help lol

See 4x3 is much more manageable than my initial thought at fifteen square feet, but its still not enough for ten plants once they double-triple. Congrats on ten random females! I have five bagseeds going now but two appear to be male and will likely be killed.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Well 15 square feet is enough space for 10 plants in 3 gallon pots, however if you use fifteen gallon pots then no it is not, so I may be a Dick however it doesn't take a genius the internet and a calculator to figure out he needs a Fuckin 600wat MH/HPS light and electronic ballast, what if I used a Mercury Vapour is that enough lumens, what part of the world is this, PAR, and Kelvin are the useful measurments of light when it comes to growing, Lumens is good if you want to know how bright things are, plants do not care they need radiation.

It also certainly doesn't take a genius to know that everything is specific to the grow in question. HPS is expensive no matter how you look at it, and I have only seen about 500,000 grows that were completely successful without anything but CFLs. Not sure who decided 15gallon pots should be used indoors, especially considering some people have gone from seedlings to flower in solo cups, but again it is all very much grow specific. Unfortunately he is right about Lumens they only tell you how bright your room is going to be. Kelvins are What you want to look at, and for flowering you can use lights only producing 2700k to achieve more of the necessary red spectrum for flowers. Again this is all grow specific and no one should be telling you otherwise because how your plants are grown determine what they really need. A short, bushy plant that has been well treated with LST methods will require less lights to penetrate it than a four foot monster with long branches or thick leaves. Will a 250 dollar light setup producing the exact spectrum of light needed produce better plants? No shit! Is it necessary? Absolutely not, you can do well with a ton of CFLs and some big red UV bulbs like your local pet store sells for reptiles.


Well-Known Member
I have a 9' x7' flower room, floor dimensions, and if I wanted to use the entire room I would need 3000 watts of HPS or 750,000 lumens to cover the entire area.
I have a 4' x4' footprint from my 1000 watt HPS that is in good lighting.


Active Member
Yes 3x5 but two foot has no plants. And its aprox that size. OK other thing everyone say use actually Watts but the bulb is putting out the replacement Watts. So if I use 26 Watt bulb the replacement is 100 then why would when figureing Watts for room I not use replacement Watts? My room is 400 Watts but the replacement is 1200. If I hit you with a hammer and my four year old hit you with hammer in the end your going to have lump. LOL idk

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
They are right you cannot use replacment watts because it factors visible light which is measured in lumens, when you have a 26 watt CFL it puts out as many lumens as the equivelent 100watt incandesent because it more efficiently produces visible light, but what numb nuts is saying about these big red reptile lights which are actually incandecent heat lamps not UV lights, you need to buy the CFL UVB light it kicks out hardly any visible light because it is in a different spectrum.

One more thing four foot plants are not monsters, a $250 light fixture is not expensive, you can flower with CFL's but you will not even come close to the weight or bud density from a HPS.
And Fortunatley I am right about all of that and fortunately you heard it by an experienced person. I see most CFL grows are done all wrong there was no research into Kelvin ratings, they think they have a 2000 watt equivelent to a HID, thats laughable if it was equal we would all be doing it, which we are not, it's a Fuckin pipe dream get your head out of your asses 26 wats is 26watts to a plant it doesn't have fuckin eyeballs it can't see what we see it thrives on heat temps measured in Kelvin and PAR period.
