Help! 5 day old seedlings falling over!


Well-Known Member
So i have 7 thing different autos from seed that i planted in cups after germination and today is day 5 or 6 and the one in the far corner fell over! i picked it up and packed the soil down and watered it and seems to be ok for now. I had them under a HO T5 Flourescent for the first 4 days( about a foot away) and yesterday i transplanted them into 5 gallon air pots and moved them under a 600w MH which i started was about 3 feet away for 24 hrs(I now have moved it to 26") .I am using Pro Mix Mycorrhizae Prof Grow Medium and am watering every 24 hours or so (Basically when its dry about an inch down) and because it was dry and how "airy" this soil seems to be the furthest from the light toppled over! Do you think i just left the lights to far away and they were stretching and just toppled because of how dry it was? How far ideally should my MH be away from these 6 day old seedlings (about an inch to 2 inches big) safely without frying the little guys? I have just a old school steel reflector with a base for the lamp on some pullys to bring it up and down. my room is about 6' X 4' and the light is in the middle of it. I have an exhaust fan with a charbon filter for exhaust and a little trailer window fan on the door to the room. i have to heat the space right now in MARCH for *&(*^( sakes. I have a oil filled radiant heater 1500w and a space heater 1500w to keep it between 73.4F to in around 80 F right at the top of seedlings now. Humidity is low because of heaters so have a humidifier to keep the Rh up. Should be noted that also due to the cold i have the lights on 24/0 because its easier to maintain a somewhat stable temperature because of the unseasonable warmth LMAO.Sorry about the long blab but wanted to paint a picture for you guys so you can understand whats going on (will post pics in a few mins on my phone if i can figure it out lol) Any help or recommendations would be great guys. Having a tough time with light distance and if the one that fell over is even getting enough light? I think a single 600w should be enough for this space? I have a hard time moving around in there with just the pots..going to have a hard time taking care of the ones in the back i think if they grow anywhere as near as big as i want them to....

Thanks a Ton guys!20140301_141851.jpg20140301_141854.jpg20140301_141909.jpg20140301_142810.jpg20140301_142820.jpg

Dro joe

16-24 inches is safe range for new seedlings, do you have the light directly above them? ive never seen seedlings fall over unless they werent planted quite deep enough.. they need some medium to anchor to.. also it looks like some of them could be just searching for light so try getting the lamp a bit closer, also I usually prefer to get a root base going in a smaller container before throwing them right into a 5 7 or 10 gallon I feel it helps alot with canopy growth when they have a ton of root base off transplant. Good luck bud!


Active Member
if you using a 600 watts for seedlings the first week or two you wasting money you don't have to write a book make short and sweet~:lol:


Well-Known Member
The mother in law came over to the house and needed to put them in the room away from view and didn't want to stunt growth by leaving them in Styrofoam cups for too long. I propped the one that is falling down up with a skewer after it fell over again.. Going to try and pack the soil hopefully it works.