Have you found your purpose in life?

It was me. So I have to concentrate on myself. I honestly try to improve on myself but still feel empty no matter what I do. Meditation, healthy lifestyle, no drugs (except lsd), not even weed. Just like growing it. There are still many things that I need to improve on for sure like being more social, spend time with parents and many more but still these things don't help me find my purpose. The reason I want to find purpose is because I truly believe I'm a very hard worker. If I could find something that gives me purpose and put my 100% on it, I would feel amazing. I think I just need to keep trying new things. Sorry for mediocre english bro, I'm greek.
Here's a hard truth. We live in a get rich quick, look at me society. Sick,but they look down on those that actually work hard and produce or maintain all those shiny things they are so quick to flaunt in vanity. Forget their disdain. Take pride in your efforts that allowed them the arrogance among other almost funny faults.
Most people who suffer from depression can't control it on their own. It's not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. IMO you need professional help to get better and you won't find it here.
I always had mood swings. I believe everyone had them. But my depression seems reasonable to me. I'm just depressed because like mentioned before, I walk aimlessly. I understand it's serious however because most of my friends and people my age also walk aimlessly and just want to live a good life which is understandable BUT they do not care about finding purpose or becoming great at something. I just feel useless. If I end going to a psychologist like my brother, i will just get prescription for seroxat or some shit like that and don't want that.
Having several successive, small, achievable goals is a good place to start. Rather than 1 large goal. Don't expect to shoot for the moon and then be disappointed when you land in your neighbor's yard. You should have always been aiming for the neighbor's yard to start. Then the moon will seem a little closer from there. Good luck.
Yup that's what happened to me hence I mentioned I gave my 100% to something and failed. Thanks for your input.
It was me. So I have to concentrate on myself. I honestly try to improve on myself but still feel empty no matter what I do. Meditation, healthy lifestyle, no drugs (except lsd), not even weed. Just like growing it. There are still many things that I need to improve on for sure like being more social, spend time with parents and many more but still these things don't help me find my purpose. The reason I want to find purpose is because I truly believe I'm a very hard worker. If I could find something that gives me purpose and put my 100% on it, I would feel amazing. I think I just need to keep trying new things. Sorry for mediocre english bro, I'm greek.

it's all good.....right now your purpose is to look into that mirror.....every morning and every evening......and just look at what's "in front" of you....the rest will at most just fall into place......
And understand that the numerous replies indicate a personal worth. Total strangers boosting you. You are not alone.
All the support says a lot about all of you guys. Thank you so much. People showed interested in both threads of mine and shows that are many good people that are willing to help a complete stranger out. I really don't want to have a "pity party" but my thoughts just do not align with the thoughts and beliefs of the people I speak to in my everyday life so wanted to get more opinions and perspectives from you guys. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.
"We are here on Earth to fart around. Don’t let anybody tell you any different.” — A Man Without a Country - Kurt Vonnegut

When Kurt Vonnegut was fifteen, he spent a month or so working on an archeological dig.

(A rather peculiar place for a young man that would one day grow up to become a tremendous writer of science fiction.)

He once told a story of how he was talking to one of the archeologists one day over lunch and the archeologist was bombarding him with all of the typical getting to know you questions…

“Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject?”
Vonnegut told the archeologist that while he didn’t play any sports he was in theater, choir, played violin and piano and used to take art classes.

The archeologist was impressed.

“Wow. That’s amazing!”

To which Kurt Vonnegut responded…

“Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.”
And this is where the archeologist said something to Kurt Vonnegut that Vonnegut would later say changed the trajectory of his thinking…

“I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

Here was how Vonnegut said the quote changed him…

*Kurt Vonnegut is typing now*
“…I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.”
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All the support says a lot about all of you guys. Thank you so much. People showed interested in both threads of mine and shows that are many good people that are willing to help a complete stranger out. I really don't want to have a "pity party" but my thoughts just do not align with the thoughts and beliefs of the people I speak to in my everyday life so wanted to get more opinions and perspectives from you guys. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I'm a loner who rarely speaks in real life. I don't relate. Impaired me for years. Now it is my pride. I'm me. One of a kind. Not copy of the sheep. Perspective.
I feel like no matter what you do in life if you enjoy your job or not , for me I have to find balance my modo is Work Hard / Play Hard that's my balance I do the bullshit I have to do not the stuff I like to and get it done to the best of my abilities then I go home shut my brain off and there are many life hacks for this , Alcohol, Weed, and occasionally pop open the party bag of psychedelics ! Just gotta find a way to turn your brain into mush lol / just kidding , but I'm not :bigjoint:
Yup that's what happened to me hence I mentioned I gave my 100% to something and failed. Thanks for your input.
Now what?

Will you even try to put 10% into the future?

So whatever it was, was. Where do you want to go now.


