Help me pick one of these strains!!


Hey guys, so I had a couple of Nirvana's Northern Light grows, and I enjoyed them very much! Now, as I am running out of my stuff, I want to buy some more seeds from Nirvana. I have been researching for almost 3 hours and have settled between these 3 strains: AK-48, Jock Horror and White Widow. The most important factor to me is the high. So if you have tryed any of these strains or maybe even had really good experience with any of Nirvana's strains, please help me choose!!
Cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well after doing a detailed Nirvana WW grow and smoke report in reply to this thread, I promptly (accidentally) deleted it. Doh!

Just do yourself a favor and go with the Widow.
When I finally finish out all the clones I will have had it in my garden for almost a year! No regrets here!


Well after doing a detailed Nirvana WW grow and smoke report in reply to this thread, I promptly (accidentally) deleted it. Doh!

Just do yourself a favor and go with the Widow.
When I finally finish out all the clones I will have had it in my garden for almost a year! No regrets here!
OK, White Widow it is then :) just ordered it, seeds should come around in a week or so i hope! Such a pity you deleted your smoke report :( Mind making another one? I'll give you +rep, haha!!!!
thanks guys for all of your suggestions!
White widow is strong really uppy high, jock horror i tried it once its alot like northern lights which is quite amazing, and ak 48 is pretty common but good


Well-Known Member
i have some nirvana ice seedling a couple weeks old. ive smoked it before and its og kush status. just gotta find the right pheno, good luck with your WW


I just start some Northern lights,how did they turn out for you.As far as the yield was concern.Thanks
they turned out very fine. I was growing under 50W CFL's and it is a very forgiving strain, very easy to grow. The yield was around 25g from one plant, which i was very happy about, because I was growing on a tight budget. and the smoke was extremely nice, the best quality high i ever had. definitely no way you can go wrong with choosing Nirvana's Northern Light! good luck with your grow man, i hope it turns out as good as mine!


Well-Known Member
I have watched people ask others to pick their strains and I have an idea of how to pick your own strains to grow. 1st think of 1 of the strains you want to grow. 2nd reach between your legs grab your nuts and squeeze. If it hurts pick the other strain.