I might have to try a fresh-off-the-plant run next Summer but there's no way I could fresh process the amount present in a Summer run. I'm like evergreen...I freeze it and use it as needed all Winter. However...since buying the rosin press I haven't ran much bub and gotta figure out something to do with all of it. Back in the old days I hand stirred and got my old lady to make me bags...LOL...These days I use one of the cheap plastic washing machines with the pump drain bypassed and no trim bag in the washer (ala Frenchy Cannoli) for my runs and do 3-4 gallon sized bags of frozen buds per run. Full mesh bags. With rado strains I can't believe the amount of hash I get...and...how some strains will offer very nice/similar product in the 120...90 and 73 bags.
LOL NoWaisted...i'm kinda thinking the opposite....there's not much reason to make much bub anymore now that the press is on site. that shit is easy as pie...no drying...water all over...ice...buckets....
I do love my bub.....but it is a pain overall....... Either way..i only ingest cleanly extracted product. No butane/solvents, etc here.