Help me troll thieves

Call their folks and rat them off and then tell the parents that your Homeowners insurance might be contacting them for damages.
And that you placed a 5K price tag on each of the plants.
And last that the police may will be brought in because your losses from their kids theft of your plants.
Of course they could keep all this from happening if they were to take care of the problem BEFORE you
get a check from your insurance carrier.
i'll have to wait until they have cars.

Oh dang. They must have some major possession. They got you through your property. i'd look for ways to wage war on theirs. Not their parents'.

Too bad schools are such prisons now. Otherwise I'd paint the crude penises on their lockers.

If you know a local sheriff or something, get some business cards and place one in their mailbox every day.

There MUST be a creative use of the paint gun in all this. cn
You said they have bikes? Just stick some sardines down the seat post, they will get ripe quick. You might try filling their tires with spray foam insulation that comes in an aresol can, it should make the tires extremely unbalanced.
You said they have bikes? Just stick some sardines down the seat post, they will get ripe quick. You might try filling their tires with spray foam insulation that comes in an aresol can, it should make the tires extremely unbalanced.

you've never done this kind of thing before have you?
Make friends with the kid and make him feel like he is in your debt, then just be cool to him and teach him not to steal shit, and make him mow your lawn. Make friends with parents too, be pillar of community, not a grower involved in drama. Any negative attention on growing or possibly being in the news is still bad imo and he probably isn't violent, just retarded.
I would paint crude penises on his car's major panels using good gel stripper. cn
Make friends with the kid and make him feel like he is in your debt, then just be cool to him and teach him not to steal shit, and make him mow your lawn. Make friends with parents too, be pillar of community, not a grower involved in drama. Any negative attention on growing or possibly being in the news is still bad imo and he probably isn't violent, just retarded.

And then punch him?