Heater Help Required

I use an 80w tubular heater in my grow space on a timer to activate only during dark hours or I Run it constant when temps are really low outside.

I have external screened intakes that can be blocked off if the need arises.

my space is 7ft x 8ft x 3ft. Active growing area is 3x3.

keeps my temps above 65F when it’s cold outside.
I've seen those but thought with the low wattage they wouldn't do much. Not Ur experience? How big difference?
I just use a cheap finned oil filled heater I payed about $50 for at Fred Meyer. It has 2 knobs. One is Low-Med-High and the other is the thermostat knob. I don't have it hooked up to any controller. I don't know why I'd need one with the built in thermostat. It doesn't let you set an exact temperature but it's close enough. It goes off on it's own when the lights come on and start warming up the inside of the tent and it turns on by itself when the lights go out. It performs the purpose I'm using it for.

I just use a cheap finned oil filled heater I payed about $50 for at Fred Meyer. It has 2 knobs. One is Low-Med-High and the other is the thermostat knob. I don't have it hooked up to any controller. I don't know why I'd need one with the built in thermostat. It doesn't let you set an exact temperature but it's close enough. It goes off on it's own when the lights come on and start warming up the inside of the tent and it turns on by itself when the lights go out. It performs the purpose I'm using it for.

That’s what I needed go hear! Went and bought the same one. Thanks!