help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
thanks , she vegged for about 25 days or so:weed:
bag seed... not sure why it looks like that in the one pic ,,

Damn, thats some pretty good bad seed. See, you never know what the real potential of the bad seed weed is suppose to be until you grow it to i ts fullest potential.


Well-Known Member
Eh kratose what was the ratio on the dish soap for flushing salt?
Well, really depends on the size of your pot your plant is in.

Honestly, just a drop or two goes a long ways. Very diluted, just enough to kill the salts.

Start out with a drop, and water it with the usuall amount you would use.


Well-Known Member
ok here some more i just took right now
i have more then 5 nodes though i have 7 almost 8 with the new drowth coming out now.
sence a little time earlyier i took those pics to now it looks like this shit grew already some lol
and ow ya everyone is takeing over my thread now huh?
lol lmao just jokeing i dont care
what ya guys think?



Well-Known Member
ok here some more i just took right now
i have more then 5 nodes though i have 7 almost 8 with the new drowth coming out now.
sence a little time earlyier i took those pics to now it looks like this shit grew already some lol
and ow ya everyone is takeing over my thread now huh?
lol lmao just jokeing i dont care
what ya guys think?
Top the one in the 4th picture. Make sure just to cut off the top, and not the side shoots growing in.

Since you have about 7 nodes, they are good for topping, and you will see the new tops getting bigger in just a few days. Try it on one, and see how you like it. Then if you do, you can top more, or wait til your next grow.

What you using for lighting?

Edit...Also top the one in the 2nd pic


Well-Known Member
that is only one plant
and im useing cfl's like 4 of them .
and im scared to take the top off :0(


Well-Known Member
that is only one plant
and im useing cfl's like 4 of them .
and im scared to take the top off :0(

Honestly, there is not much to be scared about, its very easy. If you want, wait until the top grows up more so you can take a nice clean cut. And you can see penny's results then decide

How many plants you have total? CFL's can product good results, but you need alot of them. But it does not compare to HID lighting.

Get a grow or two under your belt before going HID, that way you make the most out of it when you get HID lighting.


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya
i was saying growth came out and new growth is already coming out of that now
and ill always have my eyes on everyones thread u all should know that by now lol
and i only have that 1 big on right now and like 3 sprouts and i hav eanother one i just looked at and germed in the toilet paper so ill give it a little to get biger in there then ill plant it.