Have you found your purpose in life?

Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.

Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.
You can do both if necessary....Do something you are good at (and don't hate) to pay the bills, and do something you love as a hobby...and many hobbies can make you money, and/or turn into a full time income/ business. I've been self employed my entire life and I'm about to retire, and have owned many different businesses, as my interests have changed over the years. Sometimes it takes years to become successful enough to pay the bills with doing what you like, so you either needs savings or 2 jobs for a while, sometimes.
You can do both if necessary....Do something you are good at (and don't hate) to pay the bills, and do something you love as a hobby...and many hobbies can make you money, and/or turn into a full time income/ business. I've been self employed my entire life and I'm about to retire, and have owned many different businesses, as my interests have changed over the years. Sometimes it takes years to become successful eĺnough to pay the bills with doing what you like, so you either needs savings or 2 jobs for a while, sometimes.
Thank you for the input fredo. I just want to wake up and be excited for something. Honestly, I've been a little unlucky lately because I lost the love of my life, my job and been battling with depression since I was a kid. I need to find something to do that will give me purpose. Something to get out of bed for. People tell me that I'm too young and I should enjoy myself more or travel but I know that time flies. I just don't want to die walking aimlessly. I've been feeling lost for many years. Helping others and psychedelics really make me feel better but I can't seem to help myself and solve my own problems.
Thank you for the input fredo. I just want to wake up and be excited for something. Honestly, I've been a little unlucky lately because I lost the love of my life, my job and been battling with depression since I was a kid. I need to find something to do that will give me purpose. Something to get out of bed for. People tell me that I'm too young and I should enjoy myself more or travel but I know that time flies. I just don't want to die walking aimlessly. I've been feeling lost for many years. Helping others and psychedelics really make me feel better but I can't seem to help myself and solve my own problems.
My sincerest condolences. You know what gives you that feeling of worth and job well done. Focus on those and expand. I get down and I do something that I know will make an other's day. Motivates and rewards beyond the presentation of such.
I have a few purposes. I am here to assist any in need I may encounter. To challenge fools to see another point of view. And most of all to try to share my learning's and skills with all before they go away with me. My boy is learning fast and I may succeed in getting him off to an honest start and understanding of life.

We all have a purpose. And all are related to the betterment of our world. Sadly never realized by most.
Hey brother, helping others is therapy for me. It always feels great. I'm glad you like to help as well. Your boy is your son?
Thank you for the input fredo. I just want to wake up and be excited for something. Honestly, I've been a little unlucky lately because I lost the love of my life, my job and been battling with depression since I was a kid. I need to find something to do that will give me purpose. Something to get out of bed for. People tell me that I'm too young and I should enjoy myself more or travel but I know that time flies. I just don't want to die walking aimlessly. I've been feeling lost for many years. Helping others and psychedelics really make me feel better but I can't seem to help myself and solve my own problems.

you do realize you prolly answered your own question in this statement don't you?

1> I need to find something to do that will give me purpose

answer: Helping others and psychedelics really make me feel better <---------

2: I can't seem to help myself and solve my own problems.

my answer: what can you do about it right now, if nothing.....then don't worry about the small things concentrate on what's in front of you, rather than behind you.....
Yes. Big now. Almost 17. But "Boy" to maintain roles. LOL.
That's great. Good parenting plays an important role in a kid's future. I'm sure he's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have him. I never got connected with my parents, especially my dad. It's like we have the exact opposite personality. To be fair, I'm scared to approach him because I don't see us getting along. Don't know what to talk about. I think I should try and have a conversation with him but he always brings me down. I hope he does it to make me stronger because he's not a bad person, just a little rough without filter. I made a promise to myself that when I become a father I will be connected to my kids and be a role model for them and guide them. I will truly try my best. One thing is for sure, when you become a father, you have purpose. 100%.
you do realize you prolly answered your own question in this statement don't you?

