Help me troll thieves

Thats funny. Im gonna have to share that at the trimming circle down at the dispensary next week. I just hope the asian guy doesnt buy the electric trimmer. I love trimming circles.
That makes sense if you got a got a hot ass it's a known fact the barely legal hotties get all the good trim, I mean the only trim jobs.
2 options in my opinion. got to there hang out, bundle them in the back of the car. take them some where remote. not saying a word apart from sharping you're big big shinny knife. watch him scream and beg. lol that's the amount of respect thief's deseve im eyes and that what i would do and have done. i know its far from a sensible idea sorry.
but apart from that. i would do nothing. apart from start a rumor through a source you know will get back to him. saying you have a new amazing yop strain back. but in reality there 2 bull terriers hungry ones to in there. id wait for them and i lock them in there with the dogs. or you could just let them out once they entered the green house just to cover you're back. i.e in the fear and panic the dogs got out.if you aint got no dogs and if you're in the uk. send me a pm you can gladly lend my 2 bull terriers seriously id help np. ill even lock them-in for you
Strip them naked. Tie their hands to their ankles. Staple a welcome mat to their back and throw them into a gay bar. Leave a note, "Loves bareback. No lube."
Two thing, first go know on parents door. Second thing, print their picture and put them on the door and windows they break in on your green house case they come back they will know you know. Also go get a few "game cams" the ones the hunters use for deer, any good sporting goods store will have them they take great infared night photos. Motion sensitive.
Also I have installed at my places. They are wireless cameras that cost 99 bucks each. You can monitor from iphone or any computer and android. Very private very cool.

They dont record but whoever is in there wont know that also they make the fake security cameras you can mount outside all around they look real and once again no one knows but you.
Do they live with their parents? You could get them a subscription to a gay porn mag and send them a male blow up doll as a gift, I'm sure their parents would be proud. :lol:
let them steal a plant that has the buds covered in a powder that will burn the lungs, pepper, paprika, chilli, etc they will not touch that shit again.
or get rid of them for good and add ground/powdered glass.
People havent used the term "trim" referring to sex since like 1996.
OH serious? ROFL I was referring to the shameless hiring of the barely legal very attractive and fit girls
who get first dibs from the growers who habitually gather a 'trim circle' otherwise known as a group of attractive young fit girls of which to pick from a nice hot ass to have sex with, uh yes, yes... sex is what they have in mind... so did you think that ended? :eyesmoke:
i'm wondering how long ago did this happen and how many plants were stolen? Are you growing legally? If it happened recently i would go over there with your neighbor and confront them telling them you have the kid on video and you are going to report him to the authorities unless ________. Personally i would want to beat the shit out of the kid or have someone else do it but since you don't want to hurt him physically this is my best idea.
Break down his door grab him and put him in a big bag take him to your garage string him up and cut his throat..
too much?
ok x]
if your a medical patient knock on there door and tell his parents then everytime you see him drive slowly... then when he sees you and starts freaking out STOMP ON THE GAS! he be like oh shit ima get shot!
hopefully he doesnt carry a piece. :-(
or you could just get him alone and talk to him like an adult and say well i have a video of you stealing my plants just give them back and no harm will come to you.
Print out a bunch of their pictures and put "have you seen me" on them.

make the date last seen like July 20,2012

Hang em around their houses should trip the little fuckers out
so i found out who has been breaking into my greenhouse and stealing my plants.

the neighbors were over for a bonfire. we got to talking about the break ins, and the son mentioned one of his friend's facebook posts which read "stolen plants. #goodbud". it was posted by the same kid in the rastafarian hoodie who my neighbor saw gawking at my greenhouse.

well, i now have pictures, names, and addresses of the three kids involved in the thieving.

what would you do now?

first thought: knock on their door, talk to their parents.

second thought: my neighbor and i go to the police and report seeing them trespassing on my property.

third thought: elaborate troll prank that leaves them scarred for life (no bodily injuries).

so, what would you do?

sic your chickens on them

2 options in my opinion. got to there hang out, bundle them in the back of the car. take them some where remote. not saying a word apart from sharping you're big big shinny knife. watch him scream and beg. lol that's the amount of respect thief's deseve im eyes and that what i would do and have done. i know its far from a sensible idea sorry.
but apart from that. i would do nothing. apart from start a rumor through a source you know will get back to him. saying you have a new amazing yop strain back. but in reality there 2 bull terriers hungry ones to in there. id wait for them and i lock them in there with the dogs. or you could just let them out once they entered the green house just to cover you're back. i.e in the fear and panic the dogs got out.if you aint got no dogs and if you're in the uk. send me a pm you can gladly lend my 2 bull terriers seriously id help np. ill even lock them-in for you

yea, this bull terrier is terrifying...
Print out a bunch of their pictures and put "have you seen me" on them.

make the date last seen like July 20,2012

Hang em around their houses should trip the little fuckers out
Yeah this one's a great idea hahahaha
Have your revenge in the best way man ;)
gotta say, these are some pretty excellent suggestions.

they often ride their bikes around. if they leave their bikes outside at night, i may go and steal the left pedal off the bikes. once i notice they've replaced the left pedal, i'll go steal it again. same pedal. that's all.
Lmao. My Pedal Bytch.!.

Or take the seat off, that has to be easier.. they can ride the bikes and take it up the rear @ the same time.