Has anyone ever used OVERDRIVE by Advanced Nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I got a small "free sample" bottle of overdrive with a nutrient package i ordered from AN. Has anyone ever used it and what are your comments about it? From everything I've read, its an ultra premium flower booster. I just added it to my nutes at 1/2 strength. Here's a link if your interested. Let me know any info you may have. :hump:

Thanks in advance :peace: out

Overdrive | Advanced Nutrients | Budding and Harvest Stimulator
I got a small "free sample" bottle of overdrive with a nutrient package i ordered from AN. Has anyone ever used it and what are your comments about it? From everything I've read, its an ultra premium flower booster. I just added it to my nutes at 1/2 strength. Here's a link if your interested. Let me know any info you may have. :hump:

Thanks in advance :peace: out

Overdrive | Advanced Nutrients | Budding and Harvest Stimulator

Never used it but most of these things are just repackaged molasses. Check this link:
Molasses, Unsulphured - Ingredients Descriptions and Photos: An All Creatures American International Vegetarian Vegan Recipe - cruelty free, gourmet, recipes, lifestyle, food, appetizer, appetizers, beverage, beverages, bread, breads, roll, rolls, ca
for the ingredients in regular unsulphured molasses and you'll find most of them are the same as the expensive "bloom boosters".
Thanks ZTF...I'm already using molassas so I guess they just got a double dose. Maybe I'll have buds twice the size now heh? Ha ha ha...just kidding.

I'll note if there is any substancial growth over the next few weeks.

Thanks :hump:

:peace: out
overdrive is not molasses... i am using it now for the first time. so i cant tell if it is making a diff. but it has alot of beneficials in it . my plants dont hate it..i wonder about all these extra additives sometimes , but i will say the advanced line has treated me right so far, when i switched from botanicare pbp. a saw an incredible diff.. not to mention i can call advanced and say hypothetically i am growing thseeds sage and your product is doing this to it what should i do.. so i am going to use the overdrive..might leave it out in a round or two to see if it changes anything
I use Overdrive and I think it works great. It's used for two weeks after achieving maximum ppm. I've also used it for 3 weeks after peak nutes when I realizing I probably need another week of blooming. It helps trigger the plant into using all stored nutes into fruit production. I definitely seen my largest weight gains in that last two weeks. When I flush my plants I also use Final Phase. Final Phase is a flavor enhancer that would be more like molasses.
Vapor and Decimate, Thanks for the comments. I hope I'm in for a lil treat with this overdrive. We'll see. :hump:
If you combine Overdrive, Voodoo juice, carboload and big bud you will never go back I promise brother. Advanced Nutrients is worth the money. Im not saying its cheap but Im saying its worth it in weight that you get back out.
you got it.. unfortunately in a free market we always get a little less than we pay for..haha i would have it no other way...good luck and good day
The people saying this or that is basically the same thing as molasses are just trying to convince themselves they're "stickin' it to the man" by cheaping out.

Think of it like this. If you take two identical apples and put one of them in a vacuum-sealed mason jar and leave it on a shelf somewhere for a year will it be "basically the same thing" as the other apple was when it was eaten fresh?

Absolutely identical ingredients in both cases - nothing added or subtracted, right?

It's not the ingredients that's important in this (and many other) case(s). It's the way it's assembled. There's literally billions of ways to combine things to give any specific NPK and micronutrient ratio. Not all of them are actually fertilizers.

To the point here, Overdrive is awesome. I use it for the final 2 weeks before the flush. It actually seems to delay the final maturation of the buds for a couple days compared to the plants that don't get it. Buys me those extra few days to pack on even more weight, and really brings out more flavor.
Right on hooked.on.ponics!! I've used it for the first time this grow (see my signature) and have had AWESOME results. Must be those overpriced Advanced Nutrients products heh? Grammas Molassas aint never worked this good!! :hump:
Holmes, I normally start with 25% or 1/4 of the recommended lowest nutrient dose. I bump it up from there and see how my girls react. Once I hit a bad reaction (nute burn) I back off to the last good % I gave them.
I just opened my jug of Overdrive and there is absolutely no molasses in it; I guarantee you. This stuff is for the final phase of your grow and if you use Advanced Nutrients products you'll also be using several other additives so it is impossible to tell which one is making a big impact. Now I'm sneezing my damn head off from sniffing the OD. AN products are top shelf and well worth it.
When I use the nutrient chart provided by AN, I mix everything by ratio. For some reason, if you mix the nutrients in the quantities it suggests its always is way too strong. Each week, I mixed all nutrients at 50% of what the chart said then took a ppm measurement (let's say it was 1000ppm). Then I used the recommended ppm for each week (say week 4 is 1500ppm) and found the difference from what my actual ppm was (1500-1000=500ppm). This would mean I need to raise 500ppm. It took 50% strength to get to 1000ppm so it should take an additional 25% to get 1500ppm.

Using 0ppm water is always ideal and makes this easier. You can use the same math if you don't have pure water, but you must adjust when finding the difference.

