Have you ever changed a diaper?

Have you ever changed a diaper?

  • Yes, many a diaper

    Votes: 37 67.3%
  • No, never

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • I don't use diapers

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I change my own every day

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Well have you? Up until 11 days ago, I honestly had never changed a diaper. Now I've lost track of how many I've done. Some easy. Some complicated. Some downright repulsive. Anyways? Have you ever changed a diaper? Any good diaper changing stories?
Well neo changing nappies (diapers as you call them) is easy at this stage believe me their is worst to come, wait until the baby starts eating real food and when you change the nappies their full of pieces of carrot and peas it will happen I assure you! Anyway how is the baby doin?


Well-Known Member
Well neo changing nappies (diapers as you call them) is easy at this stage believe me their is worst to come, wait until the baby starts eating real food and when you change the nappies their full of pieces of carrot and peas it will happen I assure you! Anyway how is the baby doin?
Well thanks for the warning granny, I guess. :-D Lil babe is doing good. All ready gaining some weight back, 5oz shy of her birth weight as of this past Friday. She's pretty awesome. Other than her thinking night is day and day is night! Thanks for asking!


Well-Known Member
I was able to doge diaper doody, butt did have to help
my youngest grandson with his paper work once before he learned to be self cleaning.:-?


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the warning granny, I guess. :-D Lil babe is doing good. All ready gaining some weight back, 5oz shy of her birth weight as of this past Friday. She's pretty awesome. Other than her thinking night is day and day is night! Thanks for asking!


Well-Known Member
been babysitting since an early age.. had younger siblings.. 4 kids..

seen my fair share of WTF what did you eat kid type diapers in my day... the key is to rinse the child in the dishwasher b4 and after


Ursus marijanus
been babysitting since an early age.. had younger siblings.. 4 kids..

seen my fair share of WTF what did you eat kid type diapers in my day... the key is to rinse the child in the dishwasher b4 and after
Avoid the Hot cycle. cn

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the warning granny, I guess. :-D Lil babe is doing good. All ready gaining some weight back, 5oz shy of her birth weight as of this past Friday. She's pretty awesome. Other than her thinking night is day and day is night! Thanks for asking!
Oh you will get used to that my daughter thought night was day and day was night until she was 3yrs old! It's a wonder I'm still here to tell the tale, glad she's doin well enjoy her they grow so fast :-?


Well-Known Member
4 daughters.Ranging from 22yrs old to 6yrs old.Yeah...changed quite a few.But my wife took care of the explosions.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the warning granny, I guess. :-D Lil babe is doing good. All ready gaining some weight back, 5oz shy of her birth weight as of this past Friday. She's pretty awesome. Other than her thinking night is day and day is night! Thanks for asking!
The tiredness hits at odd times because of the lack of scheduled sleep, we were doing laundry one day and decided to just relax a bit, mom-dad and baby chill'n. Not a sec after {or what seemed like a sec} we closed our eyes, my son had rolled over... off the bed and landed head first into a fresh load of laundry. It was from that moment on that I can now hear a mouse fart in a rain storm and wake up.


Well-Known Member
Never changed a diaper, never had to, but have seen many of them changed. Honestly, I had no idea what to do with kids for a long time, fuck I didnt know how to hold a baby til I was 17. My sister's friend brought her daughter over alot, so I learned tons.
How to hold a child, entertaining the child, how to set limits with what they can do, how to feed a kid, also cleaned her up and did her hair a few times. Some of my favorite memories are playing with the little girl, we'd color and I'd grab the water colors, so she'd learn how to hold the brush, showed her how to paint a bit. I always paint her nails, every time I see her. I have for a long time. Lol she now knows she can dry her own nails by blowing on them, like I did for her so many times. When she was younger, she used to crawl onto me or my sister and just knock out. Lmao I remember I was laying on the floor one time, she came and jumped on my back like she was saddling a horse.
She's 3 now, I miss her when she was little little.


bud bootlegger
your daddy'ness is running over neo.. it's very cool to see.. i'm jealous, i've never had a kid, but would love to one day.. i love reading all of the new stuff you're going through.. :D


Well-Known Member
your daddy'ness is running over neo.. it's very cool to see.. i'm jealous, i've never had a kid, but would love to one day.. i love reading all of the new stuff you're going through.. :D
Thanks RB. It's hard to keep it contained. The coolest thing thus far is watching her learn things already. Like she learned if she wants some good milk flow, she needs to get her tongue below the nipple. :-P

Damn kid gets more play than me!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I have changed a few, and its all kewl until they learn how to put odor in it. :lol:

Son-24, daughter 22

