Well-Known Member
oh no, i am mortally wounded. how will i ever recover my dignity and self-respect? by the way, i don't have a basement and the only chemistry i practice these days is the occasional mescaline extraction.
perversion is gaining sexual gratification through deviant means. deviance is anything that "deviates" or departs from the social norm. so yes, homosexuals would have to be seen as sexual deviants.
what case? No logical person could ever come to the conclusion that someone was racist from these two posts, not even a little bit.Rest My case
except that homosexuality is a completely normal variation of human sexuality. so yeah, you lose that line of argument.
Wrong. Your new age indoctrination is kicking in again. Kinda like Pavlov's dog. You may actually believe this, but that doesn't make it a correct true belief. Anal sex is not anatomically normal. The anus is not designed for accepting, but is designed muscularly to expel waste. The vagina, however, is designed to accept a penis. Anatomically speaking, anal sex is deviant behavior.
so, homosexuality is defined only as anal sex between two men?
i guess women can't be gay then
better make sure to let nearly every species of animal on earth know that their gayness is deviant and that they need to stop
Women can't have intercourse. DUH!!! LOL.
You're in the big leagues now, UB. You need to spend more time in the batting cage so when you face me you can hit my curve ball. You're flailing wildly and missing badly.
kinda hard to keep an eye on the ball when i am laughing riotously at you
the mouth is an orifice meant for chewing and breaking down food, so anatomically speaking (<---my favorite part), blowjobs are deviant sexual behavior.
and since in vitro fertilization is not natural, those parents or children of those parents must have their rights denied and disparaged. those immoral, unnatural science babies shall not be allowed to teach my children, adopt children of their own, or marry the partner of their choice, because they are not natural.
we must also ban polyester, as it is not natural.
try telling my lesbian friends they can't have intercourse and watch them laugh loudly in your face.
why don't you go back to biblical times, eh? leave all of us non stone age people here to have intelligent debate.
also, is that you, rickwhite?
Once again, you swing and miss. The mouth isn't used for sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse involves sex organs. You need to stop confusing terms and clouding the facts here.
Women may use artificial means of getting pregnant and use artificial devices for intercourse, but anatomically speaking it is impossible for two women to have sexual intercourse. Keep at it. I'll help you along, pal.
thus making it right to strip them of their rights, the american way!
so funny that you shit your pants over the perceived threat of sharia law, while enforcing your own fundamentalist beliefs on fellow citizens of this country.
one day, perhaps on your deathbed, you may see the folly of your ways. but i doubt it. you seem to have quite the dogmatic streak in you.
except that homosexuality is a completely normal variation of human sexuality. so yeah, you lose that line of argument.
sorry folks, but homosexuality is neither the biological nor social norm. no matter how many gay rights advocates you may line up to force this shit down the population's throat, you simply can't turn a doe into a buck. we may tolerate or even accept such practices, but the day it becomes the norm will be the first day of the end of humanity as a dominant species on this planet. no creature that cannot replenish itself can survive and homosexuals, by the very nature of the concept, can only reproduce through some outside agency.as long as you are not hurting others people should be left to do as they please.
as long as you are not hurting others people should be left to do as they please..I for one will never tell anyone who they can love or not love ..or how they sex or not sex...if you want to stick your penis in your lovers ear and your lover is cool with it...let the ear fucking begin
sorry folks, but homosexuality is neither the biological nor social norm. no matter how many gay rights advocates you may line up to force this shit down the population's throat, you simply can't turn a doe into a buck. we may tolerate or even accept such practices, but the day it becomes the norm will be the first day of the end of humanity as a dominant species on this planet. no creature that cannot replenish itself can survive and homosexuals, by the very nature of the concept, can only reproduce through some outside agency.
i don't think y'all are idiots. i'm relatively sure that you've figured out by now that i have no consuming hatred or even dislike of homosexuality and that my racism has been consigned to being that vile little voice deep within my subconscious that i quite successfully silence if ever it rears its ugly head. what i am is a realist. i recognize my own aberrations as well as those of others. we can't simply go around declaring something to be normal, just because it makes us feel good. we can accept the gay community and treat them with the same respect we give to everyone else, but demanding we consider it normal is beyond mere opinion. i might just as well consider my own perverse little bundle of psychoses and neuroses to be normal and the rest of the so-called sane folks to be the ones with a screw or two loose.
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate
James Owen in London
for National Geographic News
July 23, 2004
Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. So go the lyrics penned by U.S. songwriter Cole Porter.
Porter, who first hit it big in the 1920s, wouldn't risk parading his homosexuality in public. In his day "the birds and the bees" generally meant only one thing—sex between a male and female.
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But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.
Roy and Silo, two male chinstrap penguins at New York's Central Park Zoo have been inseparable for six years now. They display classic pair-bonding behavior—entwining of necks, mutual preening, flipper flapping, and the rest. They also have sex, while ignoring potential female mates.
Wild birds exhibit similar behavior. There are male ostriches that only court their own gender, and pairs of male flamingos that mate, build nests, and even raise foster chicks.
Filmmakers recently went in search of homosexual wild animals as part of a National Geographic Ultimate Explorer documentary about the female's role in the mating game. (The film, Girl Power, will be screened in the U.S this Saturday at 8 p.m. ET, 5 p.m PT on MSNBC TV.)
The team caught female Japanese macaques engaged in intimate acts which, if observed in humans, would be in the X-rated category.
"The homosexual behavior that goes on is completely baffling and intriguing," says National Geographic Ultimate Explorer correspondent, Mireya Mayor. "You would have thought females that want to be mated, especially over their fertile period, would be seeking out males."
Well, perhaps, in a roundabout way, they are seeking males, suggests primatologist Amy Parish.
She argues that female macaques may enhance their social position through homosexual intimacy which in turn influences breeding success. Parish says, "Taking something that's nonreproductive, like mounting another female—if it leads to control of a resource or acquisition of a resource or a good alliance partner, that could directly impact your reproductive success."
this doesn't even make sense.
animals engage in homosexual behavior too. i'm no gay, but for you to somehow say that homosexuality will be the day of humanity as a dominant species just doesn't make sense. homosexuals CANNOT reproduce. they adopt.
homosexuality is not the norm in the animal kingdom, nor is it the norm in humans. they are a MINORITY, but that doesn't make them any less human and it doesn't mean they don't have a soul.
you are somehow obsessed with having things rammed down your throat, for some reason... WTF?? we don't want to make it the norm. we don't want to discriminate against gays just because they are gay.
you are supporting ostracizing and discriminating because they are attracted to the same sex, i have a bunch of gay friends and co-workers, NONE of them try to force me to be gay... they respect my straightness as much as i respect their gayness, it's just ONE thing we don't have in common, that doesn't mean i HAVE to try to NOT get along.
I agree. However, don't come knocking on my door and tell me that I have to accept their behavior as normal and allow them access to my children's mind.
I would like to like this but your use of the word "normal made me not... I would say different simple because its different then what I choose...A two headed billy goat is not normal and freakish..I don't think because you happen to love the same sex is freakish or abnormal...just different then my way of life...and far as your kids..I would hope your ideas and believes would have more access to their minds...I truly think that people are born the way they are...you can't make a person gay