Help a beginner

So, after much reading on here I decided to start my "second" grow. To preface this I'm an absolute noob with no green thumb at all. Feel free to laugh all you want at the situation but please help me out here.

Both seeds popped right up after 3-4 days, the one one the left has been vegging like crazy while the right one has been lagging behind. No problem there but at about week 2 the left one got yellowing leaves starting at the bottom working its way up. It hasn't slowed down growth much if at all but I haven't heard of yellowing just at the bottom leaves. The top growth nodes is doing fine.

I just can't figure out if this is overwatering or that it needs nutes or something else entirely. I did overwater for the first 2 weeks (once a day, soil moist at top). Now I am watering once every 3-4 days based on moisture of the soil 2 inches down (if its dry down to this point, I water).

I have a small closet grow (2x2). It consists 400w HPS AgroSun in air-cooled ballast, 2 self watering pots, Miracle-Gro organic potting mix (feeds up to 2 months?) with about 25% perlite mixed in for drainage, a 16" fan propped up behind them for air circulation/ventilation. Temp stays 75-80 degrees F. Light is 2.5 feet above plants. Haven't started any nutes yet.

I changed my watering schedule 2 weeks ago (1 month old now) but haven't seen any improvement. So, what is going on with my plants?

Sorry the the long post and crap picture. Another noob who doesn't know what he is doing! Any help will be repaid with massive amounts of karma.


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
These look completely normal and healthy

The lower leaves yellow as they get older, and the upper leaves shade them from the good light.

The one on the right looks like it suffered from the over-watering incident, but it looks fine now too.

These look great! CFL's right? I can tell because the inter-nodes are so tight, and the growth is very compact.


Well-Known Member
they look overwatered, and might be having a little burn from overwatering the MG soil maybe

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering. If I were you I would get a moisture meter just to be safe. To correct the droop, take the stress off the plants. Possibly move the light up and adjust the fan accordingly. Sometimes constant wind on a plant will make it droop.

Im not very familiar with soil grows, but I know miracle grow has some issues.

No big deal bout being a noob, everybody has first grow stories and nightmares.

Hope this helped!
Wait, seriously? I was freaking out here. lol.

I know the picture doesn't show it too well but the bottom leaves are yellow with brown spots and blotches (Color in pic is off).

I think I'll take your word for it though because yeah I did overwater the right one more than the left.

Thanks, Green Cross! Oh, btw started for 1 week on 3 23watt cfls but now I got a massive hood with a 400watt HPS/MH in there!