Heating my home with exhaust from cool-tubes. Need some advice...


New Member
I just dump into hall near heater intake and run just the fan to circulate the warm air through the house. Could put blower for heater on timer. And if you haven't read recently, the room with lights on should be 83-85.
I've just gone by Jorge Cervantes 'rule', he says optimal without co2 is 75F for flower. Either way I'm no expert but the plants are thriving. Third week of flower and right plants are consuming 15 gallons of nute solution per week in rdwc. Ppms at 800.


New Member
Jorge is very wrong. And his information is 25+ years old. Many of his ideas have been proven wrong. MIT has some great resources online.
Do you think I'll see any negative effects with the temps I'm using? Honestly bringing the temp up to 85 would make the nute solution temp unmanageable, I'd definitely need a bigger chiller. The way I have it setup now, the chiller only needs to kick in twice a day and my nutes sit at 68f all the time with the chiller not needing to run with lights off at all. I appreciate you chiming in on this discussion, I'm here to learn.


New Member
The reason I talk about the nute temp is I've got full temp, RH and nute temp monitoring and graphing. I can see the direct correlation between the nute temp and room temp when I bring the air temp up. I was thinking that I had it dialed in pretty good at 75F.


Well-Known Member
Do you think I'll see any negative effects with the temps I'm using? Honestly bringing the temp up to 85 would make the nute solution temp unmanageable, I'd definitely need a bigger chiller. The way I have it setup now, the chiller only needs to kick in twice a day and my nutes sit at 68f all the time with the chiller not needing to run with lights off at all. I appreciate you chiming in on this discussion, I'm here to learn.
Thanx. Plants want 85. Cold plants grow slower. Highest yields with high resin are achieved around 84-95 degrees. Strain spacific. Are you useing silica in your nutes? Vitamin K and sulphur increase yield and potency. But they are best uptaken at higher temps. Silica will allow you to get those temps without stress or shock to the plant. Soil temps around 65 to 72 is good but other temps close are fine. Nutes a little warmer are ok but you could have less oxygen in then. I'm a soilles soil guy and organics. Used to grow hydro. So some compromises have to be made because of many other factors. Also night temps shouldn't ever go below 65. Prefer above 72 all the time. The colder it all gets at night, the longer it takes to warm up and start growing at a decent rate..


Active Member
I run straight into my heat ducts, went through the floor of my modular cut a hole into the side of the square insulated duct mounted to the bottom of my house, its on a pier foundation, I put a flange into the houses duct sealed around it, wrapped some extremely classy looking duct, had to go Bob Ross on it, tape around it and mounted the 8 inch insulated exhaust line right to it. I have a choice to vent right out the roof or into the duct. If company is coming over even with a carbon filter I get a wee bit paranoid and go strait outside, and yes there's a carbon filter even going outside but still don't need mom and dad thinking I have a skunk problem. I have no problems with mold or moisture/humidity actually its still a bit low since I heat with wood in the living room.

Big dog11

I was venting the heat from five open 1000 watt bulbs into the house and switched it up yesterday

The humidity was too high and the windows and walls developed mold.It was very sticky in here also so now it is getting dumped outside through a old fireplace that I mounted a sheet of 3/4" plywood over.

If I had a big dehumidifier with a permanent drain I might try it again