Hawaii Growers

as far as seeds being patented and marketed and being unavailable, and same with the clones, they still can do what they want and it aint gonna slow my roll one bit. I got all the seeds and strains to make more seeds, inline and crosses, that I want in my hands. I don't need to depend on a seed company now. and I suggest everyone else do the same, and stock up now,,, so it don't slow your roll. :D
i could have posted with reference to a few quotes, glad i was patient...its time to realize that the last 5 pages have broght abtsome division , and thats not good..
dont let legislation foil your thinking...love ya Pepper
p.s. i got me some outdoor medicine .....and it works !
of course theyll be consequences...thats why i said that! its fuckeeed up and i dont agree with it all. but like doc said weather the law changes or not ill be enjoying the gift as long as i can :P...thanks for the negativity! have a great day!

with what part do you agree with? Jack Herer, said before his death that we should never pay taxes on cannabis. He said why reward the Feds for lying to the masses so long?

How is me pointing something out being negative? Call me the "devil's advocate", but negative,...no! Brah, I'm willing to bet I have way more invested in the industry than you! But that's not the point. You always have to look beyond what seems the obvious right in front of you. Especially when dealing with the law. Sneaky is their middle name,...oh that happens to be the middle name to big industry too! Listen, don't be an ostrich, with your head in the sand. Take my words as a warning. Better prepared than sorry, right?

This is how Europe repays America for the early years of cannabis revolution. Nothing worse than getting reemed by two expatriates!
with what part do you agree with? Jack Herer, said before his death that we should never pay taxes on cannabis. He said why reward the Feds for lying to the masses so long?

How is me pointing something out being negative? Call me the "devil's advocate", but negative,...no! Brah, I'm willing to bet I have way more invested in the industry than you! But that's not the point. You always have to look beyond what seems the obvious right in front of you. Especially when dealing with the law. Sneaky is their middle name,...oh that happens to be the middle name to big industry too! Listen, don't be an ostrich, with your head in the sand. Take my words as a warning. Better prepared than sorry, right?

This is how Europe repays America for the early years of cannabis revolution. Nothing worse than getting reemed by two expatriates!
haha typo *at all...i dont really wanna argue...haha too baked :bigjoint:
since some of you are getting their feathers ruffled, or panties in a knot over whAT is suppose to be a friendly conversation about Prop 19 Why all the brewhahah, bottomline fellows, none of us here get to vote on prop19,right? But we can be prepared for what possibly might follow.

Here is my biggest problem with Prop 19. It deals with recreational cannabis,which I'm all for. But shouldn't we get the medical cannabis laws settled first before we move onto recreational?

Doc. is right that you all should save your beans. With the exception of strains that have gone 'Hermie" on you. They need to get tossed ASAP. Myself, what was it two years ago that I met some of you at Buddy's pad in Kaneohe. At the time I had several new strains from Nirvana. They were grown both indoors & outdoors, but they all turned "hermie", without any stress whatsoever.....so they have been tossed.
It will take 4 years to lockdown a strain to your specs. I'm talking seed bank quality were each seed will produce similiar results.

Hey, not to change the subject. Since we are a medical Cannabis state,I wonder if we should have access for patients to dispensaries here in the islands like Cali?

I freaked by all this seed stuff/info coming from Amsterdam. I mean so freaked out, I'm gonna limit my europe seed action. I just called my friend in Cali. He's gonna help me out with west coast strains from now on.

I'm glad I gotta stash of MK-Ultra X Cheese seeds. I wasn't sure at first because I picked the mother(cheese) rather hastily. Fact of the matter was I didn't have a bunch of females ready at the time. So I do these first group of MK X Cheese seeds. Outta five seeds four come up female. Since this is the first round of MK-Ultra x Cheese, I grew them inside so they wouldn't have to fight off bugs. Or should I say as much bugs. These four girls are darker than my other plants. Plus, their smell is off the chart! So I'm happy with this new strain I'm gonna call "Ultra Cheese". The girls should be ready in less than a month. Now, my pure MK-Ultra breed seeding project I figure would go off smoothly. This was a feminized seed that went male. I had all these perfect females, so I did what mother nature would have done. So I germinate ten of these seeds. Outta ten, you know how many females I got? Just fucking three. How's that for ratio {lol}. Anyway, I got those three bitches growing right next to my four 'Ultra cheeses'. They come out successful. Next round will be outdoors so it can be 100% organic, oh excuse me, 100% Veganic!
My male SSH is coming into his own soon too. Once ready, I will introduce him to one of my Lemon Skunk ladies. Then down the road gang, I should have some 'Super Lemon Haze' of the Puna variety Hopefully I'll have enough to were I can gift some of them to Patients here in da islands..
West coast strains from Cali is where it's at!

The ultra-cheese sounds like a winner puna!

you know, I remember the day you dropped me off at airport Dr. I really appreciate what you did for me(beanwise) at the time. So I wanted to return the favor. That is one of the reasons I wanted to see you guys last month. I had beans with me to kickdown to you guys & Sheckmeister, and possibly Tunda. But as fate would have it, I missed everybody on my last trip!!!

