Have you ever seen Spotted Leafs??


Active Member

Have any of you guys ever seen Spots on your leaves?:confused:

I have a Hindy Plant, no big setup just a Phototron and Plant Food. Plant Food is 20-8-16 and the first time I feed her was 4/9 and she's due on 4/30. I water every other day. more details on former threads.

Pictures can be found here: https://www.rollitup.org/members/snappy-albums-spots.html

please help any advice is helpful.

Note the panels in the phototron are Mirrored Window Tint.

Medicate Oftenbongsmilie


Active Member
Sort of looks like a spider mite problem, but with mine the leaves were more evenly spotted and destroyed. Could definitely be some other kind of pest. I dont think a nutrient def. would be as random.


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of spots like that and its indoor w/ no pests, in ff of. It didn' t seem to be spreading so I left it alone and doesn't seem to have any ill effect.


Active Member
You know what I forgot to mention People... Did you guys notice that the Stem also seems to have These spots?

are my eyes deceiving me?:wall: