Heisenbeans Genetics

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I'm kinda in the sticks.....enough that nobody fucks with me anyway. (12 miles out of a town of 5000 and on a mountain/dead end road) No Springer but alot of my neighbors could be on Hoarders or the first 10 minutes of "Fixer Upper".:-) when they're showing the fucked up shit...LOL.

Im at the point in life where I just do/buy what I want. I wanted a press and couldn't see my 60 year old ass fuckin with a hair straightner/curler/whatever......so the UPS guy brought me one. LOL.
It's good...sometimes...to be old(er). Don't have to sling no mo'..don't have to work no mo'. The plan worked! What day is it anyway???...heeheee. the only real bitch is that now it's like most every other hobby....love to make/fire pottery and shit...but in the end there's something ya gotta get rid of. With the new frontirer of legalization and easy peasy upon us fully here....I may have to get an incinerator cus I'm about to kill myself trying to smoke all of this:bigjoint: Somewhere along the way I forgotted to slow er all down to a roar.... :weed:
I'm almost 60 too. And fuck that hair straightener and whoever thought it up. Burnt myself at least 10 times when I tried to "straighten" rosin. lol
This is the one I bought for 89.00
Oh, ok. So I guess you couldn't find a link for that one. Guess I'll just do a big image search or something
I make bubble hash. 25 micron is all i keep for myself. If I leave it in my safe that sets in the bottom of my closet on the floor. Inside a manilla envelope. Folded up in parchment paper it stays pretty white. And has no smell. As soon as I start to work it. It turns dark deep brown and has an extreme smell. I prefer to smoke it after worked. The taste comes out 10 times stronger...
The blonder it is in color the better the hash, correct?
And why does it taste better working it first?

Before working and pressing.
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After I work it. And press it.
View attachment 4294280 View attachment 4294281
Isnt 25 micron mostly just the stems of trich
Damn....lotsa olde fucks here. i thought most of yaz was working the phone in one hand and the Playstation joystick in the other from mom's basement! Heehee. "Born..born in the Fitites" Police
I have a computer but no cell phone. No cell service here at the house. Wife has an i8 that will text/email/etc through the router....but I don't give a fuck what is going on in the world/etdc. and ditched my cell (yeah!) 5 years or so ago.

I run the Frenchy way here. Nixxed the pump drain on the Washer...it's straight flow.....gotta bungee the hose up til you want to drain it. I drilled out 4 - 3 gallon buckets and the bottom bucket is a 5 gal with a 3/4' tap and a garden hose coming off it for draining. I stack 220/160/120/73/25 bags....one in each bucket (OK...2 bags in the top). No 220 bag IN the washer....it's free flow ganja and ice. Drain into the bags....the 220 is trash......but I've even see 160 that was highly smokeable from some strains. I do a 7 minute spin.....drain...refill....a 4 minute.....drain...refill....then 2-3 mins.....and drain.

73 is the payday bag here....but I've gotten nice smokes from every bag but the 220 with some strains. The 25 here is given to my nephew for edibles...the rest is given to whomever asks. (the 25, to me, catches the dirt/gunk and some broken trichs....unless it's a full on sat.) Either way...I need more friends or to find some VETS who need free dope.... I've only made one batch since harvest and the freezer is still full...LOL...and I'm setting up for Summer......oh my. Good thing we can keep ALL we grow here in CO....no limit...as long as it never leaves the property. I may have to build a Cheech and Chong mobile with fibreweed soon....cus the stash is still massive from last year's haul. I wouldn't even have to grow this year if I wasn't toally insane. (trying to show reserve but it probably won't work) Fuck...i have probably a dozen rado selections alone....and our allowed max is 12. I see problems for them wih those figures.......LOL.

Bums me out that I wasn't here 20 years ago killin it rather than hammering it out in small spaces in crawls and shit. ONE OD here is a good year's worth of take from any indoor I did...and I ran UC's for a long time and thought I was kiilling it.. Nopes. Now I do indo and when it dries I laugh.... did I used to do this shit? "Where's the beef?" LOL.

I'm veru intrigued by the LEDS....but it seems kinda stupid here to upgrade when I have a chest high stack of digis/analogs sitting here. IF I was slinigng...yeah....it'd be a full on roll like it was there for 30 years. Want it...buy it...just pull out the roll and go. Never looked at or cared about cost....you know the drill if yer playing the game. EVEYTHING has hit the stops here....except my passion and my penchant for growing lots of plants... Full circle for sure....
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