has anyone seen these insects before?


Well-Known Member
these are approx 3-4mm in length, they are either very dark brown or black, they are a flying insect type beetle, they appear to be sap suckers infesting the 2wk old buds in an outdoor grow, an online search has not offered any info on these bugs, if anyone has dealt with them before i would appreciate any advice on how to eradicate them please, i have tried mite-rid on them but with no effect, ive never seen them before and they only appeared 1 wk ago, im in australiaIMG_2374.JPG IMG_2373.JPG
Weird mate, they look like the christmas beetles we get over here, they don't tend to bore into the buds though, just annoy the shit out of us if I'm having a smoke outside lol. Sorry to hear they are causing more issues for you mate :(
these are approx 3-4mm in length, they are either very dark brown or black, they are a flying insect type beetle, they appear to be sap suckers infesting the 2wk old buds in an outdoor grow, an online search has not offered any info on these bugs, if anyone has dealt with them before i would appreciate any advice on how to eradicate them please, i have tried mite-rid on them but with no effect, ive never seen them before and they only appeared 1 wk ago, im in australiaView attachment 3613488 View attachment 3613487
these things eat all the hairs off the buds as well as suck sap...3mm long...im worried about these things...1000's of em...ive ordered this stuff off ebay...hope it gives them a hard time, http://ocp.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/OCP254_Eco-Oil+Comm+Flyer_FA_LR.pdf
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still have not identified these things, though these certainly have the ability to damage a newly flowering plant, possibly even stunting it, i notice these critters are only interested in the newly forming pistils & young leaves which they suck sap & eat the pistils...yet they are not interested at all in the more mature buds found on other plants nearby, thats a blessing in that they do not have a scorched earth policy like some others, @ the moment trialing various proprietry bought herbal oil deterrents & results will be printed here soon
Do they jump or anything or bite holes in the leafs at all? It kinda looks like a flea beetle and they do go after newer plant growth so that might be why going after the newer pistols?
Do they jump or anything or bite holes in the leafs at all? It kinda looks like a flea beetle and they do go after newer plant growth so that might be why going after the newer pistols?
they do not jump but fly from plant to plant, pretty agile, can squash them when on plant leaves if quick enough, not a hard body to squash, they do not seem to suck sap from the main leaves but like to get right into where the new leaves are sprouting out from the stem & sap suck from there, so no marks left on leaves...though very noticeable is that they devour the pistils too, i live in a remote area and its possible these are an unknown species, ive looked in many bug charts online and cannot find it anywhere
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