hello....day roundin up da brothas.....

O'Donnell is a sissy socialist. That says enough about you to confirm my first impression.

can i interest you in some gay butt sex?

i will slather you up in bacon grease first. after, we can eat jujubees while we spoon and pop in 'sex in the city' and make sassy remarks about their choices in footwear.

i can wear a bee costume if it sweetens the deal for you ;)

can i interest you in some gay butt sex?

i will slather you up in bacon grease first. after, we can eat jujubees while we spoon and pop in 'sex in the city' and make sassy remarks about their choices in footwear.

i can wear a bee costume if it sweetens the deal for you ;)


You've already used that schtick a couple days ago when I first posted. You're very weak, almost helpless. I think the sissy socialist O'Donnell is more your type. You're sad and pitiful. Seems you never quite made it to manhood.
You've already used that schtick a couple days ago when I first posted. You're very weak, almost helpless. I think the sissy socialist O'Donnell is more your type. You're sad and pitiful. Seems you never quite made it to manhood.

you're in no position to judge my manhood until i put on the bee costume, trust me.

I love it when I see a sissy lefty keep making a fool of himself in public. It makes my case much better than I ever could. Thanks.

fine, no bee costume.

i have something better in mind.


this really says class. i'll be over at 7. have the skillet ready, i'll bring the bacon and jujubees.
sperm were never meant to end up in a kleenex tissue, so by that definition, masturbation is abnormal, which means 99.9% of all men have abnormal behavior.

makes perfect sense.

Interesting point, wanted to think on it awhile before responding.

I think the difference is that masturbation doesn't interfere with the ultimate goal of procreation. It is a passtime that anyone of any sexual inclination can engage in, without subverting or negating the ability to procreate. Hard core Catholics can disagree, but every sperm is most definitely NOT sacred.

I don't think you really want to compare homosexuality with masturbation as it could lead to the argument that it is merely a sexual fetish and not a variation that a person is born with. That is the argument to which most of the religious zealots would subscribe, I for one don't agree.

If a majority of homosexuals eventually mated with the opposite sex, then homosexuality could be relegated to the same category as masturbation, a passtime. That certainly doesn't seem to be the case, so I think it does interfere with nature's pursuance of procreation in the individuals for whom it is a reality.

Not a good or bad thing, but certainly against the WILL OF GOD ALMIGHTY (kidding).
neither does homosexuality. gays can donate sperm or eggs so that others may conceive just as well as a straight person can.

I kind of addressed that in relation to the individuals themselves. While they could help other individuals procreate, a male or female involved in a homosexual coupling cannot naturally conceive. I know, it's so obvious it doesn't really need to be said, but that is the distinction. Science can impregnate a lesbian woman, a lesbian can seek a one time sexual liason for the purpose of conception, but a gay couple cannot NATURALLY conceive. I think that's the discussion we're having, is it normal or abnormal in regards to the natural circle of life. <Insert Disney WAV here>
I think that's the discussion we're having, is it normal or abnormal in regards to the natural circle of life.

it is a normal variation of sexuality in humans and animals alike, so i would say it is perfectly normal in regards to the 'natural circle of life', or however else you want to phrase it to fit your tilt.
In any case, I'm down with the cause. I support the whole marriage fight because it's long overdue and I'm for anything that pisses off all the high and mighty religious gestapo in this country. That Gary Johnson video was dead on, sometimes it's hard to be a Conservative when I have swallow all the social bullshit just to get a fiscally responsible leader.
i like gary johnson. i wish he had the cultish following that ron paul does.

check that: i wish he was capable of polling above 0.01% or stirring any excitement about his candidacy.
In any case, I'm down with the cause. I support the whole marriage fight because it's long overdue and I'm for anything that pisses off all the high and mighty religious gestapo in this country. That Gary Johnson video was dead on, sometimes it's hard to be a Conservative when I have swallow all the social bullshit just to get a fiscally responsible leader.

dude, i am on your side. who gives a fuck who marries who, not your business. go buy groceries and shut the fuck up.