Hawaiian Indica CFL Closet Grow

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
615 watts total
i have seen cfl grower get 0.5 per watt
thats 300grams if not more for you

which is great even for hid users
so dont let someone mind fuck you about useing hid
yes they work better.
but great and equal yeild are obtainable with cfl
and the same goes with leds dont get these unless your just into wasteing money
you might aswell buy the cfls
there way cheaper and yeild is the same


Well-Known Member
It's been awhile so it's time for an update. Summer has hit and temps in the grow room have been up around 90 during the day on the warmer days. The plants don't seem to mind too much as long as they get water. They are using water faster and faster and taking more and more food. I am feeding at almost 3x the recommended concentration. I am foilar feeding at 125% the recommended concentration every other day (unless its a root feeding day).

Also note the pics of the water. I have been using rain water as much as possible, to save $, to have an already slightly acidic water source. I created a ghetto funnel with half a 2 liter bottle, which easily fills the 2.5 gallon RODI water container, which then I use to fill the 5 gallon containers. Luckily the weather has been kind enough to donate some free water recently.

I did have one problem come up. The smallest, sickest plants suddenly showed some rust colored spots yesterday. I am unsure if its a Mg or Ca deficiency. I am planning to switch to some Miracle Grow Tomato food soon as the general plant food is starting to run out. It also lacks micronutrients. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing the spots?

I finally sourced some new, larger pots to transplant the girls into. I plan on doing this in the next few days. I am going to get 5 gallon pots. The plants are forming a canopy and need more room for their roots and leaves.

I have continued to LST two plants. Today I installed the second tie down as the plants have put up a few new nodes since the last tie down. Hopefully I'm doing it right. Let me know if I am not.

Also note the smallest plant, that is Master Kush. It seems to be growing well. I am very much anticipating it's growth as it will benefit from the lessons I have learned.

I found another bagseed this week. It was in a bag of Kushzilla. I had a seed of Kushzilla die a few weeks ago after transplant. I put it in some wet paper towels yesterday and hope to be putting into dirt in a few days.

Here are the latest pics:View attachment 972983View attachment 972984View attachment 972985View attachment 972986View attachment 972987View attachment 972988View attachment 972989View attachment 972990View attachment 972991View attachment 972992View attachment 972993View attachment 972994


Well-Known Member
I put some work and $ into the grow room. I upgraded the girls to 5 gallon 12" nursery pots. I left some of the more male looking plants in the 6" pots. I also planted a Kushzilla seed into a 6" pot. I had to move one of the light sets over a few inches to accomodate the new arrangement.

For soil, I used a topsoil mixed with some African Violet potting soil I had. I also mixed in some perlite for whatever it does, aeration? moisture retention? I used it in grow #1 with success. Here are the new pics:
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Well-Known Member
I put some work and $ into the grow room. I upgraded the girls to 5 gallon 12" nursery pots. I left some of the more male looking plants in the 6" pots. I also planted a Kushzilla seed into a 6" pot. I had to move one of the light sets over a few inches to accomodate the new arrangement.

For soil, I used a topsoil mixed with some African Violet potting soil I had. I also mixed in some perlite for whatever it does, aeration? moisture retention? I used it in grow #1 with success. Here are the new pics:
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Looking Good Bro My nrthrn lights didn't make it now I have my last bean going L A Woman. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.:weed:

You my friend seem like a very cool guy last friend of mine I had was living on the big island near the volcano.
Ted Riatootar was his name not exactly sure about the spelling of the last name ,but that is what it sounded out like.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good Bro My nrthrn lights didn't make it now I have my last bean going L A Woman. Keeping fingers and toes crossed.:weed:

You my friend seem like a very cool guy last friend of mine I had was living on the big island near the volcano.
Ted Riatootar was his name not exactly sure about the spelling of the last name ,but that is what it sounded out like.
Unfortunately I don't live on the big island but my seeds may have come from there. I wish my location had weather like Hawaii.




Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from yesterday. Unfortunately my digital camera met an early death. I'll post pics from my phone as best as I can in the near future. I'm working on getting another digital camera of equal or better quality so I can maintain thos journal to the high standards I have set. Hopefully I'll have something in the next few days.
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Well-Known Member
I have an update with photos!

First I apologize for what I believe to an error in the title in this thread. I happened to come across some information that leads me to believe that this strain is actually Hawaiian Sativa. Most of the plants are showing more sativa-ness than indica-ness. The plants are not that branchy. They are taking a long time to mature (possibly due to errors on my part). These are traits of the Hawaiian Sativa strains I researched.

I executed some of the male-looking plants. There space was needed for #22. She has been thriving in her african violet soil in a 6" pot. She has taken a liking to the Miracle grow 8-7-6, both by root and foilar feeding. She also liked the Miracle Grow Tomato food that she recently took via foilar feed. I also foilar fed the other 5 smallest plants and the LSTs via MG Tomato food @ 25% strength.

All plants were fed via the roots, a few days ago, MG Tomato food at label strength in about 5 ml of rain water. They loved it. More pics to come later.

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Well-Known Member
This picture was taken 24 hours after the pictures above were taken. Notice the difference between the recently transplanted #22. It has grown rapidly to 9" wide from 6" wide in 24 hours. It has greatly increased the size of its leaves. This thing is fast compared to the Hawaiian.

View attachment 997556

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you should not have killed those plants base on looks like a male there are only 1 way of telling sex of your plant
males grow ball and females grow hairs you should have just move them to the outer edge of your grow untill you where 100% with out dout here is a pic's of early signs+ its your to have (click on pic for more info referral: That hit)


Well-Known Member
As you can see by my pictures, its been awhile since I've updated. My camera met an untimely death and I now have a loaner. The girls continue to grow at an amazing rate. Temps have been warm in the lower 90's but they seem to like it. Their water consumption has dramatically increased. I now feed them 2 gallons for 6 plants with 3+ large scoops of MG Tomato Food. I am watering them every 2 or 3 days. Soon, it will be time for cloning and then flowering.

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That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i would really love to see the yield from this
so for looks like it will be epic
615w of cfl
would not shock me if you see way more then .5grams per watts
which would be comparable to hid grows (for starters)
i've seen cfl's yield .5 grams per watt and better
stick with it man


Well-Known Member
i would really love to see the yield from this
so for looks like it will be epic
615w of cfl
would not shock me if you see way more then .5grams per watts
which would be comparable to hid grows (for starters)
i've seen cfl's yield .5 grams per watt and better
stick with it man

i have 1000 actual watts now. these girls are going crazy.


Well-Known Member
It's been a busy night. I just completed cloning some of my plants, installed some mylar in the grow room and fed/watered the girls.

Cloning was done following procedures found online and some old school Polish knowledge. Clones were cut just after the 3rd node (a few were 4th nodes), dipped in cloning gel, skinned, leaves removed and trimmed and then placed in rock wool cubes in an incubator and are lit by 2x 23 watt 5600k bulbs. I purchased a clone heating pad per recommendation on numerous videos to put under the clone incubator.

The mylar was strung between the metal studs using velcro. It was stuck to the wall using double sided tape. I am planning to construct a reflector using some cardboard and the remaining mylar to hang over the lights.

The plants were fed 2.5x the outdoor recommended concentration. They were also foilar fed immediately after cloning.

My plans are as follows: I am going to regrow these plants for 2 to 3 weeks until the branches regrow. When the clones show viability, I will start the mothers flowering.

I recorded the height of each plant today and also 4 days earlier. Some plants showed no growth, while the master kush grew 2 inches. The average height increased by 0.5 inches in 4 days. That projects a growth rate of about an inch per week. The heights today are as follows:

# height (in)

1 20.5
3 15.5
4 23
7 21
8 21
10 16
13 22
14 20
15 14.5
16 21
17 21.5
22 16

std dev = 2.95

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