Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
Well fuck if PK is giving + rep I am in !!!

I think your done here buddy.............. Bye Bye Kiddo!! 15 and stealing shit from daddy to grow weed does not sit well in RIU land.

Don't forget to + rep me bro!!
Leave him alone. You are real cool attacking a first time grower who needs help. You are being a dick he's 19 look at his name PeacefulKid1992.



Well-Known Member
Man I'm 42 and you're barking at the wrong person.
I grow monster plants and high quality smoke. You are attacking me because of your insecurity. I've browsed through some of your threads and it seems to me you copy and paste on most of your post to make yourself look like experienced grower, but you are wrong. Just one of my plants will equal 5 or 6 of the ones you are growing right now so keep on insulting me.


Well-Known Member
That's his bodyguard
I remember you. You are a band wagoner who likes drama where is all this leading too. The guy is new to growing so what if he asks a question that's been asked over and over that doesn't give Spark a reason for being a dick and you condone it that makes you just as bad as him.


Well-Known Member
I grow monster plants and high quality smoke. You are attacking me because of your insecurity. I've browsed through some of your threads and it seems to me you copy and paste on most of your post to make yourself look like experienced grower, but you are wrong. Just one of my plants will equal 5 or 6 of the ones you are growing right now so keep on insulting me.
Enough of the bullshit I CHALLENGE YOU!!! Lets picka thread and both of us offer help and let the board decide which of us has the better game. I will show you cut and fucking paste You up for it dillhole? Hell I will even let you pick the thread. I noticed you spend a lot of time posting here at the hospital so you should be in top form.


Well-Known Member
I remember you. You are a band wagoner who likes drama where is all this leading too. The guy is new to growing so what if he asks a question that's been asked over and over that doesn't give Spark a reason for being a dick and you condone it that makes you just as bad as him.

And your a fucking retard, what don't you read some of his posts ASSHOLE. Did you even read this whole thread or are you to fuckin retarded to read that much?? I come on here to give advice and when some little needle dick 15 year old starts talkin shit you think im just gonna let that happen without saying anything..


Well-Known Member
im a bandwagon jumper?? well your just a plain FUCKFACE.. hahaha get the fuck outta here.. you think anything you say to me is gonna piss me off?? Don't flatter yourself
easy man THis is going to get bad as it is trust me. The mods sooner or later will step in it just depends of course how many of PK's HS buddies he has reporting us but the less you get mad the better off you are.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya, but damn i hate when people gotta put their 2 cents in without even knowing what the fudge their talking about.. I am NEVER ignorant to people (even when they ask stupid ass questions) unless they are being assholes themselves..


Well-Known Member
And your a fucking retard, what don't you read some of his posts ASSHOLE. Did you even read this whole thread or are you to fuckin retarded to read that much?? I come on here to give advice and when some little needle dick 15 year old starts talkin shit you think im just gonna let that happen without saying anything..
It's obvious your mad if you are not why the name calling? He's not 15 he's 19 you guys are so focused insulting him you didn't look at the 1992 at the end of his name that's the year he was born. Just don't call out age without proof that makes you guys look foolish. I can see that you guys are very immature even if he was 15 you should be arguing with a kid if you are a adult. That just makes you the fool point blank.


Well-Known Member
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It's obvious your mad if you are not why the name calling? He's not 15 he's 19 you guys are so focused insulting him you didn't look at the 1992 at the end of his name that's the year he was born. Just don't call out age without proof that makes you guys look foolish. I can see that you guys are very immature even if he was 15 you should be arguing with a kid if you are a adult. That just makes you the fool point blank.
WHAT ABOUT THE CHALLENGE DILLWEED!!!!!?????? He is 15 and he steals weed from his dad oh that's right you already know that because u help him. Hey POST YOUR GROW BRO POST YOUR GROW!!


Well-Known Member
It's obvious your mad if you are not why the name calling? He's not 15 he's 19 you guys are so focused insulting him you didn't look at the 1992 at the end of his name that's the year he was born. Just don't call out age without proof that makes you guys look foolish. I can see that you guys are very immature even if he was 15 you should be arguing with a kid if you are a adult. That just makes you the fool point blank.

If he is 15 he shouldn't be on here, and I tried helping the dude out and he just started calling people names and starting shit.. And If someone is teaching someone else the wrong way to do shit, im gonna correct them and that usually ends up with hurt feelings and then the shit talking starts. Even when I correct them in a nice way they still fell the need to get mouthy... soooooooooo your right I did talk shit to him ONLY after he wouldn't shit his mouth..


Well-Known Member
Those things are small. How many plants in each bucket? like 4 well here's some of my work I've done and what I'm doing right now


That's was last year and this is my new set up


I supply a few dispensaries and growers high quality clones bug free with crazy roots
