Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?

Read bigger better buds from advanced salts are not all the same

And my contention is that's more marketing hype than truth, companies tell half truths and lies all the time bro... Its called marketing...

Just because they published a paper on their website

1)Doesnt make it true.
2)Doesn't mean they aren't omitting facts that make their product less appealing.
Yes a healthy plant but to give it what it wants when it wants it at the levels it wants it is another story like I said before sure u can get the same results using other brands but how many runs do u have to go though or lose till u get it perfect I don't have the time to mess around that much that why i use AN my opinion is there made for weed they don't try to hide it and have dine the most research

The Research has has been done long ago, cannabis is not a special mysterious plant with special needs. It's quite similar to many plants currently farmed commercially.
Yes it is like other plants but u can't say it eat the same amount as tomato's or cabbage all u need to do is read up on this stuff as I have there paper isn't the only one saying this if there stuff wasn't the best then why do all Tue medical cannabis grow OppS use at least a few of there products not saying there stuff is better then the next it is however one of the best lines out there as of today read up on why fully chelated I haven't had to adjust my pH since I started it
Hell I don't even check PH, haven't tested for it in years and I use Jack's chem nutes.

While I don't endorse AN nutes I will say most of the research done by Big Mike was spot on. The sad part was most of his customers don't listen to all of it LOL
Magnesium phosphate,potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulfate

These are the magical ingredients in overdrive, probably $1 worth of common elemental salts. No magic here bruh...

Price:500ml $25 advanced nutrients price.
And yes long ago they did the research but advanced has recently in cannabis is what I'm say I g most of this research was done on tomatoes because u couldnt test nutes on cannabis yep I'll pay 25 to make sure they get what they want exactly when they want it with out have to worries about burns or stressing
And my contention is that's more marketing hype than truth, companies tell half truths and lies all the time bro... Its called marketing...

Just because they published a paper on their website

1)Doesnt make it true.
2)Doesn't mean they aren't omitting facts that make their product less appealing.
Yes I get there trying to sell there products I would to but there not going to pay people to do the research and then post all lies about it I mean they have a money back garentee not sure if any other nutes company's offer that or the 24 hour grow support ur not just paying for the nutes
Yes I get there trying to sell there products I would to but there not going to pay people to do the research and then post all lies about it I mean they have a money back garentee not sure if any other nutes company's offer that or the 24 hour grow support ur not just paying for the nutes

I can sit here and type up a paper and tell you I paid a team of scientists, to prove this or that. Does that make it true?

If it's so foolproof why do they offer 24hour grow support?

Gaurantees are a marketing gimmick and the losses are factored into the cost of the product, it's a common business model. It doesn't mean the product is better.
What the money back thing is for people that don't think there shit works then they try it realize and don't return it cuz it works cuz I don't see them being the number one nutes company if there shit was a sham or there research all I know is its working the best for me at this point in my grow and I'm super happy with it so I don't mind sharing my experience with it
Well a lot of people use it or are getting paid to say they are like the grand daddy purp crew high country healing alma I get a lot of my info from high times which I fig would be accrete but mabey not have you guys even read the pH manifesto at all?
Well a lot of people use it or are getting paid to say they are like the grand daddy purp crew high country healing alma I get a lot of my info from high times which I fig would be accrete but mabey not have you guys even read the pH manifesto at all?

Hightimes is paid to endorse companies and they will endorse anyone or anything that pays them to do so.How exactly can that be considered a reliable source of truth?

The pH manifesto is pure marketing hype, chelation of minerals is nothing new.
Well a lot of people use it or are getting paid to say they are like the grand daddy purp crew high country healing alma I get a lot of my info from high times which I fig would be accrete but mabey not have you guys even read the pH manifesto at all?
Yes I have, as I said earlier Big Mikes research is spot on, he even came out and said High P was not needed but yet growers are still doin the high P thing LOL
I didn't know that the articles are wrong don't see why the gran daddy purp crew would lie or let them say whatever they want bit anyway I believe overdrive works for me and will cont to use them in till Simone want to do a side by side
I didn't know that the articles are wrong don't see why the gran daddy purp crew would lie or let them say whatever they want bit anyway I believe overdrive works for me and will cont to use them in till Simone want to do a side by side

Well I'm glad they work for you, and if you like them then by all means keep using them.

I'm just trying to point out there really isn't any magic at work here and many growers produce extremely well with far less spent on their nutrient program.

I'm not saying an products don't work or are bad, I'm just saying they aren't worth the money they charge for them.
Fuck..few bucks here or there because you want to be d.i.y. guy to save few bucks.. go and order from the whole sale of raw ingredients and start building your own nutes from scratch with trial and error...its like going on a holiday but don't/can't spend any money because you want to save..stay home then make your own spaghetti and mincemeat ...
I do like that somebody who can cook to make my food , instead of me to spend time to sweat in the kitchen..
I believe they are but that's just me I don't have the time atm to fudge around I work a crazy amount and just grow for me an my wife my res is only 17 gallons and I can do a run for 100 bucks for a pound is way better then what I'd pay any day anywhere
Put it simple, Carboload is "Unsulfur Blackstrap Molasses" (100% organic carbohydrates) plus some other staff. Just buy Unsulfur Blackstrap Molasses; better from sugar cane, it's cheaper (about $2.00 a pound). Don't get the "sulfured" one.

1. Just warm some water, mix the amount o molasses you want to use and apply this to you reservoir. Some people recommend 1 tbsp/gal (15 ml/gal); aprox 4ml/L. I use less, 2-3 ml/L.

2. I Highly recommend you to apply some micro organism, micorrhizae o bacteria, since you put your ladies into vegetative period, to avoid bad micro organisms infestation, and to help the symbiosis that helps the grow of the root system that helps the nutrients intake.

3. One alternative for Bud Blood is Phosphoload, expensive as Bud Blood which a haven't tried; but phosphoload is excellent. The active ingredient in these products is a bonsai hormone known as Butrazol that stops the vegatative grow and promotes bloom grow, but you should be very careful. I apply phosphoload (plus Piranha/Tarantula together, nothing else) only two times, the first and second week of blooming. After that I apply Big Bud for 2-4 times depending in the variety and the blooming period. Too much phosphoload develop "stones", but you don't get 'to see' the "crystals." Too much Big Bud extra-develops the female pistile which gives a no good looking. That is my experience.
Shit info, the ingredient is paclobutrazol and it is a carcinogen and it hinders trichrome development, it's for cash croppers that aren't going to smoke thier own.

Please hand out the correct information or none at all noobs get confused