds tribe works very well not disappointed yet anyway
So which one you like to use at the same time as Overdrive, Big Bud is meant to use until you start Overdrive...do you find difference with or without b52 , personally I don,t care about Bud Candy at least for the reason what its for..and I always grow in Hydro style newer in soil...its nice to find additives which actually work for increasing weight,size and strength...
Ou jeah that reminds me to maybe go and buy 4 ultraviolet lamps for the final 2-3 weeks of flowering ...you just put them to work at the same time as the others for the final weeks and it can add up to 5% of thc strength to your crop...
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It may work well for you which is fine but it's not going to grow better cannabis than another brand. Salts are salts. How much you want to pay is up to you.
Salts are not salt that's diff stuff n p and k can be derived from that's like saying that all carbs and food are the same like comparing mc Donalds to a nice steak and potatoe dinner there's a big diffence same for NPK u should really do sum research on AN products they have a nice mag called bigger better buds I have volume 3 its the same as volume 2 tho