Hawaiian Indica CFL Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics from last night. The girls seem to be responding well to being repotted with some gravel underneath.


Well-Known Member
Things have been much better lately for my little project. Last night was feeding and photo time. Here are the latest mugshots:


Well-Known Member
I just got done with a session after visiting my guy. I picked up some Kushzilla. I looked through my bud and found a seed. I put it on a plate w/ wet napkins in hopes of germinating it. Longer term, I would like to attempt to mate it with one of the hawaiian indica plants i have. If female i may take it all the way through flowering. First things first and that is that I need to germinate a seed.


Well-Known Member
the kushzilla seed is doing really well. Last night I transplanted her to a small cup last night. I fed an watered and fed the rest of the crop.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at my crop today and counted leaf points. Some of my plants have 7 point leaves, some have 9 points. I started this thread thinking the plants were all indica but looking at them they might be part (or all) sativa. Is there any way to tell? Does the number of leaf points mark a different variety?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Does the number of leaf points mark a different variety?

short plant with fat wide leaf = indica dom
tall plant with long skiny leaf = sativa dom



New Member
wow...thats a lot of CLF lights I might have gone with some T5's of T8's but I like the Christmas Tree approach...your ladies will definitely get good light in between each plant.


Well-Known Member
wow...thats a lot of CLF lights I might have gone with some T5's of T8's but I like the Christmas Tree approach...your ladies will definitely get good light in between each plant.
i had some success with regular cfl's in my first crop. i do like the flexibility to move the lights around as the plants grow. i can also keep the lights close so as to make them "brighter" than a t5/t8 from a distance. when the plants get bigger i can place the lights really close and in between plants to flood them with light from all over.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look great after the transplant how old are they now?...on your last grow how did you handle odor?
Thanks. The transplant fixed a major issue with drainage. Some rocks at the bottom fixed that and saved the crop.

I didn't do anything to handle odor on my last crop. I only flowered 2 plants so there wasn't a ton of scent to get rid of. My roommate was cool and didn't mind the smell. My upstairs neighbors were cool too. The crop was in my bedroom closet so I usually left the window open to vent the smell.

I will have to do more odor control in this crop. I have moved and am in an apartment building with a dozen neighbors whereas before I was in a 3 flat with just 1 neighbor. I plan on tapping into my dryer vent with a y-connection as my crop is in my laundry room.


Well-Known Member
My crop was finally dry enough to feed and water tonight. Having my assistant available made it a perfect time to feed. For the record, each plant got about 500 ml of rain water. They are being fed with Miracle Grow 8-7-6 food at 2x the recommended dosage. The plants were also foilar fed twice since their last watering, every other day at 2x the recommended dosage.

While reading the forums, I decided to try something new for me, LST. I selected two plants that are naturally curvy and best suited for LST. They have only been tied up for 2 days but are already cooperating. Hopefully it works well.

Here are the pics:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
they look waterlogged
slow down on the watering
let them completely dry out before watering
give them 3-4 days
if you feel like you need to water them try misting


Well-Known Member
they look waterlogged
slow down on the watering
let them completely dry out before watering
give them 3-4 days
if you feel like you need to water them try misting
They were actually a bit underwatered. They went 6 days between watering. I check them with a ph/light/moisture meter and only water when they are in the red zone. They really perked up this morning after their watering. I have been misting them, actually foilar feeding


Well-Known Member
This week brought the need to rearrange my grow area. More precisely, it was necessary to construct a grow room instead of just hanging some lights in the corner of a room. I sat down and started sketching out some ideas, took some measurements and walked around the hardware store looking for ideas. I settled on the design you see in the pictures below. I spent about $80 on materials. Construction took a few hours with a helping hand and went off almost without a hitch.