I'll keep some of those beans for when I see you next time. I'll be making my own Headband here real soon too. That I look forward too!
If half the people on this thread followed the laws now, they wouldn't be growing cause they are not medical. where is the consequences for that? they still doing what they doing reguardless of the law

one word: BOOM.

edit: The govt can tax and the govt can bitch and whine but really really really when it comes down to it, marijuana and its cultivation lies on the shoulders of those who don't really give a fuck and are good at doing that. I know people that have been growing for years very large scale and no where near for medical purposes and that person is doing just fine. if they put up a law we can tear it down, maybe not on our front lawn or in their faces but maybe in attic or basement. few words. have an awesome day everyone
Hey whats up guys! Just wanted to know if anybody ever used MG Quickstart? Its a transplanting solution and I wanted to test it out. She good for go or no??

Jiffy pellets, Rootone, MG Quickstarts 1/4 solution (1/4 cap per gallon) is what i use for cuttings. Soak the jiffy pellets in the solution...then dip'em and stick'em and you should see roots in a week or so. It works but I’ve done it without it and the cuttings seem to root in the same amount of time regardless
nice i can see both the w.w. and afghani influences on there.. there like w.w. buds, with the structure of afghani!

Thx Express for taking a gander at my little bitches! This was my 1st grow and i was surprised out how well the WW/Afgani turned out considering it was grown it shitty soil and nute'd with MG Bloom Booster. The evolution of this plant is being grown with FFOF and The FF Trio of Nutes. The girls experienced slight nute burn using the FFOF and 1/4 strength on the nutes so next time around I’m going to use Kellogg’s Patio Plus @ 8 bucks a bag and what's in it I don’t think you can go wrong
Especially when dealing with the law. Sneaky is their middle name,...

oh yeah, their sneaky alright. sneaky enough to google anything with the name "hawaii" "marijuana" "grower" or "growing" and have THIS thread come up in the first page... yeah no jokes, try it.
oh yeah, their sneaky alright. sneaky enough to google anything with the name "hawaii" "marijuana" "grower" or "growing" and have THIS thread come up in the first page... yeah no jokes, try it.

Awesome!! If we are the number1 hit on google, we rock! Give yourselfs a hand. 2 yrs ago, this thread was non-existant, now it's the #1 hit. Booyaa!!:clap: ... Just to let y'all know, I got the most posts in this thread:cool: ahahahahaha!
Awesome!! If we are the number1 hit on google, we rock! Give yourselfs a hand. 2 yrs ago, this thread was non-existant, now it's the #1 hit. Booyaa!!:clap: ... Just to let y'all know, I got the most posts in this thread:cool: ahahahahaha!

And now too, I am a part of history! :lol:
Sup yalls. I have a question. maybe two. Any of you guys ever started a seed this late and grown it out outdoor sun only? I'm wondering how tall it would get. Or if it would flower anything worthwhile.
haha forgot to put 2nd question. spider mites killing me. tried some neem oil-based spray from home depot/lowes but hasn't really been working. Anything you guys use to keep mites and other bugs away? Organic or non, doesn't really matter to me. unreal how you guys growing in the mts. don't have all kinds of bugs. or maybe it's just my area?
Sup yalls. I have a question. maybe two. Any of you guys ever started a seed this late and grown it out outdoor sun only? I'm wondering how tall it would get. Or if it would flower anything worthwhile.
haha forgot to put 2nd question. spider mites killing me. tried some neem oil-based spray from home depot/lowes but hasn't really been working. Anything you guys use to keep mites and other bugs away? Organic or non, doesn't really matter to me. unreal how you guys growing in the mts. don't have all kinds of bugs. or maybe it's just my area?

I germed just 9 days ago, and hope to get just stash for me. Depends on the strain too. It will be quick but small. So that depends on what you consider worthwhile.

As far as the bugs, that's the one of the things that worry me about growing here. In Georgia, I grew for 2 years and never saw a bug.
Sup yalls. I have a question. maybe two. Any of you guys ever started a seed this late and grown it out outdoor sun only? I'm wondering how tall it would get. Or if it would flower anything worthwhile.
haha forgot to put 2nd question. spider mites killing me. tried some neem oil-based spray from home depot/lowes but hasn't really been working. Anything you guys use to keep mites and other bugs away? Organic or non, doesn't really matter to me. unreal how you guys growing in the mts. don't have all kinds of bugs. or maybe it's just my area?

I germed a bagseed and planted outside on the 20th of September and it looks as it is growing slow for almost a month, will post pics up. Plus I just got 3 more bagseeds I just germed and planted today also. Hoping for the best for these!:-P And about your bug problem Im using some Fox Farm "Dont Bug Me" It works wonders on those pesty bastards!:evil:
Hey doc I'm going to correct u they were all in the ground, the only ones that made it were in grow bags

I guess there is a lesson to be learned there,right? GROW BAGS are awesome!!!!! 100% of my outdoor grows have in grow bags since 76! I'm sorry it happened to you brother. But as outdoor renegades, we have no choice but to play the odds.

I haven't had to deal with termites with cannabis in a long long time. But the next time you grow in the dirt. Dig next to your grow hole a smaller hole. Not more than one foot away from cannabis plants. You'll need a pair or two of panties hose. In these two pairs of panty hose you're gonna mix a concoction of mint & catnip dried.(which can be purchased at health food store) Fill panty hose with concoction. You then bury the two panty hose in seperate holes that surround plants. Lightly water holes that have panty hose to activate mint/catnip combo. Termites will not enjoy this scent at all!!! Good Luck!