Hes a liar, hes stealing from the American people, and he is not doing any of the stuff he promised to do on the trail.
Cracker what about the birth announcement in the Aug 4th 1961 hawaii paper?

What about it? It costs about 5 bucks to put an anouncement in the paper. If you wanted to give more credence to your son's validity (true or not), that's the way to go.

I lost my original birth certificate years ago. My state no longer issues these types of certificates, so when I went to get a replacement I was presented with a "certification of vital record" which is supposed to serve all purposes that the original would serve given the fact that you can't obtain anything resembling the original anymore. it doesn't contain all the information that the original did including the doctor's name, etc.

To sum it up, there are many people who'd be hard pressed to produce an "original" birth certificate, considering many states have stopped issuing them.
Yes, but how many would not have parents born here? Not many. He has an original, he just won't produce it. The same reason why he will not release any of his College admission papers, which he signed legally off on and would give up the goose.

College admissions? Why protect them as well? Intelligent ppl want to know. Patriots want to know. Americans want to know.
Jeesh, some of you people are in denial about what we are potentially discussing here. I don't care what a state gives out in the normal course of business, if they are served with a subpoena they WILL produce the official document and provide through official channels, a certified copy. There's no option. The courts can subpoena private records on all of us.

On the newspaper announcement - it is an irrelevant side issue what you think about the clips. They prove nothing because children not born in Hawaii have had them printed and more importantly, when a primary document exists, secondary documents are not acceptable in lieu.

Also, keep asking yourself why Obama's high price lawyers have never used any of these diversions in their attempts to keep the bc hidden. Instead, they argue that none of has standing, that none of us even has any business asking whether he is eligible under the constitution.
Just a couple of weeks ago an officer sued to have Obama produce his original BC in military court. He was released form the service without prejudice.

Obama would rather set that precedent than produce it??????

Something stinks ....
Just a couple of weeks ago an officer sued to have Obama produce his original BC in military court. He was released form the service without prejudice.

Obama would rather set that precedent than produce it??????

Something stinks ....

Good point. Few people have picked up on that. When they realized this guy probably couldn't be denied standing they just gave in to his demands. Why? Because then they could argue that there was no reason for the case to go forward because his grievance had been redressed.

Problem is, other military people are coming into it as a class action. Now what? Shall anyone in the military be allowed to just walk off if they question Obama? Then we have a military made up entirely of people who DO NOT question Obama?

This is the same lawyer who produced the Kenyan document. This is going to get interesting. I'm old enough to remember June of 1972 when the first news of watergate came out. A little article on an inside section back page. That's what this feels like now.
Yes, perhaps the military will bring us the truth...or the administration will see a drain of Officers. Rats fleeing a sinking ship....
if its a piece of paper from the president it has to be fake.
however if it comes from the interwebs then it must be real.
hey, did you know that on the interwebs paper doesnt age?
it just gets really.......foldy. fascinating stuff.
There is an original copy.... we want to see it... what's the problem?? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM???

He has College admission papers...we want to see them... what's the problem?? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM???
Exactly.......why does Obama cry foul? WHY?? Why is the White House Press Corp. forbidden to ask the questions....??? Yes, why???

Hope...Change...Transparency..... BS!!
"THE PROBLEM!!!!11" is that its legal for him to only use a short-form birth
certificate, and he doesnt have to show you. you have no right to demand
information when the privacy of it is legally granted.

looks like you're just going to have to deal with it, huh?