help me out with a few things first cabinet grow!

benjamin alexander

Active Member
hey all so after much deliberation and annoyance i have bitten the bullet and put together a cabinet out of something i had laying around because i set myself a budget for the build too.
im after quality above all else, personal smoke only for medicinal use at first, extra to come later once i can handle it for others. my strain of choice is blz bud to start off with.
anyhoo the cfls will be in a sealed compartment seperated from the plant by a sheet of perspex :-P
will be running 8-10 cfls, 24 watt, 4 as lower lighting in individual sealed boxes in the flowering area sharing a ventilation system using 3" duct.
the dimensions of the total flowering area (top of resi/net pot 2 the sheet of perspex) are 24" high, 20" wide and 14" deep, the relatively tall area is why i decided to use lower side lighting and try out a scrog? would you reccomend this or just top or fim it to get it nice and bushy? after yield for area and quality.
i was looking at a bubbleponic setup, about 10 litre 2.6 gallon resi or a soil grow, best nutes for quality either way.

so my questions are-
1- will 8-10 24 watt cfls be enough for my area?
2- what cfm would you reccomend for the exhaust? looking at a 120cfm fan,will this be enough with a passive intake? more than prepared to add more
3- can i use 3000k and 5000k bulbs?
4- would you suggest soil or bubbleponics for better quality?
5- are the canna range ok either way? soil/water (i can get it locally)
6- what nutes would you use?
7- in this much area how would you recommend to grrow/train? lst? scrog? fimm?
8- anyone had any experience with blz bud? any idea of approx yield?
cheers, ben
Hey Ben- So, you giving up on LEDS, or what?
I found The PERFECT LIGHT ... it's not LED, but it is a plasma screw in bulb that would rock your cabinet all by itself.

Check it out here.

Only $145, runs cool, and is claimed to be equivalent to 200w hid.
hey viagro sorry for the hiatus, had some surgery lol. not giving up led's just havent been convinced yet and i wanna get a grow underway lol. i saw those lights, what u reckon bout em? good enough for my space and as a standalone? dont need any supplimentary cfls etc?
hey viagro sorry for the hiatus, had some surgery lol. not giving up led's just havent been convinced yet and i wanna get a grow underway lol. i saw those lights, what u reckon bout em? good enough for my space and as a standalone? dont need any supplimentary cfls etc?

Standalone, I got mine today it is the ticket. Damn, it's perfect for you. I can't vouch for more than first impressions, but it appears to be the shit.
lol yeh only small keyhole op this time, next time open shoulder though, the suckie one lol hopefully have my first grow done and dusted for then so i have some meds!
stupid stomach condition means i cant take painkillers, what a shame :D
lol yeh only small keyhole op this time, next time open shoulder though, the suckie one lol hopefully have my first grow done and dusted for then so i have some meds!
stupid stomach condition means i cant take painkillers, what a shame :D

Ouch! Yeah, you need a successful grow, pronto. I'm looking into White Widow crosses for pain. White Castle and Blue Widow have my attention for that application.
You probably know more than me about that, but I'm just passing it along for what it's worth. If you're strapped for time, and need a quick crop, I'd check=out Belladonna...that strain intrigues me. Small, but fast and apparently unique. I've got Santa and Speed Devil and Cobra, but went with Fast Bud to get some done as fast as possible. Also growing Kalichakra.

Good luck!
cheers bud, yeah i have seen that belladonna strain before i might order some asap, looks like ill be ok though, i have a kind hearted grower who offered to help me out, we'll see what happens... lol all the white strains are fantastic for pain ive heard, all about the cbd content with pain, and indicas lol but variety is key, ive read you build a tollerance to the cbd of different strains quickly, why i wanna do multiple small cabinets and that light looks like it could be the ticket, bring the total cost for each cabinet to around $400-$500 finished and produce a £ for a cost of about $80 each per grow... hmm sounds good to me! have 8 strains going at once, about a £ per strain yummy!
got any more info on the light at all? any grows done with it? cheers for all your help bud!
belladonna seems like the ticket if im to believe what i read, ill even have enough time to squeeze it in if i can order it in the next week IF the insurance company decides to be nice and pay me lol sounds awesome, exactly my kind of strain! you really do have some awesome info man its been a huge help, thank you
No worries, it's my pleasure. I've enjoyed bouncing ideas off of you. I'm learning as we go.

That ProGrow looks damn good. I like that idea.

Glad you're squared away, and your game plan sounds good. Now, if your shoulder gets put back right, I imagine you'll be a force to be reckoned with. LOL
lol thats why im doing a lil iddy biddy practice grow for now so when im all put back together again i can do a full blown grow lol might get the prow grow to start with and get a plasma to add for flowering.... he he
That plasma light does give off a bit of heat, so it is problematic for a real tight space.

Did you get my pm? I don't know if I'm doing that right...sheesh. I tried to encourage you to consider those GrowSpot bulbs. They seem ideal for micro-grows.

I ordered a TerrierGrowl, but I think they sent me a knock off because there seems to be lead in the contact point. Shit. But it is a bright little bastard.
what are the benefit of those grow spot bulbs like the kessil?

Man, the Kessil is amazing. It took me awhile to come around, but it is slick. It's small, QUIET, and powerful enough to rock the smaller grows.
Check out the videos @, or, even youtube has some interesting info. Very well made.

Those GrowSpot bulbs from are cool because they can be used to supplement or even solely light, a small grow. And they screw in, that's handy. Plus the modular aspect spreads out the liability in terms of failure.

As you know, I'm opposed to cfls because of the mercury hazard, and these are the answer in my book.

I have a Blackstar, but it's too big and noisy for me right now.
dunno, everyone seems to be wanting to steer me clear of leds for my first grow, what do you think? ive sealed an area off so cfls wont pose a risk, ill be growing a 60 day auto hopefully if that helps at all, got any advice on autos? if the progrow WILL provide all the light i need (dont mind adding a coupla cfls if i gotta) or at least see me through veg until i sort something elsae out ill get it. are the kessils suitable from seed to smoke?
dunno, everyone seems to be wanting to steer me clear of leds for my first grow, what do you think? ive sealed an area off so cfls wont pose a risk, ill be growing a 60 day auto hopefully if that helps at all, got any advice on autos? if the progrow WILL provide all the light i need (dont mind adding a coupla cfls if i gotta) or at least see me through veg until i sort something elsae out ill get it. are the kessils suitable from seed to smoke?

Yes, the Kessils are good from start to finish. I got the magenta, because it leans on the red end, but can still do it all. The purple is more of an all around balance.

I wonder how many people who have tried to steer you away from LEDs have any experience growing with quality LEDs? I'm sold on them, and just because your cabinet is sealed against disaster with cfls, your crop is at risk. Imagine a bulb breaking just before harvest? It's an unneccessary risk. I don't like the tech, anyway. But, suit yourself, you certainly can succeed either way and I wish you all the best. Good luck whichever way you jump.

edit: The ProGrow would be plenty...more than enough.
Regarding autos: I just know what I read, I have no experience with them. I sort of became fascinated because the cognescenti seem to look down their nose at them...and I'm sort of a contrarian. I don't like to move with the herd. So, I've spent some time looking into them.

I wanted to grow some Santa before Christmas, just for the silly idea of it. I only have one seed and it isn't feminized, so I passed and germed Fast Bud. We already talked about Belladonna, but that preoccupies my thoughts on autos. I'm going to plant my Speed Devil#2 next. I can't vouch for it, but I'm growing very small, and I need a quick turn around to build some medicine.

Let's talk about this somemore later. Maybe through pm...if I can learn how to use that right. LOL. I sent myself a pm trying to send one to you. Then I sent you 2 of the same. Sheesh. You sure you want my advice? :)
nah, i really do want to get an led, just had a lot of mixed opinions, now ive been reading about uv? ill get the progrow, it will atleast give me the fantastic bushy veg growth im after, i can always grab a kessil later to supplement during flower if i feel i need it hey? i reckon the progrow could even do 4 small autos sog style you think so?