HeLP a GUY w/ Zeeds


Well-Known Member

So Im gonna pop my cherry and get some bomb seeds. not going to pay in the higher spectrum more in the lower part 40-80$. Any and all suggestions are needed on your experiences with different strains. I like a nice down really stoney feeling with just a hint of that sativa up. Honestly most of the bomb Ive ever had was very UP bud all about the head high. So something that would help with deep bone pain and muscle spasms, I might just get a mix o seeds. I really do enjoy a strong sativa as well and am considering PPP, otherwise I might be going to get aurora indica??? I'm pretty much just settling cause I dont know anything (which I dont like to do) so I wan't to hear what you all have to say on it. Id like a very potent strain(duh), I don't care if its tough to grow. I want potentcy before yeild, but a strong big yeilder would be great (i just dont know anything about this as I said) I'm very new to all the strains and what not. I need a guru to guide me, help me choose beans suitable for me. Help an ass out. aight. later:peace::peace::peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
BUMP=come on I know tons of you guys buy seeds online, and a lot have probably had many different strains, help me find a good strain, I'll scratch yo back!!!=BUMP


Well-Known Member
fuck wheel of fortune fool. I aint no scrub, where am I gonna see big bang, how long you been into horticulture?


Well-Known Member

So Im gonna pop my cherry and get some bomb seeds. not going to pay in the higher spectrum more in the lower part 40-80$. Any and all suggestions are needed on your experiences with different strains. I like a nice down really stoney feeling with just a hint of that sativa up. Honestly most of the bomb Ive ever had was very UP bud all about the head high. So something that would help with deep bone pain and muscle spasms, I might just get a mix o seeds. I really do enjoy a strong sativa as well and am considering PPP, otherwise I might be going to get aurora indica??? I'm pretty much just settling cause I dont know anything (which I dont like to do) so I wan't to hear what you all have to say on it. Id like a very potent strain(duh), I don't care if its tough to grow. I want potentcy before yeild, but a strong big yeilder would be great (i just dont know anything about this as I said) I'm very new to all the strains and what not. I need a guru to guide me, help me choose beans suitable for me. Help an ass out. aight. later:peace::peace::peace::mrgreen:
Size/dimension of grow box?
Type and wattage of lights?

Need more info about your set-up.

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
both of those are overly mixed, not like it's possible to get an original strain of weed now-a-days, BUT, the warlock won't treat you wrong, it's easy to know when to harvest, resilient plant, under the RIDICULOUS 100 dollar mark.

speaking of which, how come we have to pay more than 150 dollars for some F*CKING SEEDS today:evil:. people should be banding together and making prices reasonable at the VERY least, but OH NO, that kind of talk is "PROHIBITED" since overgrow got blown out of proporsion. if you've got any suggestions on how to get this hippie fest of seed bartering on, speak the hell up.

i didn't mean to jack your thread man, sorry, but i got lost in the moment. :blsmoke:


Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Jock Horror from Nirvana. Very affordable...strong buzz...sativa bloodlines...easy to grow...very good yields. Lots of fun growing Jock anad it would be a good ride to bust your cherry on.

White Widow is one of my all time favs. You can never go wrong with that choice.