Having a watering issue!


ok im haveing a lil watering issue. Ok first off im growing in 3 gal soil medium with 150w hps. she has been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks now. The medium i have her in has holes drilled around it. i feed her a qrt a day and she is roughly 2' tall by 2' wide. the issue is that when the light goes out the soil will be moist and when the light comes on she has signs of underwatering . should i turn my fan off at night or should start feeding her more.


Active Member
lol water more bro. soak the pots completely with about 5gal of water (consider it a flush too) then measure how long it takes for the pots to dry to where you see signs of droopiness etc. divide the time and the amount of water by 2.


Salts and metabolic waste products build up in soil and can become toxic to your plant. When growing in soil you should over-water so that 10% of the water drains off. This excess water caries away salts and waste material. You should find yourself watering every 2 to three days depending on many factors. Just lift your container everyday ans when you notice it is lighter consider watering.


Ok awesome thanx to both of you. Deff going to do that tomarrow. This is my first grow i wont be making that mistake again.