Heat and humidity problem 3x3x6 tent.

I have a 3x3x6 grow tent in a barn(lol). with a 6 inch inline fan running 24/7 on 25% and growing in Happy Frog soil. I just switched to flowering and my humidity is at 75 and temp around 80. I want to get a dehumidifier but I am afraid it will make my tent even hotter. Any recommendations for dehumidifier that can do the job inside the tent? Also, the room my tent is inside is about 5x5. Would it be better just to dehumidifier the room the tent is in instead?

Since I'm trying to be as cost effective as possible. To deal with heat I was thinking of making a DIY AC out of a cooler using the negative pressure of the tent but tht would raise humidity even more. So I guess I need recommendations for a dehumidifier that could keep up?
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I'd first try "exhausting all ideas first" lol chezzy joke ye I have a 5by5 and 340cfm with tons of negative pressure even with bottom vents open but my setup I rigid up a dehumidifier by hose outside my tent and could be in the same room or different location so no need to pit in tent or room and the heat could be thrown else where very effective cheak out the link much easier to watch than explain
Update: Just went ahead and ordered a 35 pint dehumidifier and I just got finished rapping the face of my 6 inch clip fan in 1/4 copper refrigerator tubing and attached that to 3/8 tubing connected to a fountain pump that cycles ice water in a cooler. I just got done so I'm going to check back in in few hours to see if it helps with temp. The copper sweats so I expect humidity to rise a lil but the dehumidifier should help with that when it comes in.
Update: Just went ahead and ordered a 35 pint dehumidifier and I just got finished rapping the face of my 6 inch clip fan in 1/4 copper refrigerator tubing and attached that to 3/8 tubing connected to a fountain pump that cycles ice water in a cooler. I just got done so I'm going to check back in in few hours to see if it helps with temp. The copper sweats so I expect humidity to rise a lil but the dehumidifier should help with that when it comes in.

The copper sweats because it's acting like a little dehumidifier and condensing moisture out of the air so if anything it will very slightly reduce the rh so rig something to catch the drips so they don't just evaporate back into the room.

If the dehuey you ordered has an exhaust port it should be vented outside too so it's heat doesn't add to the load.

A dual-hose portable 3-in-1 A/C unit is the ticket to fix all our woes but pretty hard on the Visa card. :)
