Heaven, Hell, and the Devil aren't real, but God is?

I stopped debating this issue with uneducable minds a long time ago.
It's like trying to teach a conspiracist how to seek true facts.
I too see my dead pets at night.... And i bark at em !
God, not being from this world, is by definition an E.T. What kind of an E.T. I don't know. I can easily accept the Ancient Aliens version. The Anunnaki were supposed to have created man as workers.

Could the Anunnaki be what we consider to be gods. And, by the way, Mauro Biglino in his book "Gods of the Bible" tells of a very large "forth man" dressed in white. He at least leads us to believe him to be an Anunnaki.

I don't think that "God" is a spirit. But, I also DO think that He is (or was) a flesh and blood E.T.

Read Biglino's book and things might seem a little more clear.

As for the "Elohim" (always translated as God) there were a number of them and apparently did battle with each other.
As for prophices, It's easy to make them 100 years after the fact and a lot of them are not found in the earliest writings. I not going to take the time to dig the out. I've been there and done that.
Where do i even start with that, when i was in the military, there was a guy i looked up to at the time he said something like that, and that the bible was written to keep people under control and/or obeying their Masters etc.. etc.. after getting a brain i realized he was wrong about a lot of stuff, and nothing he said was worth a pinch of salt, so i tried reading it for my self.

The truth is Moses wrote the first books in the bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy in the old testament, he was inspired by direct revelation from god, then after that, various prophets of god, such as Joshua and Samuel with their scribes or understudies that could edit and finish of works started by the said prophet once they died. New testament was written by the Apostles they were Jesus's followers, and first hand witnesses, and by Paul who was converted to Christianity after seeing the risen Christ, on the road to Damascus.

Moses parting the sea and defeating the Egyptians, was known by many of the enemies of the Hebrews, they feared them because of it

As there are12 tribes of Israel, some minor facts that each tribe argued over points of view exist, hardly anything to worry about unless you a Hebrew scholar.

i read the bible as the word of God handed directly to the prophets of God, for Gods People to follow
One of the most important books was remover from the biblreby the Catholic church because it didn't fit their "religion". That's the book of Enoch. It was the only book that was written in the first person as "I saw...", "I heard..", and "I..." on and on.

They removed it in 1684. It's still in the Ethiopian bible and is one of the most important books.
Where do i even start with that, when i was in the military, there was a guy i looked up to at the time he said something like that, and that the bible was written to keep people under control and/or obeying their Masters etc.. etc.. after getting a brain i realized he was wrong about a lot of stuff, and nothing he said was worth a pinch of salt, so i tried reading it for my self.

The truth is Moses wrote the first books in the bible Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy in the old testament, he was inspired by direct revelation from god, then after that, various prophets of god, such as Joshua and Samuel with their scribes or understudies that could edit and finish of works started by the said prophet once they died. New testament was written by the Apostles they were Jesus's followers, and first hand witnesses, and by Paul who was converted to Christianity after seeing the risen Christ, on the road to Damascus.

Moses parting the sea and defeating the Egyptians, was known by many of the enemies of the Hebrews, they feared them because of it

As there are12 tribes of Israel, some minor facts that each tribe argued over points of view exist, hardly anything to worry about unless you a Hebrew scholar.

i read the bible as the word of God handed directly to the prophets of God, for Gods People to follow
I’m got given a brain at birth. God did that bit.
Who gave you a bible?
That’s all a great STORY.

All you describe is a group of people writing a book to control people. One ‘prophet’ after another and then a NEW testament to add in like a new revision.
Did you try to read the original story/original no1 copy in Hebrew?

You trying to say that the dinosaurs
ate ‘grass’ because it was written as a behemoth ate ‘grass’ in the bible?

We are all gods children and times change.
God has no religion.
I believe Jesus lived but I believe the bible is a story book and you take from it good news.
It can’t be the answer to everything when its colourful stories and statements open to interpretation.

We can write new stories any time we like unless you want to say there is nothing left to learn and be like the prophet Mohammed.