I used 2.5" metal studs and channels to construct the walls. I tried to screw the bottom channels into the floor of my grow area. Unfortunately, the concrete in the floor didn't cooperate. The drill bit you see in the pictures was a concrete drill bit. The concrete rounded the tip to a ball point in a matter of 30 seconds. My assistant, who has years of construction experience, was surprised with how quickly the drill bit was rounded off. I believe that an extremely strong concrete was used in my building due to a bank located on the other side of it. I was able to attached the channels to the floor using shorter screws that were able to grip the tile. I reinforced it by using more screws to attach the structure to the drywall. I obtained some u-bolts, eye-bolts and chain to hang the shower curtain rods which hold the clip on lights. This was a simple, cheap, effective and adjustable setup. I found my zip ties and replaced the various tools I was using as ghetto safeties for the clip on lamps. I estimate the entire structure can be dissasembled in 5-10 minutes with a cordless drill. Time and $ ran out at this point. I also have some more design work to do before I can completely close the room off.

My plans for the grow room are to attach walls to the studs, probably using 1/4" plywood. I am going to add a vent at the top, which will connect to my laundry vent using a y-connector. I have several computer fans which will push air into the grow room at the bottom of the walls and force air through the laundry vent. My girls are starting to smell now. Something will have to be done before they start flowering in order to prevent any unintended LEO visits.

While I had my girls out from under the lights, I took the opportunity to foilar feed them and observe. I gave the girls a good soaking. Temps were 76 degrees w/ 50% humidity. The girls absorbed the food in 25 minutes, most quickly through the lower leaves and slowest through the newest leaves on top.

In other news my friend picked up a bag of King Kush and found a seed. I put it on a plate with napkins late last night. The Kushzilla seed from last week didn't survive transplant to soil. :(

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
1 how many actural watts are you running
2 dont build a room in a room,,, those look like a gas water heater and
gas furnish, to the left of your setup, you could get some "free co2" from them just by having your setup nere them
the pilot light burns off co2 (the blue flame, just like the burners the pros use)
3 invest in a dehumidifyer
4 i would run the setup as a sealed room,(no intake or out take), just keep the fans moving inside with the co2 inrichment (from the water heater and furnish) but the only problem is the furnish is going to push the smell through out the house


Well-Known Member
1 how many actural watts are you running
2 dont build a room in a room,,, those look like a gas water heater and
gas furnish, to the left of your setup, you could get some "free co2" from them just by having your setup nere them
the pilot light burns off co2 (the blue flame, just like the burners the pros use)
3 invest in a dehumidifyer
4 i would run the setup as a sealed room,(no intake or out take), just keep the fans moving inside with the co2 inrichment (from the water heater and furnish) but the only problem is the furnish is going to push the smell through out the house
Thanks for the timely comments:
1. I am running:
5x 42w @ 2700k
15x27w @ 5600k
615 watts total
2. I was debating the closed vs open room with myself and my assistant. My assistant has been insisting upon a closed room as he fears that the smell of the girls flowering will leak outside of my apartment. I have been concerned that there will not be adequate ventilation, especially since I plan to increase the wattage 50-100% by the time I start flowering. I also liked the free CO2 from the furnace and water heater. The utility closet can be sealed off fairly well from the rest of my apartment. I don’t care if it smells of flowering goodness in my living room but I do care if it gets outside my apartment.
3. Budget will limit my investment in a dehumidfyer. The weather is changing here now and will take care of the humidity for me
4. Your comments are swaying me that way. I may put some walls up to hang some mylar but I think I am going to leave the area unsealed, and seal up the closet, for reasons mentioned above


Well-Known Member
Its picture time again. Again they were fed 500ml of rain water w/ 33 drops of MG all purpose plant food. This is the first time the dosage was not increased as a few plants showed some burn from the last feeding. Otherwise they are all doing fine. I am looking to transplant to larger containers this weekend, at least for the largest ones that are look more female. Here are the pics:


Well-Known Member
The Master Kush seed I planted sprouted yesterday. I can't wait to see how this plant turns out now that I have my setup working well.