It's the special purpose I'm always looking out for.
Smoking pimp animated emoticon

Hello my good friends, hope you're all well. I've made a thread like this before because I was feeling lost in life and unfortunately I still am. When I try to talk to people about this, they look confused. I think I'm wasting my life way because I walk aimlessly. However, most people are like this and don't care or just don't think about it. I see myself, a lot of my friends and members of my family working jobs that we/they don't enjoy.

I've tried and gave my 100% before on something and I failed, and my confidence plummeted and stop trying new things. Is there a way to find my purpose? Would you pursue something that you love OR something that you happen to be good at?

Thank you for your time.
I don’t usually try to respond to these kinds of things. Because what I feel or think may be totally different than what u believe of need. With that said, I was reading and seeing some responses that made me cringe inside. And well, I can tell you this, we are not all the same. Some people are willing to accept whatever they fall into and fill the rest with garbage, others strive to achieve something more. Some of us want to make a impact and have some type of legacy to be looked upon by our loved ones once we’re gone. So the first ? Is which of these are you? And as for the job thing, you don’t have to just jump ship, you can find the thing that you love, do it as a hobby till you get good at it. And then jump and land on your feet! I will tell you that what you love will change over time (not so much getting burned out) just things change. We learn about new things, we get opportunities to do things that are new, just life moves forward. And not always when we want it to lol. I’m 50 now and have had a few different jobs I loved. I’ve turned hobbies to jobs n back again. N I am still always looking and accepting of new opportunities. If your looking for a single thing to satisfy your needs you may never find it. My advice is to try everything you can, learn as much as you can, enjoy life as best you can. Don’t let fear hold you back! Trust me there is nothing to be afraid of. Do you know why? Because no matter what you will survive! ( small disclaimer) due to the Karen’s of the world I need to say that we are talking normal stuff here. Please don’t go jump off a roof n die cuz I said “ no matter what you will survive “. Anyway, we as humans are constantly learning and experiencing new things. Evolution is what we are all about! And there is no room for fear if you want to evolve. Fear, if it is allowed, holds you in place or makes you turn and flee. And only you can determine just how to deal with your fears. But from one person to the next, step up and move past it. You will surprise yourself with what you can do if you just put the effort in.
Good luck in whatever you choose. And I truly hope everything works out for you.
"We are here on Earth to fart around. Don’t let anybody tell you any different.” — A Man Without a Country - Kurt Vonnegut

When Kurt Vonnegut was fifteen, he spent a month or so working on an archeological dig.

(A rather peculiar place for a young man that would one day grow up to become a tremendous writer of science fiction.)

He once told a story of how he was talking to one of the archeologists one day over lunch and the archeologist was bombarding him with all of the typical getting to know you questions…

“Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject?”
Vonnegut told the archeologist that while he didn’t play any sports he was in theater, choir, played violin and piano and used to take art classes.

The archeologist was impressed.

“Wow. That’s amazing!”

To which Kurt Vonnegut responded…

“Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.”
And this is where the archeologist said something to Kurt Vonnegut that Vonnegut would later say changed the trajectory of his thinking…

“I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.”

Here was how Vonnegut said the quote changed him…

*Kurt Vonnegut is typing now*
“…I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.”
Thanks for sharing this. Really appreciate it.
I don’t usually try to respond to these kinds of things. Because what I feel or think may be totally different than what u believe of need. With that said, I was reading and seeing some responses that made me cringe inside. And well, I can tell you this, we are not all the same. Some people are willing to accept whatever they fall into and fill the rest with garbage, others strive to achieve something more. Some of us want to make a impact and have some type of legacy to be looked upon by our loved ones once we’re gone. So the first ? Is which of these are you? And as for the job thing, you don’t have to just jump ship, you can find the thing that you love, do it as a hobby till you get good at it. And then jump and land on your feet! I will tell you that what you love will change over time (not so much getting burned out) just things change. We learn about new things, we get opportunities to do things that are new, just life moves forward. And not always when we want it to lol. I’m 50 now and have had a few different jobs I loved. I’ve turned hobbies to jobs n back again. N I am still always looking and accepting of new opportunities. If your looking for a single thing to satisfy your needs you may never find it. My advice is to try everything you can, learn as much as you can, enjoy life as best you can. Don’t let fear hold you back! Trust me there is nothing to be afraid of. Do you know why? Because no matter what you will survive! ( small disclaimer) due to the Karen’s of the world I need to say that we are talking normal stuff here. Please don’t go jump off a roof n die cuz I said “ no matter what you will survive “. Anyway, we as humans are constantly learning and experiencing new things. Evolution is what we are all about! And there is no room for fear if you want to evolve. Fear, if it is allowed, holds you in place or makes you turn and flee. And only you can determine just how to deal with your fears. But from one person to the next, step up and move past it. You will surprise yourself with what you can do if you just put the effort in.
Good luck in whatever you choose. And I truly hope everything works out for you.
I completely agree and truly thank you for taking the time to write this and help someone out. Indeed no room for fear if you want to evolve. God Bless you and your family.