Who’s says all the prophets were correct? You? Was there a democratic panel that evaluated the merits of a prophet or did they just have a book writing circle jerk so to speak.
I’m got given a brain at birth. God did that bit.
Who gave you a bible?
That’s all a great STORY.

All you describe is a group of people writing a book to control people. One ‘prophet’ after another and then a NEW testament to add in like a new revision.
Did you try to read the original story/original no1 copy in Hebrew?

You trying to say that the dinosaurs
ate ‘grass’ because it was written as a behemoth ate ‘grass’ in the bible?

We are all gods children and times change.
God has no religion.
I believe Jesus lived but I believe the bible is a story book and you take from it good news.
It can’t be the answer to everything when its colourful stories and statements open to interpretation.

We can write new stories any time we like unless you want to say there is nothing left to learn and be like the prophet Mohammed.

Who’s says all the prophets were correct? You? Was there a democratic panel that evaluated the merits of a prophet or did they just have a book writing circle jerk so to speak.
Like I said before, read Biglino's book and most of the questions will be answered and it's not the way the Bible tells it. He did a literal translation of the earliest writings and they're not even close to the currently bibles.

There is no mention of heaven or hell or Satan (that he mentioned in this book) but that's not what the book was about. I kind of think that the story of Satan was screwed up. Several ancient religions feature a serpent "bringer of Knowledge", and that's exactly what Satan was supposed to have done. I still say they are all E.T.'s.
I’m got given a brain at birth. God did that bit.
Who gave you a bible?
That’s all a great STORY.

All you describe is a group of people writing a book to control people. One ‘prophet’ after another and then a NEW testament to add in like a new revision.
Did you try to read the original story/original no1 copy in Hebrew?

You trying to say that the dinosaurs
ate ‘grass’ because it was written as a behemoth ate ‘grass’ in the bible?

We are all gods children and times change.
God has no religion.
I believe Jesus lived but I believe the bible is a story book and you take from it good news.
It can’t be the answer to everything when its colourful stories and statements open to interpretation.

We can write new stories any time we like unless you want to say there is nothing left to learn and be like the prophet Mohammed.

Who’s says all the prophets were correct? You? Was there a democratic panel that evaluated the merits of a prophet or did they just have a book writing circle jerk so to speak.
bro i had a brain at birth as well the point i was making, was that this guy was older than me and i looked up to him as he was a navy seal, and I was just out of recruit training. So for a while i listened to his theories, of this n that, then i got older and wiser and saw his many flaws, and decided this thing about trying to disprove the bible being correct, and the word of God, it was the real way that kept a lot of people misinformed.

the reference to behemoth eating grass, like cattle does not mean they didn't eat trees as well, just that behemoth was not a meat eater, or carnivorous, he eat plants. i have five cows, if you dont put a massive strong fence around any trees you want to keep you can kiss them goodbye

One of the most important books was remover from the biblreby the Catholic church because it didn't fit their "religion". That's the book of Enoch. It was the only book that was written in the first person as "I saw...", "I heard..", and "I..." on and on.

They removed it in 1684. It's still in the Ethiopian bible and is one of the most important books.

i downloaded that from the Israel bible center a few weeks back, read the first book of the watchers so far, it is in the first person as you say, and very interesting reading.

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i downloaded that from the Israel bible center a few weeks back, read the first book of the watchers so far, it is in the first person as you say, and very interesting reading.
I'll have to read that one, too. I don't quite understand why one site has like 4 books but the one I'm reading right now has like 105 chapters. Most of the chapters are 1 to 3 minutes to read. I believe that I read they tried to put it in a logical order.

I've read this before but thought I should take another look since I'm talking about it.
A passage from Enoch
CHAPTER 27 1. Then I said: “For what purpose is this blessed land, which is entirely filled with trees, and this cursed valley between them?”

2. Then answered Uriel, one of the holy angels, who was with me, and said to me: “This cursed valley is for those who will be cursed to eternity, and here will be assembled all those who have spoken with their mouths unseemly words against God, and speak insolently of his glory, here they will be assembled, and here will be their judgment.

