Hello from the other side,I told you fools a 1000 times

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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Honestly, I have nothing against led, they have uses. It's these guys that think they can just build a light that out performs a de and then show crappy bud, have long winded excuses and bullshit claims they can't back up. some invest so heavily, their opinions have swayed them to the dark side with 0 evidence that it works. then they attack the people who point it out, that's all

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Rrog, you're turning into another ttystikk, you have invested heavily with no evidence it works better, and now you're here defending them.
will you back peddle when they grow big puffy buds that look like crap? we shall see.


Well-Known Member
This is getting pretty deep. I'm not going to drag this into the mud like another hydro vs soil abortion thread. You have a mean streak Chuck. I defended you on another thread, but this is not a chill perspective you have. It's nasty and bitter for some odd reason.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Didn't ask for an argument, i asked if you'll be honest if and when they don't perform as told?
BTW, you're doing EXACTLY what these other guys do, get mad at ME because their lights don't grow as good as bud as my gavita.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it....

Didn't someone do a 600+ watts of led vs 1000watt of hps?

I mean,that's what I always hear,less watts,same yield...

And why are the led units I want,not in stock?

I just want to hang it in between my 2 1000watt de hoods,and put plants under it,like with my 315lec...no change in anything. No different feeds


Have you tried cree cob leds yourself? Personally from an overhead 600w hps (Hortilux bulb but cheap reflector) I'm getting slightly higher overall lux readings at my canopy with a switch to a 340w PLC.

As for yield I only have 1 small 2'x2' grow finished under Cree cobs, 21k lumens, 148w at the wall 4000k. Dry yield of 223g, 1.5gpw, 596g/m2. Had a mars400 in the space before, huge improvement over that. They perform better than I expected.

Overall the nugs look better than anything else I've grown, but different strains always being grown here so no way for me to accurately compare quality.

The last of 3 plants to be harvested in the space.

This is a small nug from the bottom of the plants.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Well, It takes me 20 minutes just to make a post, getting pics is even harder, as soon as they take me off retarded mode, I'll be more than happy to show you what REAL buds look like. Like I HAVE done before.BUT, Like I said, you can't just post up quality buds to make your point, you have to attack me personally. LOL


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