Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?


Well-Known Member
The problem is that those charities and medicare are for the poor or homeless folks not the average Joe who is either uninsured or can only afford the cheap basic policy. And I dont know how it is where you live but the last time I was at an emergency room I had to show proof of insurance, photo ID, my SS# and everything before I was seen by a doctor.
Read the whole post. And please don't try to tell me what emergency rooms will and won't do. I was a paramedic for almost 20 years. I never saw an E.R. turn someone away whether they needed immediate emergency care or simply had a sniffle. Abuse of the 911 system and emergency rooms are big problems which drive healthcare cost. One of the problems I stated that the healthcare bill doesn't adress is what about the middle class. People who have coverage but still can't afford deductibles and co-pays. That is the real problem and nowhere does the healthcare reform bill address this. Why is it that a procedure, we'll say an MRI costs me $6,000 and the insurance company only has to pay $3,000. I still have to pay 20% of that which comes to $1,200. Yet the insurance company gets a huge discount. I can't afford that and neither can a lot of people. Healthcare reform simply doesn't address the real problems which plague the average person or the average family. No matter what E.R. you go to they always want to get your insurance info. If you don't have it that doesn't mean you won't be seen. It simply is procedural because hospitals are a business and they want to get paid for the service they provide. If you have a broken arm they aren't going to turn you away if you don't give them your insurance.....It's against the law.


Active Member
Again foks see how lost this one is ...How the hell someone can get coverage after they have been dropped..what go down to the heath department..good luck...walk in to a hospital ...tell me how that works out when you get the bill...remember doc111 said medicare and Medicaid was broke and the government can't run it... now he using it as an example of coverage we have..go figure...:wall: anyways I'm starting to see that this guy just wanted to start a thread to seem cool..."Health Care For All"
So the gov't can't run medicare or medicaid properly. What do you think will happen with national healthcare? Hmmm, let's connect the dots.

Cloud City

New Member
Read the whole post. And please don't try to tell me what emergency rooms will and won't do. I was a paramedic for almost 20 years. I never saw an E.R. turn someone away whether they needed immediate emergency care or simply had a sniffle. Abuse of the 911 system and emergency rooms are big problems which drive healthcare cost. One of the problems I stated that the healthcare bill doesn't adress is what about the middle class. People who have coverage but still can't afford deductibles and co-pays. That is the real problem and nowhere does the healthcare reform bill address this. Why is it that a procedure, we'll say an MRI costs me $6,000 and the insurance company only has to pay $3,000. I still have to pay 20% of that which comes to $1,200. Yet the insurance company gets a huge discount. I can't afford that and neither can a lot of people. Healthcare reform simply doesn't address the real problems which plague the average person or the average family. No matter what E.R. you go to they always want to get your insurance info. If you don't have it that doesn't mean you won't be seen. It simply is procedural because hospitals are a business and they want to get paid for the service they provide. If you have a broken arm they aren't going to turn you away if you don't give them your insurance.....It's against the law.

Yeah okay I read your post and the bottom line is there are many US citizens without health coverage who cannot qualify for charity or free medical services and are ineligible for medicare or medicaid. As for the ER treating uninsured, yes, they do have ethical and legal responsibilities in situations that involve a life or limb but will they all always treat a person without insurance who has something like a severe inner ear infection for example? Theres no guarantee in those type of situations and that is why we need HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!


Active Member
The people eventually get what they want, I cant help it if the stupid people vote for greedy lying politicians that dont give a crap about America.. If you people want REAL change and not this lying greedy basturd Obama monster. And please stop calling Obama a BLACK man, he is as much white as he is black so lets start calling him a white man also cause it is racist to say he is a black man and deny the white part of his sorry ass. Then vote for Independent party, or green party, or FUKIN ANYTHING !! jUST NOT A DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN !! That is the way to rteal change. And this so called healthcare bullshit they are trying to rush through without even reading it , is an attack on our freedom and will not be tolerated. It was written by special interest who will be the only ones that truly benefit from this crap. While the overtaxed people are taxed even more and the stupid politicians cant even get more refineries we desperately need built because they are in the pockets of the oil companies. . If things dont change soon Ill be Canadian.


Well-Known Member
Yeah okay I read your post and the bottom line is there are many US citizens without health coverage who cannot qualify for charity or free medical services and are ineligible for medicare or medicaid. As for the ER treating uninsured, yes, they do have ethical and legal responsibilities in situations that involve a life or limb but will they all always treat a person without insurance who has something like a severe inner ear infection for example? Theres no guarantee in those type of situations and that is why we need HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!
I have seen uninsured people with colds, yes colds, call 911 and get a free ride in an ambulance to the E.R. where they were subsequently treated. So your inner ear infection argument doesn't hold water. Hospitals do have ethical and legal responsibilities and in our overly litigious society they don't turn anybody away because there is always a lawyer who will take a case, pro bono, because they know they can get hospitals to pay out. People just don't get turned away from hospitals. Hell, charitable treatments are part of what they all do because they get huge tax write offs for it.


Well-Known Member
ROFL people calling ambulance for a ride because of a that's funny...But what this "tool" don't realize ambulance rides or hospital visits are not free..even if that did happen the cost of that visit and ride is expensive...yes hospital will not turn you away, but they will bill your azz.... so again we pay for that visit and ride anyway if that person can't pay, so why not just have HEALTH CARE FOR ALL....


