HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

kenny ken 77

Active Member
I'm not sure whether I'm right as I've never grown in soil and haven't grown much at all, though I've read a lot, check weed farmer .com, I've read somewhere that inconsistent watering, I.e. Bone dry/ flooding clauses those dark necrotic spots on leaves, it seems to me that most problems asscociated with growing is when people use soil. Everyone says that hydroponics is for the experienced and mistakes are disastrous,though maintain the basics,p.h. Follow your nuts recommended dose and problems??? None. Soil it seems are endless. I'm sorry I can't give much good advice apart from read up and good luck. Also, save up and get NFT, seriously! Love your babies and they'll love you. Good growing hunny. :-)


Well-Known Member
P lock-out due to poor drainage. re-pot or it won't matter what sex they are. read a book before starting..........jeez. poor plants


Well-Known Member
I see a pistil too..hermi then. Glad you came by to save em. Gnats like wet soil so not surprized.
ok so now my only question is. WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE NATS???

ALSO. we kept the one hermi and ditched the 3 in veg since the big one is already flowering.

ill keep updates on the last 8 they are very nice :)


Well-Known Member
Why would someone clone male plant? Worse still sell them on. Not professional really. Perhaps find a better grower and one that can teach u a bit locally.
dont flower the hermi and the females together or you'll get seeds in both

we put the hermi in a different room. bf wantss to make hash outta him i guess -.-, lolol


so they other plants look amazing but ummm
r they suposd to look like they are getting crystals already??


Active Member
For the gnats use diatomaceous earth on the surface of your soil, sprinkle it liberally on the soil to cover the surface. Do this outside so you don't breathe in the dust.

Get your fluorescent lights very close to the tops of the plants, 4-6 inches away max, they don't put out much heat so it will be fine.

Go read as many stickies as you can.


Active Member
You got a mess going on here... Here's what I would do. Fuck transplanting to 2 gallon pots go stright for a 5 gallon bucket a nd super crop those bitches.GET A HPS FIXTURE!!! For the soil use an organic soil with bone meal and throw a few earth worms in the soil. Use Jacks classics 10-52-10 nutrients water as usual but check your ph and you should be good to go! If you have any questions ask me I'll be more than glad to help.

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Yes looking at those two pics, I have similar on my ladies, I'll take a picture tomorrow and post it, I hope you've not killed them yet. Take care and good growing.


I think you didn't look before you leaped. You need to get a proper growing environment, learn how to sex them, get some good pots, the right soil, the right lights, right ventilation, right nutes.
I did a shit ton of reading before I bought a thing, and I had a very good mentor on here as well. You've done just about everything wrong so far, so you can only go right from here.
its fine its fineee
the ladies are ok we jus seperated em.
but one WAS a herm. it had hella seeds starting to sprout so we tossed tht but the other ones are fine.
but what is a mag?