Help Me Revive her Please


Active Member
not to sound rude,,, buy a real light,,
veg mode ok,,,,
HPS,, when you want to send her into flower.
i have just ONE 430 HPS,,and the results are amazing,, worth all the money you'll outlay for it


Active Member
Little up date not much change. Thinking she wants some nutes.
Im still waiting for the soil to dry out so i can water her. and i will do as u suggested Wyteboi 11 drops into 1 gallon and feed her maybe the entire gallon we will see. i really hope she is a she. im really loven the shape its taken.

Side note. the burnt spots on the last pictures are from when my light fixture fell and was resting on my plant



Well-Known Member
IMG_1366.jpg <-----click this, i drawed on it.

IF u can take a close up of those ^^ spots then i know i can tell if she is a she...... Anyways things are lookin great..........only one issue now, it is time for flower and i just dont think thats enough light . (to produce good ones) At least 4 more of those bulbs should do it. I have only witnessed one person do it with cfl's and it turned out good , but u could tell the buds would have been bigger and more full of tricks. I was just noticeing how full she is ! :clap: Its gonna be hard to penatrate all those leaves, but it just all depends on the loot situation.
Oh and yes use that food.........just do what u are doing and wait till she is dryed up a lil.


Well-Known Member
yea your right , its still young but i am pretty sure that a male would have showed male by now. So treat that just like a female. i am 70% its a girl!


Active Member
alright well i fed her a gallon of water this am with her first feeding of bloom and tonight when she goes to bed will start flowering. i couldnt believe it took a gallon of water and nothing drained out of the bottom.. i put alot of perlite in there.


Well-Known Member
if it held a whole gallon with no drainage then it needs more perlite. (its too late now) you will have to go by the weight of the pot before u watered it. then water again..........its probably gonna take 5 or 6 days before it drys up ???? not sure but my "rule" is what ever it can drink in no more then 4 days is great. i cant wait to see your flowers with those cfls .


Active Member
if it held a whole gallon with no drainage then it needs more perlite. (its too late now) you will have to go by the weight of the pot before u watered it. then water again..........its probably gonna take 5 or 6 days before it drys up ???? not sure but my "rule" is what ever it can drink in no more then 4 days is great. i cant wait to see your flowers with those cfls .
ooooh wait lol i added more. I have 4x 100 watt equiv 6500 cfls and 4x 150watt equiv 2700 cfls

Just about all of my smaller leaves under the canopy are curling up and discoloring and falling off. staying soft threw the entire process not drying up.

What could cause this... i was thinking ph fluctuation.



Well-Known Member
i am pretty sure that is normal in your situation. If it was ALL of um then be worried but it looks all normal to me, the leaves toward the bottom always die off. mine dont really curl too much but they get real yellow and just die...... its no big deal. I dont know much about dolomite lime but i do know it keeps the ph in the soil danm near perfect. I water mine with a ph of 4.8 (not by choice) and most people would say their gonna die from that low ph but the plant shows different! So in my opinion the dolomite lime is a must! It comes in the Promix i been usein and it super cheap. (cheaper then the stuff u bought)


Active Member
everday day i come home from work i have at least 6 or 7 completely dead leaves under the canopy. the day before these leaves looked perfect. they die in just 1 day. here are a few pictures of the plant yesterday when i got home from work. and the dead


Well-Known Member
mine that are in veg are just like that.........its always the stuff under the canopy. you might want to pinch off some of that lil shit , thats not gonna produce much anyways. (some of the very small "clones" and all the lil leaves INSIDE the plant,, just the stuff you know aint gonna get no light. that will force all the new growth to all those pretty tops)
I like to take all the lower junk off mine.... i believe they call that lollipopin around here ?
It still looks fine to me..... are u still in 24 light ? in my veg room it is the same way.... bout 20 or 30 ALL yellow leaves in one day, but it is all on the "inside" of the canopy so i know its normal. The plant has done used all it can outta those leaves.
As long as its not the top or new leaves ... its no big deal.
I know it sounds like a lot but i would put even more lights on the sides of her.......
The main thing is that ph prob is fixed !!!


Active Member
now its in flowering 12/12 not sure on what to feed it. i must water today at some point and not sure what to give. i have Schultz bloom plus and Schultz 10-15-10. do i use both? or only the bloom?


Well-Known Member
Whats the #s on the bloom ? i thought you decided to do 11 drops to the gallon ? that is fine for the first weeks of flower, send me the numbers and info on that bloom plus and i'll help u out!


Active Member
Whats the #s on the bloom ? i thought you decided to do 11 drops to the gallon ? that is fine for the first weeks of flower, send me the numbers and info on that bloom plus and i'll help u out!
the shultz plant food is 10-15-10 and the Shultz bloom plus is 10% Nitrogen 54% Phosphate 10% soluble potash .05 Manganese .05% zinc


Well-Known Member
the shultz plant food is 10-15-10 and the Shultz bloom plus is 10% Nitrogen 54% Phosphate 10% soluble potash .05 Manganese .05% zinc

that bloom is VERY high numbers, just use the other for now.
How much does it say to use on bloom?