hello....day roundin up da brothas.....

Everyone who votes has a voice. ACORN was not about that. ACORN was an arm of the left in the Democrat party that was funded by the taxpayers and was corrupt from the inside out.

I don't need champions to wipe up the floor with trash like you. All I need is the truth.

Hey your the only trash here Adolph wannabee
Fact is you eqaute ACORN with Black People
AND you hate Black people, mexicans , gays

You think your special? Your just a garden variety stupid azz racist. And even tweaked out I doubt you could fight your way out of a anal gang rape in prison (you will end up there) by one armed midgets
Hey your the only trash here Adolph wannabee
Fact is you eqaute ACORN with Black People
AND you hate Black people, mexicans , gays

You think your special? Your just a garden variety stupid azz racist. And even tweaked out I doubt you could fight your way out of a anal gang rape in prison (you will end up there) by one armed midgets

YOU are the one who has brought up the race card. If something is corrupt then it's corrupt and skin color isn't what makes something corrupt. Of course, when you can't face the truth, there is always the race card for you pissants to hide behind.

The rest of your lame pathetic post is just more of your mental masturbation that whips you into an internet warrior frenzy. Have fun.
Just One
wow, that's cool. let's go ahead and invade the world. i'm sure there isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been responsible for at least one american death. maybe we can leave lichtenstein and monaco alone, but let's bomb the rest of them back to the stone age. we can install a government approved by the united nations when we're done and that should satisfy all your requirements for the perfect world.

isn't it amazing how agenda driven partisanship makes hypocrites of us all. of course, some of us seem to have a head start on that trip. the same arguments railed against by bleeding hearts are the ones they use to justify advancing their own vision. the same methods, under different leadership, are used and nary a peep is heard in opposition. in fact, they heap praise on the vision it took to fall in line behind behind the avarice of the global community. it all seems to be a matter of "vision", doesn't it? the myopic vision of an incompetent leadership and and its sycophantic acolytes.
YOU are the one who has brought up the race card. If something is corrupt then it's corrupt and skin color isn't what makes something corrupt. Of course, when you can't face the truth, there is always the race card for you pissants to hide behind.

The rest of your lame pathetic post is just more of your mental masturbation that whips you into an internet warrior frenzy. Have fun.

Maybe if you were such a stupid fucking azzclown racist I wouldnt play the "race" card
hard not too when the deck you gave me is stacked with them
wow, that's cool. let's go ahead and invade the world. i'm sure there isn't a nation on earth that hasn't been responsible for at least one american death. maybe we can leave lichtenstein and monaco alone, but let's bomb the rest of them back to the stone age. we can install a government approved by the united nations when we're done and that should satisfy all your requirements for the perfect world.

isn't it amazing how agenda driven partisanship makes hypocrites of us all. of course, some of us seem to have a head start on that trip. the same arguments railed against by bleeding hearts are the ones they use to justify advancing their own vision. the same methods, under different leadership, are used and nary a peep is heard in opposition. in fact, they heap praise on the vision it took to fall in line behind behind the avarice of the global community. it all seems to be a matter of "vision", doesn't it? the myopic vision of an incompetent leadership and and its sycophantic acolytes.

What has been the Official U.S. Policy in regards to Libya for the past 25 years?
What does the Constitution say about Supporting our Allies?

US Senate unanimously call for no-fly zone over Libya
March 6th, 2011 12:30 pm ET .

March 23, 2011, 6:16 pm Gingrich Calls For No-Fly Zone, Then Attacks It
The rest of your lame pathetic post is just more of your mental masturbation that whips you into an internet warrior frenzy. Have fun.
i like to imagine duke as a balding, paunchy, middle aged buffoon, living in his mother's basement and beating off to internet porn until dinnertime. if i begin to see him as anything more normal, i find myself losing all faith inhumanity and reaching for my gun, a bottle of sleeping pills or even a hastily fashioned noose.

awaiting predictable response
You would have a point if what you say is true. However, it's just more of your indoctrinated bullshit.

There is no sound medical evidence that homosexuals are born gay.

Who Islamists worship is also not the issue.

Rhetoric is a poor substitute for facts.

so, you made a decision to be straight then?

i like to imagine duke as a balding, paunchy, middle aged buffoon, living in his mother's basement and beating off to internet porn until dinnertime. if i begin to see him as anything more normal, i find myself losing all faith inhumanity and reaching for my gun, a bottle of sleeping pills or even a hastily fashioned noose.

awaiting predictable response

Losers with nothing but sound bites and rhetorical BS without any substance. Typical lefty moronic behavior. Nothing new here.
thats all you got? race and meth? slightly new strategy.....the meth part....

yeah, interesting direction there. i admit, i laughed the first few times, but he just piles on the racism charges non-stop and it loses its sting.

how you doing today, falafel?
I aint playing fetch it
Go back to stormfront and call in some reinforcements
Or create some more sock puppet accounts

LOL. How pathetic and pitiful. You can't produce one racist post from me. Go back to your momma's tit. You're still crapping in your diaper. Come back when you're an adult and have something of substance to contribute other than your race card.
LOL. How pathetic and pitiful. You can't produce one racist post from me. Go back to your momma's tit. You're still crapping in your diaper. Come back when you're an adult and have something of substance to contribute other than your race card.

i can find posts that are hateful to gays and muslims :razz:
My bad I got you confused with Feff
through hard work? obama? hard work? now thats funny.

he was a community shit stirrer, thats it. i wouldnt call whipping a group of illiterate govt sucking leeches into a frenzy, work.


Well half sorry

You are still a bigot
I aint playing fetch it
funny, i could come up with at least a few of your own posts that are centered around the racism you imagine in others and i wouldn't even have to leave this thread. it's a pot and kettle sort of thing and i don't really expect you to get the significance.
My bad I got you confused with Feff


lemme guess, you somehow found that post littered with racial slurs with methamphetimine overtones? i am beginning to understand you duke, half your brain was removed at birth, the other half was spoiled from being stuck in your ass for so long. cool.
No you can't. What you can find are posts that criticize Islam and the homosexual agenda. That is not "hate". Try again, punk.

condemning an entire religion as "hateful" is just criticism?

calling gays a "perversion" is just criticism?

i promise you, if you try to criticize someone by gently pointing out that they are hateful and a perversion, they will not take it as "criticism".