I would like to start off focusing on root rot and slime thats common in the ebb/grow systems!
Root rot! Its seems to take charge in week 3 of bloom with the exsposive amounts of root filling
The buckets, cap has x2 versoins of buckets one is a flat bottom and the other is a raised style
With a slight angle to help draining! Does either one work not really, water still remains in the
Bucket in between floods and sits with 0 air and under the heat of your lamp. No air = stagnent
Water = in root rot! And water siting under lights in black tubing is like a heater increasing temps
In one case i did a test where my chiller was keeping a good 62 to 63f in the res! And i installed
A water proof temp gauge in the main line that feeds the buckets. My floods are spaced 4 hours
Apart and half way through to the next flood my inline water temp was 78! I couldnt believe it lol
So high temps = brown slime or pythium! This all took place with a bad ass chiller in place. Everytime
It cycled a flood it would bring back bactiria to the res and thus causing a revolving cycle of shit!
To eliminate a good amount of this high temps i replaced my black lines with 3/4 white pvc and put
Foam on the lines, the kind you snap on to help with frozen water pipes. White pvc and no direct
Light on the line got it down to 65 to 66f from 78

in doing so it almost elininated slime and made
My chiller run half as much. Back to root rot! Even though cap raised there buckets raising it a1in to
2inchs more is a win all to geting them to drain 100% and elininating rot. Keep in mind lots of air in
The res is key to replacing fresh clean water full of air to your plants roots! When you raisem up dont
Raise the controll box, i know by doing this you lower the flood level! Its ok your plant will love you
For it!