Help help

hello every one , any way , this is my

sweet dreams ( 18 days old ) sweet dreams.JPG

and northen light (12 days old) northen light.JPG

and if u can notice that the leaves are not feelin good , its curled and its turnin yellow

hope that i can get an answer soon

i thought it might be an fertilizers problem so i flushed the pots.

* the plants are under an 250w MH LIGHT , the light is above them within 30 cm

* the grow closet its 4 sqr. ft. ( 2x2x3)


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutes have you given them and how much? Are you possibly over watering them ?


Well-Known Member
The soil looks pretty good too..was it preferted? The seem a little young be be giving any serious nutes to, imo.


Well-Known Member
hello every one , any way , this is my

sweet dreams ( 18 days old ) View attachment 1376738

and northen light (12 days old) View attachment 1376739

and if u can notice that the leaves are not feelin good , its curled and its turnin yellow

hope that i can get an answer soon

i thought it might be an fertilizers problem so i flushed the pots.

* the plants are under an 250w MH LIGHT , the light is above them within 30 cm

* the grow closet its 4 sqr. ft. ( 2x2x3)
Hey Bro you did the right thing by flushing, now you just have to wait and see if they are OK.

I don't think you did any real damage..

Just spray them with a little water only and they will be fine. To Little for nutes Bro. Give them some Time


Well-Known Member
I always start my plants at that age on a little feed,the leaves are a little green are the plants getting too much water has this can cause curling..............................................tyke....................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
I always start my plants at that age on a little feed,the leaves are a little green are the plants getting too much water has this can cause curling..............................................tyke....................................................................................................................
And you seem to be a very experenced grower,,
for the rest of us the books and folks on this site all say use water only the first few weeks...