Help me troll thieves

post on his facebook, you are the guy that he stole from.
That he ows you the full estimated cash value of said plants and give his street number so you know your not shitting.
Okay, Buck. I think I have something.

What do straight teenage boys fear the most?

There is your answer.

Go to an adult bookstore and find the most heinous gay porn you can find and plant it.

Gay porn in his car.

Gay porn in his backpack.

Hack into his email account and spam gay porn to all of his contacts.

Whever you see them give them this look and wave at them.
Go to Adam & Eve online and order him a ginormous vibrating dildo, and anal lube.

A DVD would be nice, too.

Perhaps even a subscription to a magazine.

Make that little bastard sorry he ever even looked at your greenhouse.
Go to Adam & Eve online and order him a ginormous vibrating dildo, and anal lube.

A DVD would be nice, too.

Perhaps even a subscription to a magazine.

Make that little bastard sorry he ever even looked at your greenhouse.

The Troll God has spoken ...
He may appreciate these gifts.

But even so, the most insulting and derogatory thing a teenage boy could be called, or be accused of; is being a homosexual.

Consider how angry the little rat bastard would be to know someone saw him that way.

LULZ in the real world are my favorite kinds of LULZ.
i think i'm going to do what someone else suggested, start a facebook account called "the stolen plant". send them private messages and friend requests. let them know that i know where they live. let them know that i know what trouble they've gotten into at school. let them know that i know their parents' names.

ya know, just make them feel the heat a bit. i'll be sure to call the napoleon dynamite looking mother fucker napoleon dynamite. inform them i will not be voting for pedro.
Go to Adam & Eve online and order him a ginormous vibrating dildo, and anal lube.

A DVD would be nice, too.

Perhaps even a subscription to a magazine.

Make that little bastard sorry he ever even looked at your greenhouse.

theres plenty of gay online sites too use his photo's to make a profile on there. an anonymous note could be placed in his mail with intentions of his parents finding it
"hey fuckslut69 its bigdickbobby from came round for that meet but you weren't here"

if you have his phone number you could also give it out across that site i wouldnt suggest sending anyone to his address tho