hello i have a question


Active Member
i am looking into wiring up a 35 wat hps to a 350 pc psu is that possible. if so how would i go about doing that i read you have to connect the socket to the igniter and the fuse and all that fun stuff but from there how would i attach it to the psu so i can directly put in a pc cord to the psu so the fan and the hps would turn on.btw sorry for any spelling misstakes

thank you very much for any help


Well-Known Member
Umm its doesnt work like that. Let me get this straight you want to power a 35watt hps light with a computer power supply? Ya it doesnt work like that :)


Active Member
If you could achieve this it would be a bad idea, primarily because it would be quite dangerous. It really is a worthy investment to get a proper lighting system going on, not only is it the safest option but lighting is one of the integral parts of growing, your plant will never achieve its potential without good lighting. This doesn't mean go out and buy a 1000 watt light just because you want to closet grow a single plant, it just means to try to get 50 watts or more per plant wherever possible, and do it safely. After all it would be a terrible shame to burn down your plant, room or even house because you tried to improvise too much. Also, if you're going for 35 watts, you may as well just get some CFL bulbs which are much easier to fit and most likely cheaper.