1> I need to find something to do that will give me purpose

answer: Helping others and psychedelics really make me feel better <---------

2: I can't seem to help myself and solve my own problems.

my answer: what can you do about it right now, if nothing.....then don't worry about the small things concentrate on what's in front of you, rather than behind you.....
I feel like I have nothing in front of me to concentrate on. By saying not to focus behind me, I assume you mean the past? I understand that and I agree, the past is the past. What happened, happened. No what ifs. I think something's off with my brain unfortunately because none of my friends get what I'm saying. But blaming depression is super lame. I won't blame mental illness. No way. I just need answers.
That's great. Good parenting plays an important role in a kid's future. I'm sure he's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have him. I never got connected with my parents, especially my dad. It's like we have the exact opposite personality. To be fair, I'm scared to approach him because I don't see us getting along. Don't know what to talk about. I think I should try and have a conversation with him but he always brings me down. I hope he does it to make me stronger because he's not a bad person, just a little rough without filter. I made a promise to myself that when I become a father I will be connected to my kids and be a role model for them and guide them. I will truly try my best. One thing is for sure, when you become a father, you have purpose. 100%.
Sounds like my childhood. Father was honestly a true old fashioned man of his word and ethics beyond mine to this day. We butt heads to his final weeks in life. Regrettably I realized too late it was just tough love trying to aid me after his passing. Swallow your pride and approach a conversation as a child in awe of the many decades of experiences he can share. Most no longer in our world. Despised and avoiding for over a decade. And man I regret it. I live the frustration of trying to raise a child with above average intelligence now.

Just give a chat an honest try. Ask why he is how is he is or more likely was. Age changes perspectives and people.
I feel like I have nothing in front of me to concentrate on. By saying not to focus behind me, I assume you mean the past? I understand that and I agree, the past is the past. What happened, happened. No what ifs. I think something's off with my brain unfortunately because none of my friends get what I'm saying. But blaming depression is super lame. I won't blame mental illness. No way. I just need answers.
But it is mental. "All in your head." We choose our paths or bow to fear of exploration. Lace your boots and jump in the swill. You make your own choices.
But it is mental. "All in your head." We choose our paths or bow to fear of exploration. Lace your boots and jump in the swill. You make your own choices.
You're right. I can't bow down to fear. I have to keep trying new things and keep being active. I'll also try to have a chat with my father. Family is important and if I get along with mine, it will be good for all of us.
Most people who suffer from depression can't control it on their own. It's not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. IMO you need professional help to get better and you won't find it here.
I'll take an hour in the woods on a stream before a decade on a couch talking to some fool who couldn't survive in the same place.

I say get back to nature. Away from co dependency on capitalism mandates.
when was the last time you looked in the mirror? what was "in front" of you?
It was me. So I have to concentrate on myself. I honestly try to improve on myself but still feel empty no matter what I do. Meditation, healthy lifestyle, no drugs (except lsd), not even weed. Just like growing it. There are still many things that I need to improve on for sure like being more social, spend time with parents and many more but still these things don't help me find my purpose. The reason I want to find purpose is because I truly believe I'm a very hard worker. If I could find something that gives me purpose and put my 100% on it, I would feel amazing. I think I just need to keep trying new things. Sorry for mediocre english bro, I'm greek.
Having several successive, small, achievable goals is a good place to start. Rather than 1 large goal. Don't expect to shoot for the moon and then be disappointed when you land in your neighbor's yard. You should have always been aiming for the neighbor's yard to start. Then the moon will seem a little closer from there. Good luck.
I feel like I have nothing in front of me to concentrate on. By saying not to focus behind me, I assume you mean the past? I understand that and I agree, the past is the past. What happened, happened. No what ifs. I think something's off with my brain unfortunately because none of my friends get what I'm saying. But blaming depression is super lame. I won't blame mental illness. No way. I just need answers.

With love brother. Start with the small things.