And in the latter days there will be the spectacle of a just judgment upon them in the presence of the just, in eternity forever; for this reason they who have found mercy will bless the Lord of glory, the Eternal King. 4. And in the days of their judgment they will bless him for his mercy, according to which he has assigned to them their lot.” 5. Then I blessed the Lord of glory, and spoke to him, and remembered his greatness, as it is fitting.
A passage from Enoch
CHAPTER 27 1. Then I said: “For what purpose is this blessed land, which is entirely filled with trees, and this cursed valley between them?”

2. Then answered Uriel, one of the holy angels, who was with me, and said to me: “This cursed valley is for those who will be cursed to eternity, and here will be assembled all those who have spoken with their mouths unseemly words against God, and speak insolently of his glory, here they will be assembled, and here will be their judgment.

And in the latter days there will be the spectacle of a just judgment upon them in the presence of the just, in eternity forever; for this reason they who have found mercy will bless the Lord of glory, the Eternal King. 4. And in the days of their judgment they will bless him for his mercy, according to which he has assigned to them their lot.” 5. Then I blessed the Lord of glory, and spoke to him, and remembered his greatness, as it is fitting.
The one you're reading is a lot better reading. The one I'm reading was put more into stright line without quite as meny words. More written like a text book, but they say the same thing. Youts is probably the one I read before.

Try mixing some of this in. Luis Elizondo, when ask about E.T.'s, said "Read your Bible." We don't know what the word "Elohim" accually means, but there were many of them, yet the word is always translated as "God". When you read the earliest Hebrew you can see that that they actually did battle. If you replace the word God with Elohim some of the Bible will makes more sence.
Man has worshiped gods since the beginning of time. When they couldn't understand it. It became a God. 18000 and counting. So, one definitely has a wide range of options.
Fortunately, I make my own decisions. There is no God!!!
Sam Hunt a week know speaker on the subject has valid points all should consider...that is if the religious mind can handle..truthful statements.

Meaning of Life
Man has worshiped gods since the beginning of time. When they couldn't understand it. It became a God. 18000 and counting. So, one definitely has a wide range of options.
Fortunately, I make my own decisions. There is no God!!!
Sam Hunt a week know speaker on the subject has valid points all should consider...that is if the religious mind can handle..truthful statements.

Meaning of Life
Well, if you are right we will both be OK, but if you are wrong I would hate to be in your shoes.
Well, if you are right we will both be OK, but if you are wrong I would hate to be in your shoes.

And I respect that angle. I'm okay with the guy in the mirror. I'm not a religious or spiritual man yet I can make moral daily life decisions and proceed through life without praise or even thought of a god or any god. I retired the god thing years ago and never looked back.
This world would be peaceful without the influence of religion or Gods. Today's news is a fine example of religious warfare and history tells even more horrible stories. It will never stop. All man power driven hate and violence. Yet, they do all this in the name of their God. How convenient.
I have faith tomorrow the sun will rise but put no faith or praise in a imaginary life coach.

Just my two cents. I may be doomed or i may be onto something but I bet I live the life I want to before that time comes. No limits, no restrictions, just live life. It's way to short.
This world would be peaceful without the influence of religion or Gods.
You are more right than you know. According to the earliest Hebrew writings the "Elohim", always translated as "God", but there were a number of them and they did battle with each other. According to the latest translation the leader that assigned them to their place was named Elyon (probably misspelled). This sort of makes me think they were E.T.'s. If we were to find a world with low lower intelligence they would thin we were gods.
Jesus said Luke 16.17
17 It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.

meaning... Jesus confirms the truth that every word of the scriptures is given by God. He goes so far as to make direct reference to the smallest jot, or punctuation point. That there is no room for debate, he insists that every word of scripture is given by God.
Jesus said Luke 16.17
17 It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.

meaning... Jesus confirms the truth that every word of the scriptures is given by God. He goes so far as to make direct reference to the smallest jot, or punctuation point. That there is no room for debate, he insists that every word of scripture is given by God.
The problem is that the bible isn't as it was. It has been changed. Things added and taken out.
The problem is that the bible isn't as it was. It has been changed. Things added and taken out.

John 11. 25
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.

The old and the new testament are still relevant today for me to learn from