This gives me the same ratios that AN recommends on their chart, and allows me to hit exactly the ppm I'm looking for. You can also adjust your ratios when adding more or less water to the reservoir. If you don't want to use the entire product line, you can cut them out and simply adjust ppm by adding base nutrients. It's not necessary to increase the ratios among all supplements or beneficials. Adding too much supplements can throw off NPK ratios. Base nutrients have the correct NPK ratios, so it's perfect for increasing ppm for supplements you wish not to add or can't afford at the time.

Hope that makes sense. I would post my excel document with the water/nutrient ratios, but I don't know how.
Holmes, I normally start with 25% or 1/4 of the recommended lowest nutrient dose. I bump it up from there and see how my girls react. Once I hit a bad reaction (nute burn) I back off to the last good % I gave them.

That's good advice any time you change strains or nutrients. It's easier to fix underfeeding than overfeeding. Start out safe, and add as you see fit.

But if you're familiar with the strain and nutrient regimen you can skip straight to whatever is full-strength for that application.

For some reason, if you mix the nutrients in the quantities it suggests its always is way too strong.

Well you've got to factor in that the more light and CO2 you feed your girls the faster they'll grow and the more nutrients and water they'll need as a result. Unless I'm mistaken the nutrients manufacturers put all their numbers up as "optimal" conditions feeding. Some strains are hungrier than others too. If you get a heavy-feeding strain and stack everything in favor of insane, aggressive growth, they can take the full power settings from the calculator and come back for more.

Most of us just aren't running grow rooms anywhere near that level, so we have to cut it back or we'll burn the babies.
Its amazing stuff. start using it after week 4 until the end. dont forget to flush. advanced guarantees the product or your $$$$$ back!!!
I have done a 1-1/2 year experiment with the whole line of Advance nutrient additives (all of it) including2, 3 part, monkey juice, and with a side by side comparison with Fox Farm,Molasses, Seaweed, (Using carbon copy,same gene, light,etc.. I have had very good results with FF, but without having to add all the extra additives, I use FF in pass comparsion against Canna, Dutch Master, General Hydro, now I have move to the Humbolt nutrient line Humbolt, which is now matching AN in exact product line (so far I like the results) Before I forget, if you buy these following products from Advance Nut, Sensizym, Jump Start, part "B" Monky juice, Seaweed extract, quickly spoils in a room temp, need to be refrig other wise in the garbage they go,(stinky) trust me. I did find that I like most of the results but couldnt help being concern in using all these additives(overload) not to speak of the cost when I can get same results with FF and without all the extra effort, and as for additives, SweetLeaf, CarboLoad is another fancy form of malasses, foiler spray(in the being of the light out period,make sure you have good air curculations)) or in medium get the same results, OverDrive worked better as a foiler spray, The Tarantula and Piranha although expensive you do get alot in a little spoon full, voodoo Juice, what can I say Its expensive, I may continue using Tarantula, Piranha (maybe- now I am using Mayco Madness now by Humbolt) but wont spend the money again for Voodoo Juice. I do like Sensizym, although you probably get the same results from flat beer. VHO mainly made of "Ammoniacal Nitrogen"( Ammonia, used in kitchen floor cleaner) does straighten the stems(limbs) it seem to prolong the clones from taking root sonner(only make sense) I like to use Monkey Juice for my clones once the roots starts to show, it gentle on them plus it has almost a 4.0 ammoniacal nitrogen, Revive works, The products work fine, did it make me in wow factor? no! I feel that you can get the same results with alot less money and time involved,I have always have concern of overdosing the plants all these additives. I do see alot hype, you got to remember that there are only limited resourses that all these sourses come from, (there is alot of different car batteries labels out there, but there is only two factory in the world the make all the auto batteries) The problem is there is no regulation placed on these label (like vitamins) I could come out with a additive that state "use me and your buds will grow diamonds", who to stop me ( alittle exploded but you understand) Recerently in California EPA had some of the formula's reformatted because they said some of the ferterlizer had cancer causing carcinogenes,( only in ca, some fert, can't be sent to ca for that reseason or separately made for Ca, like "EN & EA") Keeping it simple is the best advise given, unless you enjoy it, Iam a big experiement (RD) guy, I enjoy keeping tight notes making comparisons. Have I had a big "WOW" factor NO, okay alittle, Iam not a big Dutch Master fan but when "penatrator and Light " came out, I was suprise at it reaction on the plants most leaves stood straight up. I do use penatrator on a regular bases, I do like how it works with other nutrients. I called and talked to the makers of "Suck It Up" and now waiting for its arrival, Iam curious to do a side by side comparison against penatrator (unofficial of course), makers of suck it up (extremegrowing.com) welcomes the test. You can get great results just get yourself a good base nutrient and good sourse of seaweed and molalisis and maybe a good flower booster, I really haven't seen much difference with this combination against all these high price stuff thats on the market. Iam a big fan of foiler spraying, I live in a very dry climate even in winter which allows me to spray anytime without concern for mold, foiler does the most good. Hope this help alittle.