have to get wisdom teeth pulled...

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
tell me some experiences. is it really as bad as people make it?
im not even sure if i need the procedure yet, my bottom left wisdom tooth is starting to peek through and its getting bigger. im trying to schedule an 'emergency' appointment for dentists to look at it. im actually more worried than i honestly think i should be and im having some anxiety over the whole thing. this is stupid, but for some reason, i just cant help it. should i be worried? please people who have gone through the procedure before give me some feedback.


New Member
Yup, mine are starting to pop up to, almost half way up. Figure People have gone thousands of years with no dentists...its naturall and its not to bad of a thing... you could probably go your hole life with them. I hear the drill em out, sounds scary, im going to procrastinate the shit out of my dentist appointment...


Well-Known Member
Hey skate,
I'm scheduled to get all four of mine pulled on the 10th. I am very nervous and would also like to hear other people's stories with the surgery. Thanks



Well-Known Member
I had all 4 of mine done at the same time. I was under anesthesia. I suggest if this is an option DO IT. its just better in my opinion. see an oral surgeon! :) anyways, I was surprised that with how many people exaggerate it it really wasnt that bad.

mine were ALL under the skin and bone, so i actually had it worse. the fact that yours are coming through is gunna help your case. My cheeks didnt swell up at all. It was a little painful but they give you plenty of vicodin for that and its perfect.

i did get dry socket even though i did everything they said to do and didnt do anything they told me not to do. that really sucked but i just told them to prescribe me extra pain killers instead of giving me those nasty clove dressings in my holes. wasnt too bad. i got to be a fatty and eat ice cream and have an excuse. lol.

it wont be bad. dont stress. :)


Well-Known Member
My experience was great, but from what I hear from my friends I'm a rare case. I had all 4 taken out at the same time, didn't feel any pain, and basically had a blast. The doc gave me valium 30 minutes before surgery. What a beautiful drug. I felt like I was walking on clouds. The room he had me in had neon lights and a jukebox going on. Apparently he was really into ambiance. I went under and woke up with gauze in my mouth. I went to work later that night, no pain killers, just careful of what I ate.

The doc told me though of this one Scientologist girl who, because of her beliefs, refused any form of anesthesia. No topical novacane, no laughing gas, nothing. Apparently she screamed bloody murder. Crazy shit.

Anyways, I hope it goes as well for you as it did for me.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I had all 4 of mine done at the same time. I was under anesthesia. I suggest if this is an option DO IT. its just better in my opinion. see an oral surgeon! :) anyways, I was surprised that with how many people exaggerate it it really wasnt that bad.

mine were ALL under the skin and bone, so i actually had it worse. the fact that yours are coming through is gunna help your case. My cheeks didnt swell up at all. It was a little painful but they give you plenty of vicodin for that and its perfect.

i did get dry socket even though i did everything they said to do and didnt do anything they told me not to do. that really sucked but i just told them to prescribe me extra pain killers instead of giving me those nasty clove dressings in my holes. wasnt too bad. i got to be a fatty and eat ice cream and have an excuse. lol.

it wont be bad. dont stress. :)

what exactly is dry socket?


Well-Known Member
when the hell was this? in the friken 1800s?

is it really still like that?
it's really not bad. it's more morbid then anything. just the thought of what they are doing grosses me out. they basically ripped my teeth out. i have issues with things like that. "the thought of what's really going on." i can't watch these true life Dr shows. i can't imagine "cutting' into someone. that's just not right. "here, let me lay you open and fix you." whatever. :evil:


Active Member
OH YEAH! forgot a question: can you be asleep during the procedure?
No they inject novacaine into your gums, you dont go to sleep.

They given me 2 appointments because i had to have 4 teeth out.

In the first i had one injection in the roof of my mouth, one on the side and one at the bottom. then they pull the teeth out and this happened both times.
I had my wisdom teeth pulled out and the worst part is the injections and the soreness after.
I Would recommend getting really really high before it and make sure your mouth is wet because on the first one it hurt like a bitch cos my mouth was dry so drink lits of water before it.

Have fun :joint: