help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
i know i shouldnt tel any one im sorry for u guys to hear that
but i know him for a long ass time we smoked major lot of trees
and i just am going to get some baby plants from this guy he dont even know where i live thats why im going to get them from my boys job.
and i aint going to tell anyone else either .
and im sorry it took so long to get the pics up i was just wireing up this fan i took out of this thing that hooks up to the xbox360 to keep it cool.
it has a on and off switch on it too :0)
the pic of the 12 incher clone was in the nightstand that had gotton over a 100 degrees and ended up looking like this :0( hopefully it will pick back up and get the roots.and the other pic is of the sprout that i have left cuase of the heat temp the others didnt servive :0( hopefully this stays ok. and the other pic is the new aerogarden i got to help sprout and maybe help clone and with the sprouts hopefully i could see how far i could get them in it.
i have the other clone in it now seeing what happenes.
im going to use the fan i wired up maybe for a smaller grow box for sucking air either in or out and ill have the bigger fan to blow air in i guess
what ya guys think.
and dont worry i dont take anything to heart i know i broke the number 1 rule sorry again.



Well-Known Member
Dont even think about moving that sprout!!! That is if u want a proper grow. It looks nice and happy the way they all should be Just where it is... When u get a chance can I get a side pic of her to make sure those lights are close enough...look a lil far in the pic to minimize stretching but that may just be for taking pic sake.
Oh and hate to say I told u so but u know I told u so with keepin those plants in your dresser... enclosed spaces dont allow heat to escape very well and it builds up quickly.
Also as far as telling ppl..thats on you man no need for appologies just tryin to tell u its not smart at all. .. and if u cant trust him on where u live, trustin him with your fredom shouldnt be easy either. He may not know where u live but someone he knows or someone they know do... or can find out. enuf preachin though u know what u should and shouldn't do.
Congrats on the proper sprout

some people are anxious... they can't wait to let their friends know... but the problem isn't keeping YOUR mouth shut... its keeping OTHERS mouths shut... see what happened? your friend opened up his.... might as well keep YOURS shut...
Very true I think of it like this 'how can you expect someone else to keep a secret you yourself cannot!'.... My take is if you wanna let ur friends know and they are 420 friendly smoke em out with the shyt u grew then when they ask where u got it just let em know u can get it for em... ur still the hero.


Well-Known Member
thanks about the coment on the way it looks
and my frend knows where i live just not that other guy who im hopfully geting some haze sprouts from today.and i trust my friend alot went through alot with this guy thats my boy.
and heres some pic u asked for and i made a grow bow too.
I HAVE AN EXUAST FAN NOW. :0) and i have a thremometer /humidity reader in there too just to be safe and i lifted up the box some so the big fan is blowing air in from the bottom of the box and the exuast fan in on top of the box over the 4 lights i have in it.i wrapped the walls of the box with wrapping paper and the top has the dull side of aluminum foil so no light burn.
the plants right now r like a inch or a drop more away from the 4 lights
when it gets biger i could just take things out to lower it away from the light
the box is like 17.5 inches long and 12inches wide each way so it has room to grow.once i get another smaller fan i will put that in insted of useing the big fan.and ow ya like i said the lights r close and they are side ways so they could get more of the light and k and lumens u could see in the pic what ya think thanks



Active Member
this doesnt look to bad for a first time grow but i would definetly invest in some CFLs this is my 3rd time growing and i was using grow bulbs and all my plants turned out like that i have a really small set up with only two CFLs one in the red spectrum and one in the blue and it is made a huge difference also i would throw a small fan in there and try to mist those leaves every couple of days to thicken up that stem.


Well-Known Member
ok i hear from videos and alot of other places anywhere from 75 to 85 degrees is good with like 50% humidity
right now im only at 82 degrees with like 30% humidity and i have a exuast fan right over the 4 6500k cfl's sucking the hot air out and i have a house fan tilted at the bottomm of the box blowing air in.and yes im trying to find or get something else for another small fan to use to blow air in besides this big fan so like when i shut the lights off i could put the plant at the bottom and have that other fanblowing are in hiting it to get the sem stronger.
and i have like 3 more 6500k cfl's blue spec for veggin just didnt put them in the box
4 in this box should be enough for now until it gets bigger and then ill use some to light the bottom half of the plant. and when time comes for flowering i have more cfl's red spec for that i have a bunch of those too and im thinking of geting some red spec ones that r equivalent to 300w each they are nice :0)
i wish i could find them in the blue specs like that :0(
thanks for the comments keep them comeing


Well-Known Member
sorry if i am repeating what someone said but i didn't have time to read everything, just buzzed through.

Listen bro, you are consistently overwatering your plants, every pic shows them wet and they tend to be droopy and curling down (esp on the new pics). Remember this thing is a WEED, it can tolerate less then perfect conditions (besides too little light, which i saw you fixed earlier). Let it dry out a little bit more between waterings. I have heavy soil, so it holds the water alot, i water once a WEEK and they are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
ok heres the grow box with the other fan on
and some more pic of the sprout
now the heat should go down more plus i have the big fan behind the side fan where its blowing air in so thats more and its hiting the plant and lights to help with both :0)
and abou the water thing i have a small thin plastic pot and it drys up quick
thats why i water it i check for moisture every time.u guys think i should change the pot soon to a bigger one? i might do it anyways.
thanks for the responds
keep em coming



Well-Known Member
congrats... now ur growin proper! I would do like I have said b4 and Atari misser said you can still water more frequently just less at a time tell ya what just put a thin layer of water on the top layer of soil like 1/2" then let that sit and get absorbed then another 1/4 " then wait til it dries out and wait again almost 24 hrs then repeat 1st steps of 1/2" of water. But man over all lookin good. Also if you notice more drooping/curling take the fan off blowing directly on the plant... they dont like that... I actually turned mine off and they perked back up....Oh

Almost forgot as far as transplanting I think u r fine for now, from experience prob need about 1 or 2 more leaf sets.... but still u can check bygiving it 1 watering like u do now and then tipping it upside down and checking the roots if there are a lot at the bottom and some up the sides its safe to transplant.


Well-Known Member
lol thanks for the memories
it is funny that was when i didnt know alot about lights and everything
im moving up baby lol
ya i havent been watering them all the time only when it looks and feels dry
and i dont put alot in it either just till i see some drips from the bottom come out
so u think insted of me shuting that pc fan off should i just move it over some so it dont hit it?
i dont want there to get to hot


Well-Known Member
yeah just not directly on her..if it were more humid in there it wouldnt really matter too much but it being 30% she might be curling a lil cause of the fan too.... so just move it or your seedling over


Well-Known Member
by the way clowdy i didn't get a chance to say what I wanted to say cause my ole lady was pushing me off the computer when i was commenting:


To see where you were and where you are, again:


Doing really good, got the right equipment and all.... I hope for a great harvest for you.

In addition to the water thing, the reason I said that is because the leaves are consistently curling down and I had the same problem, as I said i just watered less frequently (or as the person above said) just water less at a time.

Continued good luck to ya.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys ya and i dont water on the plant ever if anything i just spray bottle it thats all and sence its in a small plastic pot it drys quick so i dont water a hole lot just enough to get everything decent when i see little drops coming from the bottom then i stop
and i will move it over some
i know what u guys are saying i do see the leafs aiming down thanks for everything
ill put some new pics up later thanks again and kep the comments comin


Well-Known Member
heres some more pics of them today
what ya think
i dont know about the clone i heard it could take a good min before the roots come out



Well-Known Member
yeah... now thats when u wanna think about watering.... just a lil.. it can go a couple days like that and be fine but Id prob water within 24 hrs, then just add a lil water at a time... see how much you were watering before when u were getting the droplets out of the bottom and back off from that just a lil. But also reember when the soil is dry sometimes you get runoff b4 it actually absorbs. IDK what kinda soil that is (I forget if you told me) but looks kinda chunky... when u water is it compact or airy still?
As far as the clone thats a dif story that needs to stay wet...looks like the stem is turning brown, dont know if it will make it I never have had sucess cloning in soil... an ez cloner is much faster and you can see whats going on also keeps the stem and roots moist, not too cheap though.
Gonna need to transplant that sprout soon, doesnt look like the soil goes to the top only looks about 1/2 way might check it next time u water it.... if not it will def need it by the time the next node comes up.


Well-Known Member
to tell ya the truth that how it always get everydayand the soil aint thick eitherit goes down pritty good trust if it was still moist i wouls leave it alone but it always gets this dry
plus i heard that these types of small pots get dry quicker then the bigger ones so it needs more watering .i never give the sprout that much. i feel like diping the pot a little ways down in some water just to get the under part of the soil where the roots are wet.
and ya i was thinking of changing the pot to a biger one .in that small pot i have at least a 1/2 inch no dirt from the top of the pot.when i first filled up that pot i filled to the brim then when i put water in and mixed it all up to get everything moist it went down to there.and with the 2 clones i had i threw them away today.and i did say what kind of soil i was using i dont remember the page i even gave a pic of it too go back a couple pages ull see it :0). and i moved the plant so the fan dont hit it all the time right now the pc fan is off and the big fan is on aiming toward there to kep things cool its about 81 degrees and 31% hum
ow and i still have my aerogarden i looked and i went threw all the ones i had seeds in and i messed around with them and found a way to get the seeds up and some of them sprouted so i put the ones that did back in just waiting for them to get biger :0)


Well-Known Member
i changed the sprout into a bigger pot
the leafs still r aiming down though
that could be becuase i transplanted it right?
and cuase the new moist soil?
i looked at it when it was in the old pot and took it out and the roots were at the bottom and some on the sides i think so i just put it into a bigger pot
it seemed like it was growing slower too thats another reason y i did it.
i shut the fan off it just now and only have the exuast fan running.
how long should i keep that fan off for so it dont hit the plant?
pluss i dont want it to get too hot in there either.


Well-Known Member
I dont even have my fan running anymore cause everytime I turn it on it makes the leaves wilt. I took about 3 days of no fan plus 2-3 times per day giving it a good misting. But heat is a dif story if anything mine stay at 75 -64. little colder than I like personally but they sem to be doing fine. How many lights do u have on her? If more than 3 I have done fine with 1 plant with 1 of those daylights on it but 2 would be enough.


Well-Known Member
right now i have 4 6500k day light bulbs equal too 100w eachright now i have the big fan at the door way not facing the hole but near the hole so the plant dont move
the temp right now is 79
do u think i should move the plant away from the fan and turn it on?
and do u think i should mist it?i havent misted it sence i finished and out it in this box.
would misting make it droop too?i kinda figure that its drooping now from the transplant i just did today.