First off lets keep in mind he was asking for help. The 5th postLets hope everyone agrees!
That's pretty fucked up to hear especially when it wasn't called for. Secondly he's 19 and when I was 19 it would have pissed me off (human nature).
He should have been humble but instead he was a DICK!!!!! Spark started in with me because of thisDude are like 10 or something? Something is just not right with you, your either the PO PO or a 15 yr old kid take your pick. There how about that "expirience" brother? Now let me tell you why your fucked up questions are starting to piss people off. I will take your last for instance.
When I wanted to change nutes I spent at LEAST 30 hours researching every single one of the main brands of nutes out there writing down every NPK of every nute out there, I went though all the "VOO DOO" bullshit as well studying them and trying to figure out why I should use this or that. I took that information along with my research of the best growers (NEVER ASKING 1 QUESTION OF THEM!!) I could find on this site and others and matching what they used to my list narrowing it down more as to what I was going to use. NO you cannot know what I use
You have 1000 posts soon and you are nothing but a smoke and toke looking to leach off of our work and knowledge but even after all of that you don't know WTF you want to do or how to do it. My suggestion go back to the smoke and toke threads so you can look cool with your 1000 posts and use fucking Round UP on your plants and quit wasting our time!![]()
He tried so hard so hard to insult people he had to try it with me but I'm much older than he is so I can't go there like that I've already got caught up with BS on this site for really getting into someone on here and got negative reps from the mods just because I was being a asshole to a asshole lol but it's true. So now I handle it like an adult.Leave him alone. You are real cool attacking a first time grower who needs help. You are being a dick he's 19 look at his name PeacefulKid1992.
Gotta say let's help and not get twisted. Just think what teachers have to go through. They have to keep their cool when the students don't listen.i don't really care who Pk is, lets grow some kriptonite shit! together we reach farther.
Gotta say let's help and not get twisted. Just think what teachers have to go through. They have to keep their cool when the students don't listen.
This arguament has to end in some conclusion!!!! What would you think the best solution would be? Maybe pK should stick to just asking questions and not answering them? Would this be a solution to it all? An apology as well!! We have heard both sides to the story and now were just getting each others backs up! Sparkafire had a valid point all along and lots agree because pK shouldn't go posting crap he dosen't know about, this is not cool to anyone and we all know it! But on the other hand lots of people are calling for pK to have a chance and that he has been well and truly told now! I really think that the best option would be for him to just ask the questions and not answer any for a long time.
Yes his attitude has shown through as childish and that may be the best he can do but this has to end somewhere. As to whos grow is most impressive, damn they both look sh!t hot!
I have a recipe for organic Cal/Mag. It's 1 tsp Epsom salt and 1 tbsp Molasses per galon. Epsom salt is 100% Magnesium and Molasses has trace elements, Potassium and calcium. It also replaces sweet as well that means less $$$ on those products you spend big dollar$ on. I've been using it for years and laugh at the guys who waste their money on the big name products who uses the same stuff and water it down.
I also need to know what kind of light you are using and how far away it is from the plantThanks bro i got some epsom salt beacuse its good for when i train too hard and my muscles hurt,i put some epsom salt in te hot tub and my pain goes soreness goes away =). I read also it got alot of Magnesium,i will go get some Molasses syrup tonightMy plants are doing worse and I know after this they will
Gotta say let's help and not get twisted. Just think what teachers have to go through. They have to keep their cool when the students don't listen.
Oh yeah if you can get this brand
View attachment 1610904
You can get it from whole foods store if you got one in your area or any health food store
I also need to know what kind of light you are using and how far away it is from the plant
Will this prduct be too bad compared to the Blackstrap Molasses?
View attachment 1610952I read this will do the job, also you can use this in your first like 2 weeks when your plant starts to flower.
Sorry dude im not going against ur product but this is the easiest and fastest Molasses product I can get :/ cuz my plants really do need it,they are getting worse.