Well-Known Member
The best point, for me, promoting universal healthcare, is that we do in fact pay for everybody as it is. If somebody goes to the ER, and is unable to pay their bill, the cost is transferred over to paying or insured customers. And if people were to go get preventative treatment, and get regular check ups, people would be less likely to have to resort to going to the ER once they are really sick. However, we cannot afford this massive entitlement bill...we already have a 2 trillion dollar deficit, and this bill is just going to pile on the debt. This bill won't do much good if our economy is in ruins, and that is exactly what will happen if we do not do something to fix our financial problems. If we had no debt, and no deficit, I think I might be inclined to support some form of subsidized healthcare, but unfortunately that is not the case.


Well-Known Member
The best point, for me, promoting universal healthcare, is that we do in fact pay for everybody as it is. If somebody goes to the ER, and is unable to pay their bill, the cost is transferred over to paying or insured customers. And if people were to go get preventative treatment, and get regular check ups, people would be less likely to have to resort to going to the ER once they are really sick. However, we cannot afford this massive entitlement bill...we already have a 2 trillion dollar deficit, and this bill is just going to pile on the debt. This bill won't do much good if our economy is in ruins, and that is exactly what will happen if we do not do something to fix our financial problems. If we had no debt, and no deficit, I think I might be inclined to support some form of subsidized healthcare, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Socialized medicine sounds great on the surface. The reality is that it becomes this enormous, lumbering beaurocracy, unable to do anything quickly or efficently. Care WILL suffer. I just hate the argument that people in the U.S. that want care for an illness or an injury don't get it. That's just B.S. We don't hunt people down with guns who don't pay their medical bills. Most of the unpaid medical bills are sold to collection agencies who recover some of it. The rest is written off on taxes which is how the system ends up absorbing some of the cost. Charitable organizations fill in the gaps. In my almost 20 years as a paramedic I NEVER saw anybody turned away because of inability to pay......EVER!


Well-Known Member
The best point, for me, promoting universal healthcare, is that we do in fact pay for everybody as it is. If somebody goes to the ER, and is unable to pay their bill, the cost is transferred over to paying or insured customers. And if people were to go get preventative treatment, and get regular check ups, people would be less likely to have to resort to going to the ER once they are really sick. However, we cannot afford this massive entitlement bill...we already have a 2 trillion dollar deficit, and this bill is just going to pile on the debt. This bill won't do much good if our economy is in ruins, and that is exactly what will happen if we do not do something to fix our financial problems. If we had no debt, and no deficit, I think I might be inclined to support some form of subsidized healthcare, but unfortunately that is not the case.
what if we ended the wars that's costing us trillions and trillions


Well-Known Member
Not a big fan of MM's, sorry. Lol, I didnt even know the different colors have different flavors, I thought it was just to look cool.


Well-Known Member
I think so .....I think I will buy a bag and have me and my children do a taste test..yellow just one of my favorite colors....

edit: just found a bag in trick or treat candy...yup they taste the same

Cloud City

New Member
I have seen uninsured people with colds, yes colds, call 911 and get a free ride in an ambulance to the E.R. where they were subsequently treated. So your inner ear infection argument doesn't hold water. Hospitals do have ethical and legal responsibilities and in our overly litigious society they don't turn anybody away because there is always a lawyer who will take a case, pro bono, because they know they can get hospitals to pay out. People just don't get turned away from hospitals. Hell, charitable treatments are part of what they all do because they get huge tax write offs for it.

Well shit, that's news to me.. I guess that means I can stop sending my health insurance company my hard earned money every month. Because if anyone can just get medical care for free why not right. lol. Yeah sure, maybe if I was homeless or dirt poor then that might be a realistic way to get healthcare. The hospitals will stick you with a 30,000 dollar bill if you're uninsured. They will take your home if they have to. There are a shitload of regular folks who have had bad accidents or illnesses and because they didn't have insurance they got stuck with a massve bill.


Well-Known Member
and that's what doc111 can't seem to understand...must live in a different world then you and I


Well-Known Member
Anyhow, back to the topic, I am a far right Conservative and I too say "HEALTH CARE FOR ALL!"
No, you are not!! Your an alias created by some socialist marxist communist poster who keeps losing arguments so you created this cloud character to try and convince people that conservatives think socialism, communism, marxism is A OK. well its not working.


Well-Known Member
ROFL people calling ambulance for a ride because of a that's funny...But what this "tool" don't realize ambulance rides or hospital visits are not free..even if that did happen the cost of that visit and ride is expensive...yes hospital will not turn you away, but they will bill your azz.... so again we pay for that visit and ride anyway if that person can't pay, so why not just have HEALTH CARE FOR ALL....
Have you ever NOT paid a bill? thats how you get free health care. Even if you have been billed 10 million dollars worth of services that hospital still cannot turn you away for treatment. You get it for free and the rest of the shmucks each pay a little extra on their payment to cover those who don't pay. Its not going to be any different when the gubbermint gets involved, only they are going to take it out of your paycheck whether or not you go to see the doctor.

Cloud City

New Member
No, you are not!! Your an alias created by some socialist marxist communist poster who keeps losing arguments so you created this cloud character to try and convince people that conservatives think socialism, communism, marxism is A OK. well its not working.

Now thats simply not true. I am a 100% real Conservative who's brain has not been conditioned by FOX news. Sorry if my views don't fit into your little box.