help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
ok i have new pics here are some of the new setup in my nightstand.
and a pic of my 3 sprouts,a pic of the 12incher that i made into a clone,and some pics of the smaller plant
i still have to put up some more wrapping paper on the side walls
an im stressed i broke 1 of my daylight bulbs so now im down to 3 daylight ones :0( :wall:
and i have 1 reg cfl in there too.
look at the smaller plant do i need to feed it sence i had a prob with it and i repoted it in new soil?should and when should i feed it?does it look any better then the other pic when i had it in the other pot with the other soil?
tomarrow i will be geting a bunch more stuff and ill get some superthrive
any help or coments about anything here in these pics woud be greatfull
and im going to look for a small fan or 2 for this setup.



Well-Known Member
i would say no nutes yet.

how far away from the plants are your lights?

how far away from your lights can you feel the heat from them?

do you have any fresh air moving into your grow room?

give me solid answers and i can help


Well-Known Member
i have the light close but it dont burn my hands or fingers
i have a fan in my room thats aimed so it hits them but it feels a little chilli when i do
i dont want them to get cold
anything else ya need to know?


Well-Known Member
i have the light close but it dont burn my hands or fingers
i have a fan in my room thats aimed so it hits them but it feels a little chilli when i do
i dont want them to get cold
anything else ya need to know?
get the light within 1" on your skin. feel any heat? if you do, back off to two inches....

once you can no longer feel the heat with your skin, measure the distance between your hand and the light. keep you plants this distance! it will help them quit stretching toward thje light. it also seems like 420 is right, i think you may have the wrong light spectrum. if your using a 5200k cfl or something close and your lights stay near the tops of the plants, they will NOT stretch like that. so something is wrong there. either the lights are too far away or they are the wrong kind or both.

dont aim a fan directly on the plants at all times. just help if move the air.

dont use tap water. go down to walmart and get some ozonated spring water. its cheap. let it stand and get room temperature before giving it to your plant. put ONE drop of superthrive per gallon of water and mix. wait until the top two or three inches of the soil is dry and then water well. not too much though! when water starts to drip nicely out the bottom, thats good.

are you letting your plants sleep quietly? when the lights are out are you opening the door alot? it needs to stay dark to they can go to sleep and not get woken up! sound funny but true from what i have learned.

get back to me


Well-Known Member
i have the daylight bulbs 6500k
3 of them and i put 1 of the reg cfls
my water is ph i tested it its ok
and room temp too
and when i shut the lights off i go to sleep and dont bother them
and i just moved the lights a little bit ferther so i dont feel any heat at all now
and with the fan i had it far from the plants just so it moves a little bit not shake like crazy
and ya tomarrow ill be geting some superthrive
is there anything else i should look for?
and do u think aroponics or hydroponics system 1 of those 2 i dont remember the name
but do u think it easyer to grow with those or by soil?
anything else u want to know ask thanks


Well-Known Member
soil is easiest from what i have learned. just keep those lights within two inches as long as they are not hot on the plants


Well-Known Member
def have the right spectrum and right cfls the clone is looking better than it was as a 12" hopefully the roots take hold for you.... if not you have ur seedlings to fall back on and they should do well... just dont over feed em. As far as nutes go for now...I too say no...


Well-Known Member
My plants are doing pretty well and I just pretty much give them water, light, and air. I cant really tell you whats wrong I think youve gone over my head lol but when you do solve the problem try simplifying!!
Very accurate info^^^

keep it simple think of M J as a weed and not a household plant and it makes things a lil easier. By that I simply mean weeds dont need much to grow, light, water and very minimal nutes. As an example I just fed mine today since they sprouted 2 1/2 weeks ago then I will go every other watering with nutes and alternate with regular h2O.

The 10-15-10 diluted should work fine.... I would even start out a lil less than what the box says and try out 3-4 drops if the plants are doin good I wouldnt change from 3-4.... you can alwys feed em more its harder to feed em less.
The new soil you have is Ideal and what I thought u had b4 Peat, vermic, perl is what I use.... I thought u already had this but maybe I was reading a dif post.


Well-Known Member
no i did have it but i got some more diff stuff with the same stuff in it
i just wanted fresh soil to repot so i would have to worry about flushing to clean the old soil
the leafs on the clone droped down when i just looked at it i gave it some water lastnight
and this morning when i turned on the light a few later i left and shut the door i made for it with the lights on and no fan so i think it started drooping cuase it might have been too hot in there i have my window open sence lastnight so i could get fresh out side air im going to turn my fan back on and now i have the door open where the plants are.and i boht some going to check my new boiled tap water to see if its ph right and then put a drop or 2 of superthrive in the gallon so when the next time i have to water everything it will have some superthrive with it.
do u think i should give some water and superthrive to the smaller plant today to try to help it some cuase those leafs look droopy too cuase i think the same reason.
and i bought some garden says it controls powdery mildew,black spot and rust.the active ingredient is sulfur.u think i should spray some of that on the smaller plant? to see what happens or no.
and hopefully sence the newyear everything is closed friday or sat i will go get more stuff like the lights 1 of mine broke and yes they are the right ones i made sure
i have ones for vegging and ones for flowering the place i went to today didnt have anymore of the vegging ones so i was upset :0(
so ill go back to walmart or somewhere.
and ya i kinda figured about givin the plants not the hole dose of the new nutes i got
ill do the 3 or 4 that per gallon or what?
and when do u think i should give the smaller plant some ?
thanks guys alot hit me up let me know


Well-Known Member
i just thought of some thing im just going to cut the small one too and try to turn it into a clone too see what happens just like i did to the big one
someone said the big one looks better now then when it was big
so im going to see if that could happen again and now i have superthrive i know that will help maybe this will give it a new chance to thrive have it start over.
if not i still have my seeds i could keep trying.
and with all that old soil that i took out im going to just flush it and try to clean it up.
im going to keep flushing and after a couple times like 3 times im going to ph test the run off till it reads like 6.8 or something around 6.0 to 6.8
unless there is another number i should be looking for if so let me know please.
hey everyone happy new year
toke one for me and get drunk baby yaaaa
hit me guys


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt give the small ones anything until they are over 3 weeks old. As far as superthrive IDK... never used it but remember less or nothing is better than throwing a whole bunch of new stuff in. And yes its 3-4 drops per gal.


Well-Known Member
I use one drop of superthrive per gallon, as directed. Its very concentrated so no more than that is required.

I also use 1 tsp of fox farm grow big and just started adding 4 tablespoons of Big Bloom as well, per gallon, as my plants will be going into flowering within 3 weeks!


Well-Known Member
where i went they didnt have any foxfarms :0(
i asked too.
and i did cut the small plant to try to make it a clone now
now the 2 clones and the 3 sprouts r in 1 of those humidity dome things u know with those clear plastic thing on the top.
i open the cover every now and then to get some air in it
with the sprouts ok i wont give them anything till like 3 weeks like u said.
and the clones should i just wait for the roots to come out of the peat pot i have them in?to give them anything and change their pots too?i know when they come out the bottom ill give them a new biger size pot but i want to know when i should feed them ?
and the sprouts they shouldnt havea prob in the humidity dome right?or should i take them out?


Well-Known Member
ya it dont have my city in it :0(
but ill find something
and what about sprouts do u think its ok to keep them in the humidity dome or should i take them out?


Well-Known Member
ya it dont have my city in it :0(
but ill find something
and what about sprouts do u think its ok to keep them in the humidity dome or should i take them out?

Go here and read about it. I never put my seedlings in a humidity dome and they did fine. My humidity is 55% which is a little low for vegging but my plants seem happy enough.

Read a lot of the faqs cloudy they are good!


Well-Known Member
trust i read alot of them and alot a threads and ones that had to do with my own questions.but i still like o hear other peoples thoughts on them
ya see me i dont have anything to measure the temp or humidity
and in my room the heat dont work that 1 reason im trying the dome and why i keep the door of the nightstand shut sometimes and i have a heating lamp for the room so when the door in the nightstand is open i turn it on so the room is warm some what
and i use the fan i turn it on and off and i open the window every now and then to get fresh outside air.and its winter over here :0(


Well-Known Member
If there is a lowes or a home depot around, and you have about $25 to spend, you can get a sweet little device.

It comes with two pieces. You mount one outside your house and put the other in your grow room. The outside unit relays the temperature and humidity of the outdoors along with the days high/low temp. It also tells you the temp and humidity of your grow room. Very cool!


Well-Known Member
And its good you read a lot. I don't know much about the humidity box so that why I referred you to the place I get my answers :leaf: