the one with the black dots i inoc on the 5th i put pics up so that you can see it. its in pic number 3 but that area is kind of bigger now its growing slow like mycel does but those dots and on one of them i see kinda green looking but not sure and im tossing it when i am sure.
so yours took like 5 days to start? thats what i thought...... chill out on those black dots for now.... but black is real bad if its a certain bacteria im thinking. but its too early to tell now. it could just be just nothing... lets just let them colonize a bit more huh? just watch those black dots and let me know if they are growing..... as for green... it may be penicillin mold, or it could just be mycellium bruiseing, but if it is that it should bruise like a greenish blue at first, then turn a dark blue color... let me know if that stays green, or keeps growing. but let them do there thing for a while. and has the mycellium grows your gonna see yellow strains... those are just the metabolites from mycellium, aka myc piss.. remeber that like weed plants mycellium is a living breathing thing too..... lets just wait a few days before we get all antsy about it\
also cakes begin to shrink once there ready to fruit, so when that happends dont trip its natural.... dont forget to dunk and roll!!!! it makes a huge diffrence!!!! dunk for atleast 12 hours but 24 is better i think. but if you really wanna be down i would case those pf cakes to some pastureised cow shit and straw.......... THAT WILL MAKE A HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE DIFFRENCE